Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

199 Stories College Graduation - You Nest From College -

"Now we are going to have a graduation ceremony for Drugle heroes, natural enemies of the oxen, academy kirin children, awakeners in cooking, mushrooms extremes, liberators of the cave of trials, attackers of the junior explorer dungeons, favored enemies of the founding king Amadeo-Sandstream, conductors of pudding and ice cream, seekers with postprandial causes, those who lead the academy on the right path, God blessed, sinners, female natural enemies Suizu Marquis, Count Lyogio-Uchino, the (two) nostalgia of Princess Elena"

"Wow! Why did you put two names in the first place! And you used to say it all at once!

Laughter arose from everywhere as Princess Elena and court magicians Hellman and Cardinal Ralph, as well as Count Euhan and Marco, etc. were lined up with professors and lecturers from the Royal Academy of Magic gathered in the auditorium and the Duke of Harrold, who was called as a guest, in a list of two names read out loud. After an unfettered exchange on the stage, Dean Charlotta handed me his diploma, and Xuji, who received a great deal of applause, spoke toward him as he raised the received deed high.

"Thanks for graduating for one of me today! Earlier, I checked with the Dean of the Academy, and he told me that I, Orlando and Elizabeth had fallen out and Neyham had eight students in, and the general class was 108 with all sorts of different students. The reform of the college will change from two to three years, but I also heard that everyone will be advanced. Everyone wants you to wear new attributes and shortened chants in the attribute awakening I've developed as you study for another year! And promote me all over the Sandstream kingdom saying, 'From our generation, the College was reborn'! If you feel like it, I'm going to rule. Visit the Earl Territory, too! If you graduate with outstanding grades, pay me high, but I'll hire you! Of course, you're welcome to come on vacation!

"Come anytime," he said after his words of gratitude, again with a big round of applause. "Okay! I'm gonna graduate as chief and get Count Lyoge to hire me!" "I'll also publish a paper and do some collaborative research with Mr. Lyoge." "I'll awaken [Thunder] attributes and have them polish their sword arms and hire them!" "I will be hired as a magician wearing attribute awakening and chanting shortening!" And so on and so forth, he cheered. He went on to talk even more when he seemed pleased to see the motivated students and the lecturers and professors smiling bitterly.

"I prepared dishes to thank you for today's graduation. Guys, we've got food and drinks in the training area, so we'll meet up after graduation! I need you to eat and drink with all your heart! Of course, we have sweets!

Now the grand auditorium shook so loudly in his voice that Elena had a modest gutsy pose when she looked at her guests, and Harold and other guests laughed bitterly when they saw how it was going.


"Nevertheless, you've prepared so many dishes."

"Sort of. With my connections, it's as easy as this. Mr. Marco. I've got some booze for you today, so drink it up! Uncle Euhan thanks you for today, too. The Count made it possible to have territory. I also think this is because you took it up as a knight. I'll give you back the garrison, but call me anytime you need anything... Ouch!"

"Why are you going to return the garrison! Though I'm sure you built the city! Aurelio said, 'Can I convert the work I've been pressed into amounts and charge them?' He said it with his dying eyes. If I find out I'm going to give it back, they'll charge me even at the end of the earth."

"What the fuck! You're not bogged down yet! Marco's scratches are unmatched, so if you pull out the heirloom Harrison easily... Ouch! I haven't spoken to the end... Ouch! No! Wait... Ouch!"

"Ugh! What the hell is wrong with you? It's Harrison, the heir! King Marcel gave me a medal for scratching, but you are the root of all evil!

"Awful! You got two lovely Marco names in Wang Du! He's in charge of the entire Sandstream kingdom, including the King! I flushed it! The secret of the shock that will be revealed here and now! What do you say, Marco... Ouch no! Hey...... Ouch! Wait till the end of the story...... Ouch, no! It hurts!"

"You! What spread those two names! He said he was a gatekeeper at Drugle: 'You're Marco, the head of the entire Sandstream kingdom, including the king! Me! I respect you!' That's what adventurers say! The first time you told me, I drank until I lost my memory!

The students, lecturers, and professors were touched by Marco's comic talent, and the guests, beginning with Harold, looked at it with a bitter smile.


"Phew, I had a terrible eye. Where is Princess Elena?

"There's been a heated debate with some of the girls over there about the soot."

"You don't get bumpy. Princess Elena is. By the way, can Cardinal Ralph, who is touching Mithril's clothes with a stick from earlier, please let go?

"Fair enough. Lord Lyoji will be gone soon from Wang Du, so I have to make a touchdown!

"Are you touching me?! Then this is the Mithril iorus statue I made in my spare time. I'll give you this, so please let me go."

"Ho, are you sure? What am I supposed to do when I get something like this? Ooh! Mithrill gear is also faithfully reproduced! Already! May I dedicate my life to Lord Lyoge?

"Please don't dedicate! I don't need it! Please lead the faithful as Cardinals!

"You don't have anything for me..."

"Dear Herman! I'll give Herman 10 potions and mana potions and a secret medicine! Please stop ramming me to the ground!

"Ooh...... Wow, should I dedicate my lifelong loyalty to Count Lyoge?

"It's not good! Loyalty be to King Marcel! There! Lord Harold! If you look at me like that, I won't raise the room for expansion!

"Shit, I heard Lord Lyoge didn't give you a present."

"Please don't say anything horrible! I'll send you something to think about!

"I'm sorry I urged you."

"Rest assured. Guests and college directors, professors and lecturers will also receive gifts…"