Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

388 Stories The Demon King is Born Again - Looks like you're going back to the way you first met him -

"Okay. Now, let's use Françoise's powers to restore ourselves to the same way we did when we met."

"Can you give me a minute? I don't mind putting it back, but can you just keep your right arm like this?

I waited from Françoise but hung up as Iolus tried to enter the chant with his right hand over him as he declared. Tilt his neck to confirm the contents.

"Why do you need to keep your right arm where it is? Because of this, you can put it back. God, is that how you serve me? Hey, Iolus?

"Fine. Because if that's the case, it's the error range. But it looks like Mr. Françoise has a reason too, doesn't it? Right? Françoise."

While Iolus nodded softly and told him that there was no problem, he urged him to explain why by looking at Françoise's sincere obsession.

"Oh. Of course there's a reason. It's totally my downfall on this rampage. I want to keep the arm that George slashed off for me so I don't forget about that. And with one arm, you wouldn't qualify as a demon king and other demons would give up, would you?

"I see. Indeed, some demons, whose power is everything, may not believe that Mr. Françoise's power has been sealed."

As Françoise and Iolus nodded at each other as they discussed, Jiji asked questions for confirmation.

"Hmm? Aren't site defects undone by the power of Iolus?

"Right. I'm not going to twist the world's logic that far. However, if there is a missing area, it can be undone. So please keep your right arm tightly sealed so that Françoise doesn't show up in the world. Just store it in storage and you'll be fine."

Iolus answers the inquiry of the second. Françoise, who was listening to the conversation between the two of them, meditated quietly with her eyes out of her full body when she confirmed that the problem had been resolved.

"Looks like the conversation is over. Well, let's just ask for it. Dear Iolus, God of Happiness. Please return this wretched demon king to me when I meet with George."

"Okay. Okay, let's get started. By the way, Mr. Jiuji."

"What the fuck?

Suddenly Iorus said away with a full grin as Iorus looked strange.

"After all, in this case, should I decide 'I wanted to hear that' and make it a dialogue?... Pain no!

"Where's the darkness doctor! Get started!

To Iolus' Doya face, Xuji shouted and struck Mithril's Harrison with all his might.


"I am the maker of this world. And those who give life to his people. But I know how to give my strength to those who do not want it. I hereby acknowledge the error and apologize. His people want the power they want back. I accept that word."

The voice of Iolus was flowing quietly on the meadow. The voice, spinning like a singer, whimpering, would have cried and prayed if there were a listener. However, Jinji had different thoughts in mind.

(I chant it well to keep my mind together, but I say, 'I'm the iorus who made the world. I'm sorry you've become an ability I don't like. I'll make it what you want,' you're just saying. I don't get stuck reading the air though)

"Mr. Junji. You're thinking funny, aren't you? No, you can't. It's a famous scene! This is my shining scene! Look at me with a firmly touched eye... Ouch!"

"I'm sorry! I've been thinking crap for sure! But you probably are, too! I gave you a temperamental chant, so make up your mind until the end!

"I was wondering if you could both give us a rough idea. Come on, I think I'm gonna spit sugar out of your mouth. Besides, don't you think we're keeping people waiting too long? Really quick, please."

Françoise blocked the conversation with a soft-hearted look as he and Iolus were making up their minds. Two of them, Jiji, who said that things were so serious, and Iolus, who was strictly chanting as he wrapped his mind around them, began to talk to him to hastily fix it when the bulk looked bad.

"Mm-hmm. Okay, keep chanting!" My name is Iolus. He who makes the beginning and announces the end. Seal the power of his people in my name!

"Mmm! Ah! Come on! Chi, power, no, it's falling out... No, you can't! Hey, wait a minute!

"Please be a little more patient. And that's a nasty tone, isn't it?

Françoise can't answer even if Iolus points it out to him. For the power of God had begun to reconstitute the body while enveloping the body and depriving it of its magic. It was Françoise who felt like the time for the perpetual robbery had flown, but in fact only a few minutes had passed.

"It's over. The chant is complete without any problems. What do you say? Isn't that helpful? But I wouldn't recommend seeing it as too giddy, would I?

"That. Iolus, I think God is right. Even though I don't mind George seeing me like this, I'm really embarrassed to be here first."

From Iolus, with his jito eyes, Francoise has told Xii not to look naked while making his whole body bright red to hide his body.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Iolus, get him some clothes!

"Yep. I used a great deal of power to bring Mr. Françoise back to the way he was when I met him. Oh, I'm tired. Chicaragadenaiyo"

"Why are you reading bars at the end! You never bothered to get your clothes ready!

Turning his back against Françoise in a hurry, he heard a voice teasing him from Iorus. He took the robe out of storage blushing and handed it to Françoise.