Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

252 words, at the exit of the labyrinth.

Coming out of the "deep labyrinth," the two of them were feeling the air outside for the first time in about a day. The return from the deepest depths had reached the exit in 1/10 of an hour of the journey thanks to the setting to avoid being attacked by demons under the authority of the subordinate administrator of the "Deep Labyrinth” of Jiji.

"Mmm! It feels super good!

Outside, Drewa took a deep breath with her arms wide up near the exit, touching soil on the ground and trees nearby with a full grin. Enjoying the environment outside for about five minutes, Drewa approached and talked to Xii, who was taking care of weapons, protective equipment, tools, etc., as she sang her nose.

"I knew the natural air was fresh and pleasant. I played with nature by accident. Apart from that, George forgot what he promised me, right? Bogus. Yeah! Promise me you'll have plenty of water!

"Oh, don't worry. The Tree Child... I'll do everything I can to provide you with water until Drew says, 'Root rots, so I won't go'!

He made a container of about 25 m pool with [Sat] attribute magic in Drew's words, where [Water] attribute magic was used to pour water until it was full. The stunned expressions of Betty and the enlightened face Karenarien, the adventurers gathered for something, concentrated on the second. I didn't realize I was being intensively gunned down with all that gaze, and when I smiled full face at Drewa, I put my hand on a giant container and said, "Come on, take a bath!" He called out.


"Ahhh! What! This size! Besides, there's no way you can take a bath in a place with so many people like this! George knows what the maiden heart is! Even though I know my maiden heart, I have more daughter-in-law solders from natural tarashi, and the Karenariens struggle!

Whoever saw it was stuck with Drewa hanging up when he said he'd bathed the giant pool in front of him.

"Hey, hey. Drewa! Don't tell me that story..."

In about two hours from the deepest part of the "Deep Labyrinth" to the exit, Drew and the Karenariens were getting along, and Drew, who had been told of the foolishness of being swayed by the actions of the two, assumed that it was a good time to encourage reflection on the two, and shouted out loudly so that people could be heard around them using the gathering.

It was the Karenariens who were in a hurry. Because I was exposed in front of a lot of people to talk about it as a women's talk to get along. I rushed to stop Drewa, but in time, the next bomb was also dropped.

"Why not? Princess Elena, a lot of girls are going to be fiancées, and a kid named Sophia is going to be fiancées, right? If we keep doing this, will George's wife get over 10?

The adventurers who were around him were more shocked than Jiji by such Drewa's dialogue, and each began to scream as he continued.

"Princess Elena? That princess Elena from The Smiling Virgin is George's fiancée? Sophia, the second generation director of the recently created Sandstream Kingdom Institute for Suetsu Dissemination, is rumored to have an unauthorized SS for being so cute?" "With that said, I heard there are five fiancées in Lyoge, 10 mistresses, and 50 mistresses waiting!" "Forgive me. Seriously! I'll curse George to get lost and cry in The Deep Labyrinth!

Speculation, speculation and resentment echoed through the entrance and exit of the dungeon from the adventurers.


"Oh. Oh, my God, George is so popular."

"I'll respect Drewa for saying she's popular."

As grudges and curses echoed from the adventurers near the entrance and exit of the "Deep Labyrinth," Drew replied with a gently grunted content. To Drewa, who was laughing and watching how he was, he packed Wyburn's demonic stone and handed it to him when he took the "giant water bottle” out of storage.

"What's this? Are you gonna live up to your promise to us with a tiny water bottle like this? Seriously, don't get mad!

"Fair enough. Don't you dare drink. 'Cause I know how awesome it is."

To the angry-faced Drewa, Jiji proceeded to drink with a laugh. When Drewa, who guessed it would be some sort of magic prop, started mouthing and drinking on the "giant water bottle," the Karenariens began to gather around. At first it was Drewa who drank a little bit, but couldn't stop drinking to the less delicious taste of the water, even the two of them looked at Drewa who kept drinking water smiling, but talked to Drewa, who had been drinking water forever.

"Hey, how long have you been drinking? I'm thinking about getting back to the inn and relaxing?

"Huh? Hey, wait a minute! What! The deliciousness of this water! Softness reminiscent of spring snowmelting water! Clear transparency as you go through your throat! Aromatic as it stains every corner of your body! If you drink this water, you can't drink any other water. Heh heh heh! He recommended water! Akan no more. We're going to stay with George for the rest of our lives!

With a shuddering face, "What critic! When Drew took his mouth off the water bottle, he took a vow out loud that he would follow his thoughts and feelings for the rest of his life.


"Hey! There's another girl out there who fell in love with Lyoge!" "Earlier, you were the one screaming for information about Princess Elena and Sophia!" "That kid looks adorable too!" "I knew men couldn't do without power and money!" "Why are you so hot all the time Lyoge!" "I dive into the“ Deep Labyrinth, "and I hit this wrath on the demon opponent!" "Okay! I'm coming with you! Demons up to five levels are doomed!

As the tension of the adventurers who heard the oath close to Drew's confession jumped and gained momentum, they dived into the "deep labyrinth” with the momentum.