Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

312: Finished building the sword.

"Mr. Lyoge. It's breakfast time, isn't it?

"Whoa! Is that already the time? I came late yesterday and the College Director welcomed me with an unpleasant face, but do I look okay today?

The work in the basement workshop was completed all the way, and Rosa picked up the two that had been cleaning up. Body fatigue was healing with healing magic, and sleep deprivation didn't seem to bother me with tension based on Jiji, who was able to mass-produce the Demon Sword.

"Still out of standard."

"What? Really? This is what it is. I worked all night in a linerto underground workshop with all the tools, so I really wanted to make ten."

Rosa was grinning bitterly as she watched the three swords lined up at equal intervals. The twin remained tense, and when he took the sword that was nearby, he pulled it out of his sheath and gently set it up. When the magic flowed into the body of the underground workshop, the carved magic formation disappeared when various colors were born.

"The colors that are changing one after the other are attributes?

"Oops! I tried to make sure that I could wrap all the attributes I could use! I also made it possible to switch attributes in an instant. Hey, it took me a while to shorten the time to switch attributes, and I only had three demon swords to make."

"Being able to make the Devil's Sword is weird in itself, but is it okay because you're George there?"

"Well, well. Have some."

"I was developing my abilities as a wizard, so I can't believe I handled the sword... eh? What's this? It's so easy to hold!

To Rosa, who is admired for her very good performance, Xuji told her to give her the sword and grip it. When Rosa, who does not normally have a sword, received and placed it in confusion, the patterned part began to deform and Rosa became the easiest shape to hold.

"Yep! Hey, you mean this sword is gonna be the easiest shape I can hold? Could it turn into the easiest form whoever has it?

"Exactly! A swordsman seems to make a bare gesture until he gets the firmest of himself, but he doesn't have to do that. The sword automatically matches me. Other than that, there are demon stones scattered all over the candlestick, right? This is also a point…"

Seeing as Lotha enjoyed being confused while holding a sword that was unthinkable in common sense, Jiji delighted to explain the performance of the sword.


"Rosa, is there someone in the basement? Even though I've only been in there half an hour... Huh? What, sergeant? Why is there a sergeant here? Is that it? Shouldn't they have headed for reinforcements to the Gamut Empire? Do you have a metamagic team? What? Why are you in the basement workshop? What? I've only been in there thirty minutes too..."

Reinart came into the basement workshop with a carefree look as he weaved his gown. It was a linert confused by the fact that there were two swords in the workshop, but he began to look and scream alternately at the sword that Rosa had.

"Ugh! What? The sergeant was building the sword? All night yesterday? Is it the Demon Stone that's embedded in this tundra? Embedding demon stones in this narrow? And the beauty of a magical formation engraved all over itself. Was I in a dream when a sergeant was being built in an underground workshop... oh..."

I whispered something in my ear as Rosa approached me and gently hugged me to see if the look on Reinart's face pointing only at the Devil's Sword with her knees and hands on it looked too pathetic.

"What? Ho, really?

"Yeah. I promise."

He was a linerto who was like he had been struck, but when he pressed again and again to confirm when he heard Rosa squeal and stood up with his eyes shining, he turned to him for a handshake.

"I'm going to get a lot of points because of the sergeant. I have a lot to talk about, but I heard you'll be back in the empire by noon, so I'll try again. Yeah, well, the next time I see you, Mr. Drewa says," Yeah, I'll show you! George, when you're ready. "

"Oh well. Then we can have breakfast together and listen to the details..."

"I'm sorry. George. From now on, Reinart will have to slow down with me one more time, so have breakfast with Charlotta." "

I was curious about Reinart's story, Jiji tried to listen to me over breakfast, but Rosa blocked me. Reinart looked like he was in trouble for a moment, but when Rosa whined in her ear, "I'll double your point," she looked at Rosa with joy in her mouth and nodded, bowing her head to the second and walking both of us into the back room of the mansion.


"Is that it? What happened to Reinart and Rosa?

"What? You and I went into the back room. The two of us are going to yuck each other in the morning. Yeah, well, the dean and I will have breakfast, and you can come to my room when you're done."

Charlotta, who was preparing for breakfast, saw Jiji come into the dining room by herself and asked, tilting her neck. Explaining the interaction in the basement workshop while Jiji had a prepared breakfast, it was Charlotta who had come to talk with a difficult face at first, but when she heard Rosa's point, she had a full grin.

"I see. Looks like you can do it again today thanks to Lyogi-kun. Thank you so much for coming, Lyoge. When I got here last night, I was gonna hit my tongue, but I need to thank Iolus God for the good luck you got me."

"Ooh! Don't even think about it, don't say it sounds like a tongue punch! No matter how much I am, it's plain hectic!

Charlotta's words made him laugh, but the two of us enjoyed breakfast.