Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

347 Stories, the beginning of a new temple.

"We will now have our second and fifth fiancée meeting. By the way, my future husband is not in this place."

It was the first time in three months that my fiancée had gathered together in a dining room in the mansion of Jiji, where everyone would be in order. Elena and Madeline were now in charge as deputies for the enclaved territories in the kingdom and empire, and Melta and Sieve had cut up the mansions of Jiji, which were all over the place as maids.

Others, Sophia and Lyla were in charge of research and production in the laboratories and factories in Khlo, Wang Capital, which were examining the movements of nobles and churches in the country as heads of intelligence forces, the situation in the Empire and other countries.

"We now announce the first agenda! [I've been thinking about it for a long time, only Karena is sloppy]. Is Karena aware!

Elena, who made the opening declaration, has complained with her mouth pointed. Karenarien looked around in surprise at the sudden personal attack, but what returned was a snort of approval and applause for Elena.

"Wait a minute. Clap? Why? Did I do something I could blame?

"Because! Karena isn't the only one who has a monopoly on Master Lyoge! We only see each other about once every ten days, and Karena sees you almost every day! I don't think even the lead fiancée would be good enough."

When Karenarien protested against being unilaterally blamed, Elena began to speak truthfully with a strange face. When asked about its expression and content, Karenarien is stuck in words lately when she feels that she is right if she says she has a lot of monopolies about diving into the dungeon. Seeing the look on Buzz's bad-looking Karenarien's face, Elena made a good suggestion with momentum when she grinned invisibly.

"So Karena will be the last one to act with you the next time Lord George takes action! Raise your hand if you agree!

"Hey! That's sloppy..."

Karenarien, who heard the suggestion, rushed to stop it, but the hands of all but one rose. Elena, the originator, had a satisfied look on her face and nodded, but Cro, who returned to her adult appearance, made a re-suggestion as Angry.

"Elena and Madeline, who are usually in frequent meetings with Master Lyoge! Sometimes we relax together at the mansion, Melta and Sieve! Sophia and Lyla enjoying the soot! We're all last!

"Yep! Hey! Cro! Don't make a statement that suddenly grows up and only you get!

"But me. It's the most dangerous job I've ever done."

Elena and the others became the expression of Yantian in the unexpected appearance of the ambush, but everyone could not say anything to Kro's words when he returned to the appearance of a child. In the end, Crowe was the first to have the right to be alone with Koji, the main agenda for the twenty-fifth fiancee conference.


"That brings us to the report on street development that we did as a measure against the poor."

"Hmm. Has street work finally been completed"

To King Marcel, the only boss who was snorting at the report with a satisfactory look on his face, Jiji made further suggestions.

"Street work as a measure of poverty is complete, but many streets throughout the kingdom have not been developed, so I would advise you to do so as soon as possible."

"You do need street maintenance as soon as possible. This street-development has made the road to the papal realm clean, and accomodation towns can be made at regular intervals. And the merchants who caught an eye for it, and they're getting reports that there are more people in the whole town."

Hearing his suggestion, Harold, the duke who is said to be the king's katana, has added a report from the intelligence forces. In addition, words of gratitude had been received by the Pope for this street development, and the first honeymoon between the Church and the royal family had been able to appeal both nationally and internationally.

"It's George, by the way. Aren't you close to Pope Orlando?

"Yeah. I'm a classmate at the academy. But what? I can't believe you suddenly confirmed that?

Answering the abruptly questioned content, Harold silenced with a sinister face, and Marcel nodded with a face that seemed heartfelt delighted.

"You were. Then let's also give George, the Grand Duke, the right to participate in the wedding. Of course, you're taking Elena and the others, right?

"Hmm? Who's getting married... Oh! Orlando and Elizabeth are getting married?

With a satisfying expression on his surprised face, Marcel told the clerk he had refrained from giving him an invitation.


"I'm just... Whoa! What's going on, guys?

When he returned to the mansion in the territorial capital, he had all his fiancées in the dining room. Normally, I'm bickering while enjoying sweets and tea, but for some reason, each look and attitude was different today and I was so happy.

"Ugh...... I didn't know you were going to lose it all." "Hehe. You tried to discredit me, so heavenly punishment fell! Elena!" "Wow! Number two!" "F, just the two of us. We need to develop a new rinse by then." "It's time to have a collar. Talk to your mother..." "Oh. Is it just in the middle? I also need to prepare your share of tea" "Hey, why third from the end? How are you willing to give way to your newcomers?" "None. The world is weak and strong."

I didn't know what was happening, but when I told him I was headed to the papal territory to attend the wedding of Orlando and Elizabeth, a strange sense of urgency engulfed the dining room.