Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

350 Stories The day after the banquet is also a commotion - you'll enjoy it today -

"... hey! Why are you sleeping with Master Lyoge!" "Isn't that a violation of the ladies' agreement?" "sloppy" "Ke, Ke, I thought you couldn't tie it!" "Sophia chews too much. But I can understand." "You can't take the initiative to break an agreement, can you? Princess Elena."

In the midst of the meltdown, a soft object touched his hand as Jie Er tried to stretch greatly, which was gradually becoming more aware of the noise around him.

"Hmm? What is this?

"Huh! Lyo, Master Lyoge. I'm bold in the morning. I can't believe I eagled that place."

A stuffy reaction and glossy voice reached my ear to the two of them, who had moved their hands many times to make sure of a soft feeling I had never felt before. It was Elena, who was dyeing her cheeks in her pyjamas, who suddenly came into the eyes of a lucid jump of consciousness.

"Hey, hey, why?

"Eh, looks like Master Lyoge drank alcohol by mistake, eating easy ingredients from the item box along the way, or using magic props to say, 'Look at my tricks!' I screamed, 'so I secured it."

Elena told her story yesterday as she straightened her hair to a twitchy mouth. From storage to the area where the sweets were served, he felt calm after sighing with his hand against his forehead drinking the water prepared by Melta.

"So, what's this state?

"Yes! Master Lyoge, who slept in my arms on the way, was too cute and carried the princess as she snuggled! And if you're watching me sleep, it depends on how much I want to sleep with you. You admired it, didn't you? The princess."

"Hey! Thanks for carrying me, but princess? No! Not the princess I know!

To Elena, who remembers yesterday with her hands on both cheeks and as Kunechne, Juji started a theory of strength about this definition when she stood up in a bet. The tension gradually began to rise and he jumped off his bet around begging him not to break the man's romance.

"So! This is how men do princesses! You know what I mean? This is the finished princess hug!

"Wow. Master Lyoge! I'm scared! It's close! I'm embarrassed!

She began to explain with a doya face when she snuggled Sofia princess while she was tense. Sophia, suddenly held up, screams at the momentum and hugs him to the neck of the two. With his face nearer, he looked at Sophia, who was panicking.

"Okay? About the princess!

"" "I don't know, actually do it" "

The fiancées, with the exception of Sofia, replied when Jiji looked at the same with Doya's face while holding Sofia. He looked at his fiancées in the queue with a grudging look, but was stunned by the dialogue that he didn't understand, but he snuggled with princesses against everyone.


"Is that it? Why are you being so tense?

The princess threw herself around against all her fiancées. Time is running out of the lodging and turning to inspect, and together we rush to begin preparations.

"Fine. Elena. No more running around."

"I know. I was a little drunk, too, so I'm reflecting. I'll give everyone some information later on about what George said when he was asleep and how he smelled good."

Elena's words were accompanied by a snort as she swallowed the saliva. Koji speaks as he looks at his fiancée, who is in a circle a short distance from himself.

"Ooh! I'll go check on you soon. Isn't there someone waiting to show you around?

Several other people were waiting besides the mayor when they were ready to leave the lodging, listening with admiration to Hernan's story. Using his skill ears to listen eagerly without noticing the two of them, he heard Hernan speaking enthusiastically with a bounced voice.

"For starters, the introductory course will be up to Drugle's Hero Blast edition. And I'm glad you got together early. If it was just the time I promised, it wouldn't be enough. Dear George, Anyone in SS can speak up when you wish for your next elementary course. Please keep it confidential only."

"Okay! Thank you for sharing a story that really helps. I see. That's deep. That's a famous quote for" Good Luck to Walk a Hero's Life Together ". So how much does it cost to take the beginner part... Lady Lyo, Lady Lyoge! Excuse me. I was thrilled to talk to Master Hernan. Are you ready?

The mayors, who noticed the presence of the two men, spoke to the two men in a hurry. Coming close with Zito eyes. Mainly, Hernan was kneeling with a sparkling face and his chest stretched.

"Hey! Hernan! SS is my SS, right?

"Naturally! What else is there besides Master Lyoge's SS?

In response to the unexpected query, Ernan pressured me with an awesome sword screen. Ernan gave me a slight apology but did not fall, but spoke with a gentle down neck and a renewed mind.

"Ooh. I'm sorry. Shall we begin the inspection?"

The Mayor of the town was informed of the usual situation, problems and so on, and the inspection was completed safely after the Mayor promised to provide improvement methods and supplies to the Mayor.