Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

211 Stories Survey in the Territorial Capital.

The territorial capital was surrounded by quiet excitement. For when Count Lyogio-Uchino, the new lord who had departed from the King's capital, arrived within a couple of days, the plaque had been raised. Count Laem's loss of leg was a wonderful event for the inhabitants. Taxes had nearly doubled in the past five years or so, and prices had been higher in proportion to that. Moreover, no measures had been taken against street maintenance and inaction, and the number of people who left the village and fled to other territories had increased year after year, and the lack of tax revenues had been covered by tax increases.

In so doing, it is the assignment of Count Lyoge. A favorite of King Marcel, dubbed the “hero of Drugle” and accomplished numerous things. He also has friends with heavy towns such as Duke Harold and Cardinal Ralph, heavy towns of the papal sect, and the Knights Commander Theobalt in the court magician Herman, who jointly runs the institute with Princess Elena.

He is also an attacker of the "Junior Seeker Dungeon” owned by the Royal Academy of Magic and is using the rewards earned at that time to develop the streets from Wang to Kantou.

"If Count Lyoge would do something about this situation," he said of those living in the capital.


"You're less energetic than I thought."

"I think so. Because I hear that life is quite painful because of tax increases and inaction."

Karenarien replied sadly to his voice. The carriage was stopped in front of an inn in the territorial capital, where Melta was negotiating with the store owner to take the inn.

By the time he entered the mansion of the territorial capital, he had made a request to hide his identity and see the life of the territorial capital. I had put up a billboard that shifted the arrival guide for the second and third day, and in the meantime I was in the process of looking around the territorial capital. Of course, the carriage had also been converted into an old object, which was stored in storage for the carriage made by Jiji.

"Lyoge... Master Lyoemon. I've got room arrangements. They're going to be upstairs in the big room. I also asked for a meal, were you sure?

"Thank you for all the procedures. Mr. Mel. Of course. You know how different life levels are, don't you? I'd actually like to get out of town and look around later. When you put your stuff away, let's just go out! I'm coming, Mr. Mel. Mr. Calle. Crowe asks for information, as usual."

"Hmm. I want to go with Master Lyoemon, too"

When Kuro protested with his mouth shut, Kuniji grinned and stroked his head to tell him that the only way to gather information behind him was to go to the city to gather information by telling him, "Strike your hand with souvenir treats."


"Nevertheless, I suppose it's a specialty of Count Lame's territory, isn't it?

The two of them were walking while buying ingredients, food, sweets, etc. in a section where there was a market. It was quite tidy in the compartment, but there were many shops to close, like a lonely shopping district. Regarding the products in the range, they were not damaged, but the quality was poor, and the price was quite high.

"Pretty expensive, huh? I'm from Wangdu, is vegetables so expensive?

"It's obvious! Even so, the taxes you pay are with you! If you don't sell it at this price, I'll take your neck. It's the same price if you go to another store."

The woman who had replied angrily to the inquiry made a slight weakening of her tone when she realized that she was a child.

In the past five years, those who had become too expensive to pay their taxes sold off their children while muttering, and still disappeared at night when it became painful.

"You don't buy the sale from anybody else?

"When you buy from another territory, you take taxes, and the streets are damaged, and there's a lot of burglars, and when you hire an escort, it ends up high."

The woman told me what was happening in Count Lame's territory with a reluctant face to answer the question.


"That's more serious than I thought."

"Right. I also checked with the Adventurer Guild, but it looks like there's still room in the north where the dungeons are. However, the southern region, including the territorial capital, doesn't seem to work."

Jiji, who was listening to Melta's report in the dining room of the inn, was thinking while eating. Count Laem's territory was on its way to winter, and for the time being, no crop harvest was expected, there would be no starving deaths, but more people were likely to disperse from the village, something needed to be done.

"After all, while building streets in utilities, paying for the revitalization of the economy?

"Right. I suppose that's fine, but what about food shortages? If you have money and you don't have anything to buy, there's nothing you can do about it, right?

A merchant-like man who heard about Melta talked to me.

"Whoa, you're telling me something about the economy? You have money, but you don't have anything to buy, do you? If I were you, I'd make a deal, right? Depends on how much money you pay."

"That's the same here. Guess we can have food worth the money, huh?

Suddenly, a merchant-like man began to introduce himself with a laugh when Jiji replied to the merchant he had been talking to, with a frigid odor.

"Well, you're definitely frigid. My name is Cecilio. I used to do business in Count Stokeman's territory, but the Carcano Chamber of Commerce robbed me of my business zone. I've come to Count Lame in search of a new heaven and earth."

"We are from the Bimbo Hatamoto San Nambo Chamber of Commerce. So you're saying Mr. Cecilio lost to Aurelio and came this way?

I hardened to see what I cared about when Cecilio tried to reply with a bitter smile to Karenarien's words. Cecilio said, "Yeah! Hit me! At the moment he shouted," When he quickly packed the time and blocked his mouth, he forced him to sit in his seat.


"Hey, what were you trying to scream about?

"Oh, you... no, you're a little Count Lyoge, aren't you?

Cecilio spoke even more whispering to the two of them, who asked whispering in the gaze around them.

"Why are you here?

"Hey, I'm faking my identity to a merchant to find out what's going on in Count Lame's territory. I didn't think you'd find out sooner."

"If you're a person like me who's watching the Count in a druggie, you'll notice right away because of the traits. Shouldn't you be wearing a disguise?

When he heard Cecilio's point, he was happy to say, "Come here tomorrow at breakfast time."