Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

295 Tales Towards the Empire - You're Leaving -

"All troops depart for Imperial Capital! Count Euhan! I asked for supplies!

"Ha! I've been entrusted. Continue your march with confidence. I will do everything in my power to make sure His Highness enjoys Count Lyoge's meal."

From the troops marching to Anders' ordinance there was a whisper, but from Euhan he replied with a laugh. With a bitter smile on Euhan's dialogue, Koji nodded forcefully, screaming to hear the whole army!

"Count Euhan will definitely bring you food! I'm gonna fly you out of dinner today and make you one! Just wait and see!

The pronouncements of the temperament of the two men overflowed with cheers and temper from the soldiers who began the march.

"Oh! Count Lyoge said he'd cook with temper!

"I just rendezvoused as a priesthood. What, is Count Lyoge's dish so amazing?

When one of the clerics, who had never eaten the dishes of the second priest, inquired of the soldiers who were next door, the soldiers and knights who were around began to speak with enthusiasm.

"It's a fluke! If I eat all this great food, I'm worried about where to eat when I get back to King's Capital." "Fool or you! If it was the Wang capital, Count Lyoge would have recognized it in the street age and sent it out to the store! What a territory of the Duke of Harold I am. What am I supposed to do!

While the clergyman was surprised at the momentum of his feelings about the cuisine around him, considering that the cuisine of the two so appreciated could be eaten in the evening, the footsteps of the march, which was usually bitter, were also lighter.


"Okay. Now, the soldiers would have been motivated, too. What am I supposed to do? Amandus Knights Leader"

"Hmm? You don't mind if the Count likes it. Instead, I'm worried about making decisions about what to do."

Inspired by the morale of the soldiers, Jiji tried to get instructions from Amandus, the head of the march to the Imperial City, and asked him to like it. He looked at the high-ranking officers around him, but he was seen with a trust cut out from all of them, and with a little light on his face after too much trust, he shrugged.

"Well, if they trust me that much, I guess I'll do my best. In the meantime, tell me how to get a scratch from Marco ah... no pain! What the fuck! Marco! Don't stand in the way of time to deepen my friendship with everyone!

"Ugh! What makes friendship deeper! If everyone taught me how to get a scratch from me, it would affect my personal life!

Looking at Marco with all his efforts to impress the high-ranking officers and Anders, who tried to convey a refreshing way to get a scratch, he began explaining with his hands wide open together when he laughed niggardly.

"This is the way to get the first stage scratch! Basically, it's like Marco wants to put a scratch in it...... Ouch no! Did you see that? This is the intermediate way... Ouch no! Hey, Marco! The silver harrison is... painful no! Seriously, it hurts.

"All right! George, don't move there. If you like this operation, take my gold harrison to the best of your ability. It's Harrison you gave me on a joke. If you were the first to take it, you'd be looking forward to it.

Marco took it out of the item box was a gold harrison that he created with Amandus after he created the Devil's Sword (...). Seeing Marco approaching as he gently stirred the snap, he was going to give it to him as a story item; he blued, waving his head in an uphill tone, lagging behind.

"Ma, Marco. Gold harrisons weigh less than half the weight, so I don't think it's as damaging as silver harrisons."

"Do you? Punish me!

Feeling a life-threatening effect on Harrison, the gold struck down by a snap on his wrist alone, Er took the invisible shield-shaped gauntlet overhead.

"Damn! Oh, heavy. And the shock..."

He had a stunned look on his face that shocked him more than he had expected, but when he saw Harrison and Marco's expressionless smile swung up again, he was colored by despair.


"Seriously, it hurts..."

"If you don't like pain, you're going to punish me a little."

He was talking to Hisohiso with a stunned look on his face as he toured watching Marco speaking with a calm look, whining as he waved his arm to delude the shock that remained in his left arm.

"That Golden Harrison, but you avoided the fifth attack, didn't you, Count Lyoge?" "Oh. I didn't know you couldn't take it with an invisible shield-shaped gauntlet, which is said to be the Divine Device of Iolus."

What the high-ranking officers were looking at was not the combined comic talent of Jiji and Marco, but the trail of Harrison of gold, which Marco waved down for the fifth time. It was not known what effect had been conferred on the gold harrison, but a crater with a depth of thirty centimetres could have been made with a diameter of about one metre after the two were avoided.

"And in the meantime, as an advanced edition, is it okay not to let Lord Marco out to Harrison of Gold, the final weapon?

To Anders, who squeezed out, the nobles around him nodded with a blue face as well.