Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

205 Stories Self-guided Visit 4 - You're Arriving in the City -

"Still, other than around that village, you had a surprisingly severe water shortage. Why don't you make a pond or something? There is a rainy season, so if you make a pond, you can increase the crop yield."

"I guess that's because the former lord Count Lame hasn't put in the effort. Weren't they supposed to be the best because they wouldn't even be rebellious if they let them live in critical conditions?

Reinault has replied with a bitter smile to the sigh of Xuji. What Koji felt about the villages around the city was an overall water shortage. Not enough to call it dry season, but winter seems to live with less rain, so it was the best. The villagers also made several petitions to deputies in the city, but they said they could not even deal with them.

"All right! Shall we go to the city and listen to the deputy? Before I do, I need a favor from Crowe.

"What? You can take off your clothes if you want to, Master Lyoge."

"No, what are you talking about? You can't help but look at a 5-year-old naked. The person in charge of colour must be Merta... not! We're going to head to the city, so it would be helpful if people in town could check the reputation of the deputy and where the deputy is going, if possible."

"Okay. I'll show you the power of" The Dancer in the Dark Night of Darkness ". And I'll report it to Mr. Melta."

"Hey! You don't have to report it to Melta!

When Khlo laughed niggardly at the screams of the two of them, he headed to the city.


A day after Clo's arrival, the two arrived in the city. As he plugged into the city entrance, the gatekeeper stuck out his spear and stopped the carriage and asked the two of them questions.

"Stop! What are you doing in this city!

"We are merchants on our journey to the capital. I heard Count Lyoge is taking office as our new lord, so I was hoping you'd like to enjoy what we have."

When Reinart answered with his hips low, the gatekeeper restarted his spear as he was convinced and began checking his luggage.

"I said merchant, do you have proof of merchant guild? And not much luggage for a merchant?

"That must be because we are demon stone merchants. It won't tend if it's a demonic stone, and it doesn't weigh much, so it's convenient for a traveling merchant to handle it. And this will be the Merchant Alliance Certificate."

When Reinart handed over the Merchant Guild Certificate, the gatekeeper made the confirmation as he read out his name.

"What?“ Rhinosuke from the Bimbo Hatamoto San Nambo store. "That's a different name for you and the store."

"Ha. That's a lot you can remember. Wouldn't they buy one of the demon stones, if you don't mind? We'll make it cheaper on your nearest mark."

"What about that kid over there?

"Oh, this kid is Lyoemon, the son of our“ Bimbo Hathamoto San Nambo Store ”husband. Your husband's life is a part of your training journey."

"Hello! Mr. Gatekeeper! Lyoemon! Nice to meet you!"

When Rhinarto's words were greeted with tension, the gatekeeper laughed bitterly, "You can come through. It's a little cheaper when it comes to introducing gatekeepers at the Easy Pavilion along this road," he said.


"I have a question for the sergeant,“ Bimbo Hathamoto Sun Nambo Store. ”What is it? Besides, I've never even heard of Rhinoske as Lyoemon, but does it feel like he borrowed the name of someone famous in the Sergeant's country?

"Right. And Rhinoske's a good actor, too."

"Well, if only I could get that much special training," Reinart muttered with a gennary face in his words. When he stopped the carriage in front of the Easy Pavilion, pretending not to hear Reinart whining, he went inside and finished the reception.

When I told the receptionist that it was a gatekeeper introduction, she gave me free breakfast. (2) informed him that he would stay for three nights and that another person would come later. When he booked two rooms, he received the key and entered the room to discuss the future with Reinart.

"What are you going to do now? I'm not going to help."

"Right. What are we gonna do, go back to college? As far as I'm concerned, I'm planning on going to the Reinault once I've cleaned up this city, so it's okay if Reinault's gone. You made me a giant water bottle, so I guess I can use it in all kinds of negotiations."

"With that said, the sergeant ordered me to build 10" giant water bottles, "but only when I called Mr. Marco, right?

Rhinarto's question was slightly distracted and he began to talk awkwardly.

"Look, if the water shortage was serious, I would have used a" giant water bottle ”to save it, but there was a pond, and it wasn't that serious, and in the end, you didn't use it. I'm sorry I had to rush you to make it."

"No, I've learned good. We're going to need to write a lot of magic formations with no chant verification, so it's been a good practice."

Seeing Reinault smiling and saying, "I've learned a good thing," I felt bad. Reinault was going to give me a gift when I came to Reinault.


"With that said, Mr. Crowe isn't coming."

"Somewhere, aren't you even eating sweets?

A short wind incision sounded as Koji and Reinart talked. When the two of them turned their consciousness to the sound, a windmill was poking at the end of the window. Reinart was surprised and stiff, but when he pulled out the windmill without worrying, he nodded lightly after reading a letter that was more shaped and tied to the windmill.