Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

387 stories The story of God rocks loudly to the left to the right. - That's a full Iolus verse. -

…… And this is what it was like. What do you think! Don't you think it's terrible? Mr. Marco didn't hesitate to wave Harrison down on me, the god!

"Ooh. Right. That was tough. Iolus."

To the puffy, angry and forceful theory of Iolus, Xuji was still answering with a slight pull to Marco's ever-increasing level. It's been about thirty minutes since Iolus showed up, and Françoise came in to talk to me that he was relieved that he was finally open.

"The wound is healing but there is no destructive impulse. Besides, is it God's business that all my magic doesn't work?

"Yeah. That's right. Now all your powers, the Demon King, are under my control. In its final form and fully equipped, would you have been able to do it with me now?

"Under control?

As he looks sideways at Françoise looking at Iorus as he stares bitterly at him, he also throws his gaze. Iolus nodded with a refreshing face as he also felt the gaze of Jiji.

"Yeah. I hold onto all of Mr. Françoise's magic and 80% of his abilities. By the way, you can do a lot of things with 20% more than usual."

"Why? Because I'm really an apostle?

He confirms with surprise that he has been told that there is an increase of 20%.

"Is that it? Didn't you explain?

"No. 'Can't you live freely in our world?' You just said it, didn't you? Where's the element of being an apostle! No way. 'I forgot to tell you. So, Heppe, you're not going to delude me, are you?

Iolus missed his sight just a little in the second Jitsu attack. I hit my hand as if I had come up with something, but when I was restrained from Xuji, it solidified as it was and I had been thinking about it for a while, but nothing seemed to float and I swelled my cheeks to protest.

"Isn't that terrible! It's my final weapon, and if they seal Heppe, you won't be able to say anything!

"There's no way I'm going to delude you with that!

There were only three shouting sounds.


"Would it be time for you to stop the couple comics? It's not bad to live in this outfit, but when there's an impulse for destruction, it's another story. Learn more about the area…"

"No! Mr. Françoise! I can't believe you and I understand each other like mature couples, but we feel fresh every day like newlyweds! Right. I haven't had a wedding yet, so did I just say my wife on the inside? But you want to keep your honeymoon ahead of you. Alone with Koji in a cottage with a view of the sea. He whispers to me as he is surrounded by stars of heaven. 'Compared to the beauty of your eyes, such as those stars...' Good! It's really good. Ha! I accidentally predicted the future. Mr. Françoise! I watched you sweetly! God bless Françoise too when this happens...... Does it hurt, Mr. Koji? Why was I slapped?

"Oh. Are you finally home? Just listen to Fran. It's more serious than you think."

A scratch came in from Françoise, but Iolus seemed to get it wrong and started overreacting to the couple's comic talent parts. Iolus, who traveled to the world of his dreams, had a look filled with happiness. It was a jiji that I had left alone for a while, but when I was annoyed by the iorus I was talking about extensively, I slammed a series of strikes in Harrison in Mithril to get it back to sanity.

"Ha! I was. Mr. Françoise is pathetic as it is, isn't he? Let's get you back to what you were when you were seeing Mr. Tsubaki. Do you prefer what you looked like then?

"What are you talking about? It doesn't matter what you look like if you're Fran as a friend. If you want to be a lover, think about it."

Iolus replies with a bitter smile. Françoise smiled bitterly at the content and turned to the second.

"That's a terrible thing to say. I'm still a maiden. Please. Aeolus God. Please restore me to what I was when I met with Lyoge. I'll pay you as much as I want."

"Do you know what it means to 'pay the price' towards God? You don't need money, do you?

Françoise, who shifted his gaze from Xuji to Iorus, began his favor with a serious look on his face. Iolus, who was watching the situation, also confirms with a stirring up of his sanity that he will be serious, not with his earlier joking expression. Françoise as well as Jiji were stiff to the too intense divinity.

After realizing that the two had stopped moving, Iolus hurriedly began to adjust his sanity.

"Oh. I'm sorry. It's dangerous when you come to this world, so you've lost a lot of power, haven't you? Ten percent could crumble the world. I practiced hard! I practiced to lose my strength!

"Why did you tell me twice that you practiced?

Iolus forces himself to theorize as he grips his fist, weakening the sanity he was putting together. I looked at it with an objectified look, but when I realized that the conversation had not progressed at all, I confirmed about the price.

"So, what's the price? If it's not about money, is it about life? But that doesn't make any sense, does it?

"Yeah. I'll have trouble getting my life. The price of undoing Mr. Françoise is magic. Think that the magic you have as Demon King will be gone now. I will use your magic to undo it and prevent it from being transformed again. Think of God's power as sealing the power of the Demon King."

"Oh. I don't mind. I'll spend the rest of my life as a demon clan. So I want you to use all my magic."

Iolus answers the question: Declared powerless of the Demon King, Françoise was rather pleased to accept it with a sappy look.