Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

228 Stories The Late Cleaning Set Talk 3 - You Still Had Another Continuation -

"I'm sorry that I'm impressed, but there are other people besides Ala who have a story. Hey. What are you banging about Ala for fun? You too, I suppose."

Ara, in the blessing mood surrounding her family, Jiji spoke to one of the soldiers.

"What? Is that me?

"That's right! Your grandmother in charge would have had a problem too! I went out of my way to ask Crowe to do an investigation into the King's Capital!

Middle-aged couple-like men and women were brought in from different carriages by means of a crotch-divided man's instructions. The old lady of the house and Maia, whose soldiers were in charge of cleaning at the same time, had also been brought to the square. Maia smiled brilliantly when she saw the soldier, but shouted loudly when she saw the person at the end of that gaze and turned into a ghoulish face.

"What, Mother?

"'Huh?' You're not! If you think you ran away from home, stay here! I'll go home and get back to my fiancée!

"Absolutely not! Why should I marry a man older than my father! Is your father in favor of me marrying a man older than your father, too?

The man, who was told by Maia's words to be his father, began to talk to him to persuade him, even though he looked sad.

"Maia. There's only one way. My Baron family is financially distressed. He was the only one who applied for assistance against us who didn't have territory."

"Instead, you've demanded a dagger that is a testament to me and my nobility!

To the argument that suddenly began, the soldier named by Jiuji looked with dismay. When I asked the old woman, who admired her "grandmother" for something different than what she had heard, she started talking to the soldier with her neck clasped.

"I didn't lie to you. A pleasant memory of his name as a dragon buster with his grandfather and his role as Baron of Laws, both after his medal as Baron Emeritus and as a martial officer. My daughter brought her beloved son-in-law who couldn't even fight and got into a fight, but in the end she was forcibly married, so you're talking about moving to the realm capital of Count Laem. You told Maia you could" live here "because Maia came to visit and was asked about the nasty status quo. Look! You're not wrong about anything!

"What? No? Yes, it is. Maia said," Grandma. When he said, "Let's go to the King's Capital together," he said, lonely, "because even if the old lady goes, she won't just get in the way," right?

The old woman answered the soldier's words with a momentum that cut her to pieces when she nodded "Oh" as she tilted her neck.

"That's right. I told you from Maia's parents it would get in the way! Not as much as I tried to get Maia out of my daughter-in-law with a debt collateral. If Noon goes to King's Landing, he'll do everything in his power to get in the way!

"Yep! Was that what you meant by that? Then I would have left it. You just annoyed a kid named Maia that I tried so hard to bring my parents here!

The old lady laughed joyfully and spoke to the lady as she screamed unexpectedly when she was listening nearby.

"No, no. Count Lyoge. I don't think it's annoying. You moved to make Maia and your men happy, didn't you? My daughter would have been relieved to bring someone like the Count with her. Well, thanks to you, Maia seems to have a good son-in-law to fight for."

"Well, you'll do whatever you want later," he told the old woman who spoke openly, smiling bitterly, "he broke in between when he dragged the grumpy soldier with his grin sticking to him and took him to the three people who were continuing to argue.

"Will you let me talk to you first?

"Who is it! Can you not come in and talk about the Baron's house! I'm taking this girl home to marry a merchant. Could you please stay out of the way!

"Oh, man. This guy is a little..." You're a tax officer, but if you like to be a joint guarantor, you're increasing your debt. Shut up! You're too popular for your mother to admit it!

Maia's mother ate and hung up on him to stop him. Maia's father noticed Xuji and rushed to stop him, but he tried to continue arguing with his own daughter without realizing who his mother was with blood on her head.

"I'm telling you to listen! Damn the good feeling air just now!

Tsubaki shot “Ground Ball” at his mother's feet with no chant. The silence spread in the square as not only the mother screamed at too much power, but also those around her, leapt up in the sky. When he called about 20 “lightning arrows” fixed around him, he began to speak in a slow tone.

"It doesn't make sense to have a bickering here, does it? Why don't we talk calm down here?

"Yes, no. The Count is the one who calms down..." Ah? I'm calm, aren't I? I just summoned “Lightning Arrow” because there was a guy that people were trying to talk to but didn't have ears to listen to. Can we continue the conversation?

I tried to tell the soldier to calm down in fear, but I noticed that the eyes of the two who had blocked me along the way were sitting still. Not only the soldiers, but also the people who were there, realized that the atmosphere was different and grew to be adults, and began to talk about the future. Acknowledging a soldier's friendship with Maia. The debt to the Baron's house shall be replaced by the second. The Baron moved to the Territory to work as a treasurer. Payments shall be made in debt repayment and clothing and accommodation shall be provided by the Second Party. and so on.

"But the debt is also huge, and I can't neglect working in Wang Du..."

"Even if you say it's huge, it's about 500 gold coins, right? You get paid 10 gold coins a year as a baron, and you get paid as a treasurer, right? Then you'll pay back all the gold you get paid as a baron. I mean, my salary as a CFO is about 15 a year, so if I turn most of it over to repayment, I could repay it in 25 years, right? If you're having trouble with your clothes, I'll pay you. Don't worry, I'll keep you posted to Wang Du. I'll tell King Marcel."

Maia's parents, who heard that they would tell the king directly from Jiji, who pulled in the Lightning Arrow, said they were "awed" when they understood that there was no choice but to make a decision.

"That's Count George from“ Heroes of Druggle ”, isn't it? I think I'll be relieved to give the Baron to my stepson."

"What? You hadn't given him the Baron position yet?

"Of course. Because I couldn't count on it. But now that I have Count Lyoge's back shield, I can give it to you with confidence. Besides, if Maia's father holds the title, Maia's son-in-law can hold the title in the future."

The old lady, who spoke happily, felt like she had been taken with all the flow of the story, and smiled bitterly at its strength.


"What, Count? What about my proposal to Maia?

"At first, I was thinking about making you propose, but I can't because of the way things are going! I'll have you married regardless of the proposal! Unless you don't like Maia!

"I'd be happy to accept that, wouldn't I?

"All right! That's what I'm talking about. But go to church tomorrow and have a ceremony!

"Such an unscrupulous..."