Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

351 Stories A Little Stop - You haven't seen Mr. Cozimo in a while -

"Dear George! Please come back!" "After all, Mr. Lyoge's fiancées are a lot prettier." "Master Hernan! Thanks to you, I was eligible for the elementary course!

To drop off the departing carriage, Xuji shouts, noticing a disturbing mix of dialogues in the voices heard with cheers from the crowd.

"Hey! Who! Now the guy with the elementary course or something! And, Hernan! Damn it, where have you been? Isn't he the main culprit?

"Isn't that good? You're talking about the recent fashionable Lyogi-sama course in the kingdom, right? I couldn't confirm who it was, but it's a delicacy to complete an introductory course in one day and qualify for a primary course."

When Elena told him to laugh and not care about Jiji, who was trying to find someone in the crowd to qualify for the course, she took her fiancée's hand and boarded the carriage as she instructed her men to investigate the person taking the introductory course.

"So next time, you're Sieve. Enjoy being alone with Master Lyoge."

"Yes! Thank you! Dear Elena!"

Sieve replied gladly as Elena laughed and spoke on the transfer magic formations installed in the Magic Prop Expansion room. Watching the situation, Jie Er calls out to your fiancées as they look happy to see that they are getting along fine.

"All right! We're leaving. Let me out."

The carriage began to advance to the voice of the second. The mayors confirmed the details about the course from Hernan, who was hiding behind them, with a satisfying look as they dropped off the wagon that was getting smaller as the crowd cheered.


"Now you're alone with Sieve. What do you want to do?

"Then sweeten to your words. May I speak normally today, as I did when I met you, not as a maid of honor to your husband?

Seeve has conveyed her request in a fearless manner to the two of us who have asked with a generous and expressive look in the carriage. To her fiancée's too cute favor, she tells her that she has no problem smiling.

"Sure. You cared about that? You can always talk to me like you used to, okay?

"You can't do that. George, you've become Grand Duke. [M] He quickly became an Earl before that, and for me he was on the clouds."

Answered Jiji in an easygoing manner, Sieve pointed his mouth. I feel sorry for my leapfrogging to make Sieve feel awkward, Suji suggests while removing sweets and tea goods from storage.

"Well, I'll be Sheave's butler today. Ma'am, can you wait while I get ready?

"What? Hey, hey. Mr. Lyoge?"

When I sat Seeve with a puzzled face on Seeji, who began to entertain me with full skill courtesy, I began to prepare for afternoon tea. Sieve starts talking about her father with pleasure, dyeing her cheeks but deciding to feel good about being a lady in a different and elegant move.

"If you say so. Your father asked for it from you, George, and Cozymo's sword is finally ready to take over the mass production system. Besides, your apprentice is starting to take care of the workshop, so he said he'd come to you with the garrison and the workshop in the city of Drugle."

"Heh! That's right. I might be happy with that. You were looking for an arm standing blacksmith. You can ask Mr. Cozimo for a lot of things."

Sheave was pleased to see that he was thinking of a project to return to his usual tone and leave it to Cojimo. Having noticed such a gaze, Jiji alters his tone with a gentle cough.

"Oops. You've got a strange tone. Excuse me, ma'am."

"Fine. George, talk to me in the usual tone. It was nice at first, but when you talk in that tone, it lights up, and I feel you far away, George."

When Sieve tells him reluctantly that he is different than usual, he starts talking in his usual tone with a laugh.

"Well, shall we go to Mr. Cozimo's?"

"What? Oh, you have a metamagic formation. But what are you going to talk about?

When he took Sieve's hand, leaning his neck, and handed the emergency call whistle he had made as a magic prop to the man of his lord, he went to the garrison when he rode the transfer magic formation.


"Father! I'm home!

"Hmm? Sieve? What's the matter with you? I can't believe you're back suddenly. Did you even have a fight with Master Lyoge?

Cojimo informed his disciples of his break as he joyfully welcomed his beloved daughter into the workshop and made fun of her as she hugged her. After enjoying the parents' and children's face-to-face for a while, Koji is delayed and enters the workshop, but also becomes a coge.

"Long time no see! Mr. Cozimo. Should I call you stepfather?

"Please don't! If Lord Lyoge told you about your stepfather, you'd be shy of dating him from around you."

Cojimo, conveyed with a full grin by Jiji, soon to be his stepson, hastily denied it with all his might, grinning bitterly. I smile and talk to him, a little dismayed but relieved after too much rejection.

"Really? Well, as always, in Mr. Cozimo. So! I just need a favor."

Corgimo's arms and grip grew as an artisan, feeling that he would be presented with the first impossible challenge in a long time.