Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

364 stories Wait in Kanto - You can't go on -

"I'm tired of welcoming parties. And Lattice is too suspicious on Temple Street."

Arriving in Shinto and picked up by the Cardinal, Ratchis, the two and a half rows of welcoming parties were held day after day in the mansion prepared. It had not been possible to see with the key Orlando, and the situation was no different from that of inspections, even if it was only guided to places prepared by Lattice so as to take a sightseeing tour of Kanto.

"You have more security for Sir Ratchis than I thought. Is there a reason to be on guard?

"None of the representatives of the countries have arrived, except Master Lyoge"

When Melta spoke of being subtly under house arrest while tilting her neck, Crowe also reported. As a result of intelligence, no nobles had arrived in Shinto, and most of them were in the midst of being ready in the Wang capital.

"Fine, take your time."

"I think so. The Pope will be married, won't he? It's going to take a while to prepare something to celebrate, and there will be other people in other countries who don't know they've done street maintenance."

When he heard that the others were staying in the Wang capital, Er muttered in surprise, and Elena naturally just nodded and joined the conversation.

"Because it's Master Lyoge. We've already got something to celebrate, haven't we? The participants also asked," What delicacies do Drugle heroes prepare? 'I think you're intrigued, and aren't you preparing something that doesn't make you any less inferior to that product?

"What? I didn't prepare anything to celebrate... So, but! It's okay! I'm going to make it! If it was the Pope, would it be a scepter or something? Elizabeth, can I make you a tiara?"

Er, who had completely forgotten Elena's words about getting ready for the wedding celebration, began to think about what to make while checking the contents of the storage.


"Then Crowe investigates how Kanto is doing. Elena and Madeline return to King and Empire to reconfirm about Orlando's marriage. Elena in particular asks King Marcel if the Orlando letter is private or as pope. Karenarien and Melta gather information in the Adventurer Guild. Sophia and Lyla make lots of sweets. Sieve is going to make a celebration with me."

It was the same thing that was snorting (nodding) at the instructions of the second, but it hardened when I heard the instructions for the last sheave.

"Is that it? What's wrong?

"It's sloppy! If it's in order, I'm next!" "I want to help too," "hey, I envy Mr. Sieve..." "this anger needs to be resolved by discussing it with your father"

A protest was raised by fiancées other than Karenarien, Melta and Lyla, but when he was told that he needed help as a blacksmith's daughter by Jie Er, he seemed to regret it but convinced him. Seeve was watching like that, but when I found out I could be alone with Seiji, I jumped happily and started to doya face with my chest stretched.

"Huh. It's been a while since I've had a place to play! I'll show you the power of the blacksmith's daughter!

"I hope so. Let's get to work in my room."

We made sure each of them acted, and the two of us moved the room. The empty room that no one is using has the size there, and Xuji talks to Sieve with a small nod.

"Then Sieve will get the materials and tools out here, so bring them to me if you ask for anything I need. And I'd be glad to announce the time of rest in moderation."

"What? Small room use? Is that all?

Having understood what he had requested, Sieve has told him to protest as he swelled his cheeks a little. Xuji talks with a laugh to her fiancée with such a cute look on her face.

"I don't have a fiancée who can only be my assistant, Sheave. Elena and Madeline don't have the knowledge, and Karenarien and Melta can't give you the tools I want at the right time, can they? Clos and Sophia and Lyla are in charge of sweets."

"Oh my God! You can't find the best moment without me! Okay. I'm gonna read your breathing, Lyoge, and I'm gonna give you the tools!

Seeing Sieve in the mood as she clenched her fists, Xueji left a large amount of material and tools behind when she took them out of storage.


"Why don't you take a break? It's been about two hours."

"Oh. Is it that time already? Then I guess I'll ask for some tea and sweets. The tea and sweets that Lattice brings are one thing now."

Here lately, Sheave walked out of the room laughing, looking subtle in remembrance of the flavors of tea and sweets offered by Lattice as she did every day.

"Are you there?"

"Ha! Here"

A man in black was kneeling in a space where no one had ever been before when Shiv inquired as Jiji threw his gaze into the corner of the room confirming that he had left the room.

"You have something to worry about besides what I asked you to do to Cro. Elizabeth, can you find out where Mr. Beto is?

"I'm in awe"

When the man in black replied briefly, he disappeared again into the dark. Whilst making sure that the signs in the room disappeared, Sheave created one of the magic items while she prepared the tea and sweets to give her a satisfying look.