Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

281 Stories Preparing for Reich 2 - Let's move on -

"In the end, Marco strained too much yesterday, so the meeting didn't go on...... Ouch! 'Cause you are! You couldn't have done one important story, waiting in order for Cardinal Ralph or King Marcel to want it, because Marco would slap me with Harrison of Mithrills while chasing me!

"I did something to get beat up. It's your fault! First of all, Cardinal Ralph and King Marcel wait in the order of the scratches. I remember being lined up with adventurers when I was a doorkeeper in Drugle, and I ran a chill in my spine and accidentally slapped them both."

The place where Marco talked out loud about yesterday was a special meeting room that the royal family would use as its main body, while Marco put a scratch into the story. It was usually used as a headquarters of operations in times when war was taking place, usually for selection meetings when awarding titles and for explaining budgets to kings.

"You had a conference room like this in Royal Castle."

"Oh, this is a conference room built on the assumption that it will be bugged or attacked from the outside or the inside. The magic is completely unusable in this room, and every brick is written to prevent attacks from coming from the outside."

Marco began describing the special meeting room to Jiji, who was looking over the room again. As impressed as I was, Koji began to work out his magic to activate the magic to try it, but it became foggy along the way.

"In addition to the earlier description of Lord Marco, I wonder how many luxury potion born parents and master of my life, Lord Lyoge, can't activate magic in this room...? Beep!"

Herman, a court magician, proudly attempted to continue explaining the special conference room as he made a trial and error in trying to use magic. But when I saw the lightning ball activated at the fingertips of the two fingers, the words got jammed. Nearly ten other aristocrats, Euhan and Cardinal Ralph, who were on the spot, also stared at the lightning ball at the fingertips of the two, stunned by the expression of seeing the impossible.

"Is that it? What's wrong?

Marco began to enter the realm of enlightenment when he looked around when he noticed that the air had changed and inquired with a serene expression.

"What are you doing?

"What? 'Cause if they say it's a room where magic can't be used at all, you mean do it willingly, right? So I equipped Mithril's bracelet and Mithril's wand to infuse all the magic I could have, and I managed to make a lightning ball! But it's a boulder. It's hard to activate magic in this room."

"Hmm? I mean, I heard that magic can't be used in this room, so you're always saying," Well, let's try to be serious "?

"Yes! That's Marco! You know me very well... no! Ouch, no! Ouch!"

When Xuji tried to praise Marco with a full smile, he used a gorgeous snap to shake Mithril's Harrison up, down, left, and right.


"I envy you for the four-series scratch...... whoa! Gohon! For now, let's move on to the meeting because we can't talk about it."

Herman, the facilitator, started the meeting with envy as he held his head back. It was inefficient to gather 2,000 people in the Wang capital before coming forward, so he gathered in the northwest of Mori on the face of the Duke of Harrold's territory, which borders the Empire. It is not possible to procure food locally, so it should be prepared in the Kingdom. It was decided to expropriate 3,000 people, including civilians, as personnel to secure the barracks, and the Royal Family would send 500 as soldiers for its protection.

"The Duke of Harrold has already returned to his territory. The distant people were returned to their territory to prepare for their departure. Distant people will be cavalry centered, so leaves and such should also be provided here. As for the water, Lord Lyoge will use the giant water bottle that has been developed, so it's very gratifying to lose weight for that."

"Ooh. Huge water bottle! I made it, but it was too expensive, and I didn't know you could buy magic items that only sold in part."

When he took the giant water bottle out of storage and shared his thoughts while looking at it, he noticed something, so he checked around.

"With that said, how are you doing with Logion? You're the confidential goodwill ambassador I brought you with my protégé, right? Shouldn't you call me on this occasion and listen to me?

"His Royal Highness Rozion will be playing mock warfare in the training ground with the Knights of Theobalto. Seems to have been tempered by the brain muscles."

The Herman court magician answered the inquiry with a frightened look on his behalf.


The first meeting ended with confirmation of the quantity of supplies needed for the expedition and the marching route to the Empire, the city of the first arriving Empire. I thought there would be talk of storage being used to transport supplies, but when I checked with Marco, he wanted me to move as a guerrilla unit rather than as a supply unit.

"The guerrillas?

"Oh. It's the guerrillas. I want them to act in small numbers of about 10. The guerrillas are supposed to form a team of about 100 people, but they decide that Lyoge's ability to fight even a large number of opponents on their own is fine. If it becomes dangerous, we can escape with metastatic magic. Besides, it's easier to do this on your own than under our command, right?

Considering that Marco's dialogue might run out of food as a nodding but tempting development, he asked Cecilio, who had set up a shop in the capital, to procure food.