Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

229 Stories, the second half of cleaning.

"What? Why is everyone grounded?

When he looked back, a large number of people were grounded. Just as Khlo led the intelligence service and the Ara family, as the Maia clan had shown them, they were neatly lined up and grounded, and Qiji was also pulled, "What are you doing?," he inquired, as the three groups talked to each other so that they could give way to each other. Ultimately it seemed decided from the Clos, and the remaining two set backwards.

"Dear Mr. Lyoge, Our lack of investigation caused trouble. I'm so sorry."

"Fine. Neither I nor I thought about our journey to and from Wang Capital, but I asked for two investigations in two weeks. One of them was only for 4 days, so I can't help but corroborate it. You don't have to worry about this because I was able to handle it. Instead, I have to apologize for my unscrupulous request for an investigation. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry," Khlo continued to apologize in tears. In anticipation of the timing when Crowe was crying in Crowe's breasts, Crowe's men handed him a letter.

"What? I'll give you a letter at this time? Would you please read it so your daughter doesn't notice? Then even if you give it to me later. What, now I'm crying, so I don't have any surveillance of your daughter, so I can give it to you? Can I see it now? That's okay."

When he received the letter from his subordinate and looked at the back, Schwartz's signature was written, and when he opened the seal of the letter and checked inside, words of apology were written. That I have not been contacted by Crowe regarding this investigation. I'm sorry for your loss, but for future experience, I dared not help you while understanding the lack of investigation. In order to apologize for the lack of investigation of Kuro, please enclose the investigation report of the merchant who had declared financial assistance to the Baron's family. and so on were written.

"Well, if Schwartz is following me so far, you can have no particular problem with this one. Because you weren't willing to blame or punish Crowe in the first place. Tell Schwartz I'm glad you found out about the merchant."

"Ha! Thank you Count Lyoge for your consideration. Thank you until your daughter stops crying."

The man under his command briefly said, "Dismissed! When he said," The men who were on the spot confirmed that they were leaving to disappear, and they waited for a while until Clo stopped crying as he stroked his head.


"So, who's next?

"What kind of thanks (apologies) should we give to Count Lyoge?

The Mai 'a clan has questioned him as he sat in the dungeon. Maia's mother was grounded with a pale face and trembling as she was rambling against Jiji. When his father came before him, he sought a commutation of his sentence in desperate shape.

"Count Lyoge! Please, could you reduce your sins on the house a little bit? Because I will bear my sins instead!

"Ah, you..."

To his father's plea, Xuji began to speak against the two of them holding each other in a dugout with a sigh.

"You know, we've already punished you, haven't we? It's a punishment for my father to work in good faith under me as a representative and tax officer. Does the mother have a stunt or something? If not, I should wait for my husband to return in the quarters I'm going to prepare. That concludes this story."

The two men walked into the world, and the two of them stared at each other with a frightened face. I asked him a question when he ordered the old woman and Maia to stand against the soldier who was grounded with them, leaving the two who were out of sentence.

"Maia and I will have the wedding up tomorrow morning, but are you ready?

"What? I didn't have a house because I was sleeping in a four-man's quarters when I said I was ready, and I didn't have the money to just have a wedding, because I had new weapons and armor, right?

The old woman spoke from the side when the soldier answered the words in confusion.

"On the sunny stage of my granddaughter, my son-in-law is a poor minister. You will be asked about the Baron's product. This is where Non lends money to his son-in-law..." No, don't worry, I'm the Count here and I'll celebrate my men "

In the middle of the conversation that the old woman would lend the soldier the money to marry him, he said that he would pay the full cost of the soldier's wedding. I tried to say no, including the old woman, Maia, and the soldier, but when I told the soldier it was a "celebration" because I felt it would be a hassle later when I borrowed it from the old woman, and I gave him five gold coins, he ended the conversation early.

The following day, despite a sudden wedding, the courtesy of the shopping district where he was cleaning provided cheap costumes, flowers, dishes, etc. to be used at the soldier's and Maia's wedding, giving the best ceremonies he could in the current territorial capital, including providing ingredients.


"Oh man. At the end of the day, I'm thinking we can have a great story, okay?

Having dissolved Maia's clan for the next day's wedding, Jaime's mother, who remained grounded when she spoke to Ala and the Jaime family, began to thank them without even raising her head.

"Count. I don't know how to thank you enough. They even introduced me to such a nice person as well as good offices for my job to Jamie. And I don't know how to repay Jamie's brother for curing my body with these precious secret drugs."

Without raising her head, she told Jamie's mother, who kept saying thank you all over the tears, to raise her head that she was going to glow.

"Here! Get your face up! Jamie looks strange, too. Because you can think of me as a thank you for raising a bright Jamie. Look at Ala. At first, I was drunk and beaten to death by Cotempan, and I went to the dungeon unfaithfully to rebuild my body, and then I came home with rebellious eyes. You switched your mind because Jamie was there and you cleaned with me, didn't you? You can be more confident with your chest up."

Jamie's mother was listening when she raised her face and started to look furious, but when she realized that her face was turning bright red, she smiled a little from her crying face and said thank you again.

Ala and Jamie's mother's wedding took place a week later, and the soldiers and the cleaning members of the mall and the children of the facility and orphanage were also called to celebrate.