Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

200 Stories Departure for Self-Government - You're Traveling from Wang Du -

"Everybody ready?

When Karenarien or Melta or Cro nodded loudly at the words of the two, they began to greet me towards the same one who came to drop me off from the top of the carriage.

"Thanks for dropping me off! As I said during graduation, stop by when you come to my territory! 'Cause I'll give you a proper welcome! And if you have any trouble, leave a letter with the mansion keeper!' Cause I'll be sure to rush!

"Well, can I write to you if you and Mateo quarrel?

"Of course! If I make Lucia unhappy, I'll cut Mateo's salary as much as I can, and I'll give it to Lucia, so don't worry! Instead, it's conditional on us not breaking up!

"I'll put together a special class instead of my brother, so don't worry!

"Naturally! You're going to take my place, so if you do something you've lost, I'm going to retrain you! And if you make Maisica unhappy, you'll triple the hell training I did before!

Speaking out from special classes Lucia and Naiham, Jiji replied out loud, Lucia and Maisica seemed happy, and Mateo and Naiham nodded loudly with a bright blue face. Charlotta, who looked at him smiling like that, approached him with a small voice.

"The next day I met with you and Crochan, Lyoge, I received a call from Chief Professor Reinart, saying, 'I read a hot letter from Dean Charlotta. I'm glad you feel like it, but can I ask you to wait until the study of unchanging chants is done? We'll get results in a year, so let's get married afterwards'? You're the one who sent the letter, aren't you, George?

"That's not Master Lyoge, I'm the killer. I wrote Charlotta's enthusiasm to Chief Professor Reinart in a letter. Good thing Charlotta got married."

"A letter?" "Tilting his neck, Crowe came into the conversation from the side. Hearing the details from Crowe, Koji made a tough reprimand against Crowe when he apologized to Charlotta, Lucia and Nayham for holding his head.

"Were you doing that? No, you can't! I'm glad it happened so well this time, but if I made a mistake, I couldn't take it back! You can't mess with people's love paths! Next time, I'll have Mr. Schwartz come home! Apologize to everyone!

I burst into tears in Chrome's eyes at the words of "Oh, I'm sorry. Dear Mr. Lyoge," he whimpered, apologizing, and went to Lucia, Neyham and Charlotta to apologize. From the three of them, "It was good as it turned out. But you can't do it anymore," he said.

"That's unusual. I can't believe Master Lyoge is angry."

"It's obvious. Even if it's good because it worked, it's a theory of results, and if you make a mistake, it's a training ground. If I were you, I wouldn't be happy to have Crowe dine and confess. I will forcefully open my own path of love. Like in Karenarien and Melta."

When Karenarien came to his side and spoke, he spoke as if to whine as he looked at the apologetic cro. Karenarien smiled and began to speak under her ear with a tear-eyed look as she happily took her arms and brought her body closer.

"Well, you cut yourself open about Elena and Crowe, too. Pfft, I'm just kidding. Don't worry, I admit about the two of you. But please talk to me in advance in the future. Ah! No mistresses!

"I won't increase it anymore! I mean, there's no mistress from the beginning!

And I look at Jiji, who answers with indignation, and I say, "You don't know if it's going to increase, do you? Even so, Karenarien gave herself to his body with joy.


"Okay! Well, we're leaving!

The carriage began to move quietly as he whipped his horse into the sound of the second chant. As the carriage carrying the two of them proceeded from the mansion to Central Avenue, it was from along the way that he said, "Master Lyoge! Come back when you open the store!" "Even if you go over there, deliver the delicious ones to the King's Capital!" "I made a mistress first, and I'm waiting for the paper to come out when it's a training ground!" and many others gathered to speak.

"Who! Who said" mistress "now! You don't make mistresses!

When Jiji shouted out loud at the voice from along the way, a laugh came up from everywhere and said, "Be careful!" "Waiting for your work over there to be in the papers!," he said, fisting loudly, "Let it be! Look forward to the paper!" He shouted and answered.

When the two of them plugged in front of the water candy factory, employees lined up in front of the factory. When Jie Er looked out of the carriage, he said, "Dear George! Be careful!" "You think a lot of delicious recipes!" "We will do our utmost to reward you for what you have received from Lord Lyoge!" and other voices rose more than they did when they left King's Capital.


"All right, you've gone a long way from Wang Du, haven't you?

"Right. Is it about two hours from Wang Du?

To Karenarien's words, Xuji nodded, "Say hello later. 'Cause if you need anything, I'll be right back,' he said, jumping into the“ room of expansion "and onto the transfer magic formations he was installing.

"Welcome home. Dear George."

Harrold was waiting for his return when he opened the door to the guest room laughing "I'm home" at Melta, who was returning to the mansion at the Transition Magic Formation earlier.

"Thank you for waiting"

"No, I'm sorry I called you back. It was important to get him out of King's Capital."

Currently, seven sets of metamagic were complete. The completed transfer magic formations were set up in each of the mansions of King Marcel, Harold, Cardinal Ralph, the court magician Herman and the Knights Theobalt and the Royal Academy of Magic, all of which were connected to the mansions of the two. This time, when he heard that a secret request had been made, Haji designated his mansion as a meeting point, and Harold used the transfer magic team to come to Haji's mansion. It was a letter from King Marcel confirming the contents of the scroll handed over by the Duke of Harold, and it was a serious official document rather than the usual fuzzy contents.

"" There are rumors that heavy taxes were being imposed in Count Laem territory. In the Count of Lyogio-Uchino, we must restore the standard of living of the King's people through open and just territorial management. "It says" rumor, "but it says" serve, "right? I was heavily taxed."

"Don't be. Non's intelligence didn't get any information either. You did a great job."

Seeing Harold groan hatefully, Jiji spoke to comfort.

"Rest assured. If I go, I'll erase all wrongdoing at once. Lord Harold will be waiting for you in the mansion for tea. Unfortunately, I will see the villages and towns around me before I head to the capital."

"I've heard some smelly rumors lately. Be very careful."

When Harold snorted loudly, he returned to the room where the Transition Magic Team was set up to return to the carriage.