Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

283 Stories Reinforcement Preparation for the Empire 4 - You've Arrived in the Duke of Harlot-

Regarding the formation of a coalition of the Lords against the rebellion within the Empire to issue reinforcements, a declaration had been issued that the second prince, who had rebelled more than King Marcel, had been determined to be evil, and that it was a just battle to save the first and third princes.

The proclamation was written in such a way that the second prince was also involved in the emperor's denunciation, and when Jiji left for the Duke of Harrolt territory in a formation centered around the Knights of Arachan, people were overflowing along the road to welcome the hero of Druggle crusading the second prince in the towns and villages he stopped by. Other than that, volunteers' hopes and information on the provision of food were gathered individually and in large numbers, and the speed of the march was not increased due to the response.

"What's wrong with you? this condition. It would have been better to bring in a civilian to improve."

"Right. But I know how people feel. This is the first time a DRUGLE hero has ever traveled! I think you're looking forward to seeing what it does this time. So volunteers and the provision of food will take place everywhere. If a civilian is to be called, call at least 10 people."

Speaking on the assumption that Er and Ala would call a civilian, the mayor reported that the volunteers had applied and provided food from the soldiers who had gone to contact them to arrive in the next city. As he sighed slightly, he gave instructions to set up an acceptance system for food, and for volunteers, he hired as a food haulier for healthy people because he valued quality over number in this operation, but otherwise politely said no.

Once they returned to Uchino territory, Kuji took the civilians and delegated full authority to provide food, and managed to eliminate the delay in the march speed, but it was only a week after Kuji arrived in the Duke of Harold's territory, two days behind schedule.


"Count Lyoge seems to have had a rough time."

"I'm sorry I'm late. Prince Anders."

It was Anders who became commander-in-chief of the Union of the Horses of the Kingdom of Sandstream. While he politely apologized, he took a serious look at Anders, who would face each other for the first time this time.

"You don't have to worry because there are still people who haven't arrived, so there are no problems. I am grateful because I have heard that there is more food to offer than that. That's the fame of Druggle's hero."

"We are now entrusting the civilian population with the coordination of food and personnel, so we will submit a report as soon as it comes together"

During the light exchanges, Anders seemed uncomfortable with the fact that Jiji kept looking at his face too much and changed his story unexpectedly.

"My future brother. Are you so interested in my face? As far as I'm concerned, I don't feel comfortable if you keep looking at me. I don't want you to give me a break."

"There's no one here either! I apologize for looking at you seriously because I've never seen you before, but I don't feel that way either! Like Marco, no matter what the man or woman is... no pain!

"Why are you coming up with my name there! I don't care that way either! I'm not interested in anything but Natasha and the kids! First of all, what a way to listen to Prince Anders!

Those around him, especially Hermann and Theobalt, turned to Marco, who was so smug about the way he heard the royal family, and said, "What more are you saying now?"


"Then leave the escort on the food to my troops"

"Aren't the troops led by Druggle's heroes not convinced by the public in the role of cowards, such as escorts of supply troops? The aristocrats say it's Hua who raids on the front line, but both Count Lyoge and the Rogue are the guards of supply... Ouch! Ha!"

One nobleman who was at the meeting tried to talk him into making a fool of himself by suggesting that he accompany the Supply Squad escort from Xuji, who took the silver harrison out of storage and swung it down with about 30% force before launching his jaw.

The nobleman, waving down the silver harrison where he was alarmed and disfigured, seemed to have a concussion, and when he fell to collapse, he shuddered into small pieces and peeled his white eyes and passed out.

"What are you talking about! Neglecting supplies won't even boost the morale of soldiers though! If I were an Imperial person, I'd go on an expedition and raid the supply lines where they stretched, burn down the food, and make sure the water was muddy and not drinkable! What would you do if they did! Soldiers who went to fight in distant exotic lands! You could die tomorrow. A pressing situation! My only pleasure is eating! If you can't eat that meal, if I were you, I'd burn your side! That's how important food is... no! What the fuck! Marco!"

"Okay, so just calm down. Mostly, the nobleman who made a fool out of you is peeling white eyes at your feet! First of all, what are they doing so far?

Rather than using his whole body to say the importance of replenishment while wielding his fists so that he hadn't noticed the fainting nobleman, Marco calmed him down when he tapped him gently using Harrison in disquiet. Prince Anders was watching a series of disturbances, but he began to continue the meeting, especially when he confirmed that there was a separation without saying what he thought.