Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

Special Training 3 for 222 Story Miscellaneous Groups - You're Starting to Gain Strength -

"Okay! I'm going to take a break! Vladis! Dewey! Hernan! You guys get ready for camp! Jose and Rivas, you are a reflection on earlier battles! Get over here!

"" "" "Yes! Sir!" ""

The five began camp preparation and reflection by splitting into two groups at the same time as their replies. He decided to draw the power of five people who were more talented than he thought the goal of the chores, and gain the power to destroy wolf-shaped demons.

At first, he tried to annihilate on the first day, but took the time to grow five people before changing to go to the place where the herd was gathered, and on the seventh day he had come from the place where the herd was located to about 80%. He had also fought more than 50 times in 7 days, taking advantage of each trait to provide combat instruction and special training to improve fundamentals.

"Nevertheless, I had no idea there were other animals or demons besides wolf-shaped demons in these woods."

"Yes, yes. But unlike in the beginning, you've gotten used to fighting, so you want to go as fast as you can to the location of the demon herd and destroy your enemies!

"I'll say it often. Vladis was about to be killed by a wolf-shaped demon on his first day."

"Behold! Don't say that! I couldn't believe Count Lyoge's training in the first place, and I suspected Hernan!" You can't just do what Count Lyoge says and be strong! Count George of Hernan's story stinks of lies, too. 'But if I followed Count Lyoge's words and did the special training, I'd be surprised how strong I got! I'm sorry I doubted you! Hernan! Thank you so much!

The three of them were talking about what they had been doing while preparing for camp. Vladis, in particular, was enthusiastic about the fact that he was right according to Jiji in the face of emotion and excitement. Hernan nodded forcefully, asking how he was doing like that. "I knew Count Lyoge was a god!" and asked Dewey to agree.


"Those guys look like they're having fun, they're doing the work! You guys don't want to be in that ring!

"" I want in! Sir! "

"Then! What was that fight earlier! Jose! I told you the Large Shield I'm giving you is magically imparted! Don't just take it with your body! You're just a big tree with a big figure! But if you put up your own magic“ Large Shield, "you can be a brave man on the Iron Wall! Remember, you're dying! If you can't remember, think you're gonna die!

"I remember with the willingness to die! Sir!"

When he nodded at Jose, who replied upright and immovable when the curse flew from the second, he now expressed his weakened power and speed “Fire Arrow” far away and shot it off towards the rebus.

"Wow,“ I'll shoot! "" Water Arrow. ""! "

"Okay! You could have offset that. Rivas! Why didn't you shorten your chant in earlier battles? Because you weren't sure? Don't be ridiculous! It doesn't matter as much if I'm confident in you! You're going to kill my people! The Mithril Wand I made is a useless weapon! Despite your talent, don't lose to something invisible about your confidence! I'm working out, so you can do it! You're gonna die like Jose, too. Shoot the magic! Never mind the depletion of magic! Drink the mana potion I gave you if you're going to be exhausted!

"Okay! From now on, we will cast magic only with a shortened chant! I won't spare you! Sir!"

When I told them what the practice was about against the two of them, I turned to the three of them preparing for camp and said, "Don't guzzle me! You can't make me dinner! shouting," The three of you said, "" "We're ready! Delicious rice, please! Sir!" "The voice returned.


"Delicious! Why is the rice made by“ Gunsha ”so delicious? Plus, I can't believe I can eat rice with hot air while I'm in the march! I will follow Count Lyoge for the rest of my life!

"Here! Jose! Think about our share. Eat! Count Lyoge! Please take my place!

Jose, who drank up the pork juice made by Jiji, has asked for a replacement for the fifth cup. Dewey also asked Jose for a third cup, shouting at him, and the rest of them demanded a loss and a replacement.

"You're losing your temper compared to your first day."

"It's obvious! A meal made" Gunji ”is the same as a God-given meal! We want to eat a little more and be stronger! Sir! And please replace me! Sir!"

Hernan has offered an empty toast as he answers to the twilight grunt. I grinned bitterly and filled my pork juice with laughter and gave it to Hernan, "Thank you! Sir!" and began to eat with fierce momentum.

"Just listen while you eat! Today I challenge the demon herd as my final itinerary! Hernan, Dewey, and Vladis storm after two“ fireballs ”of Rivas! Jose is a Rivas escort this time. The place where the herd is located is in the square. You don't know where your enemies are coming from, so watch out! Questions?"

"What will Count Lyoge do!

"I'm looking at you as a guerrilla. Let me see the results of your seven-day training! We'll be there when we're done eating! Can we do this? You guys!

"" "" "Yes! Sir! Of course I am! Wow! Let's do it! Let's go! We'll take him down! Destroy the demons!

Five people came back to the woods during the operation.