Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

394: The Great Banquet Between Tales - Think Various -

He was a lattice who was flattered by Iorus, who literally flew away with tremendous momentum, but when he smiled, he spoke to Xuji.

"Oh, you know. Lord Lyorge? Now the story of Iolus God is a joke, isn't it? Right? It's a lie! Please tell me it's a lie!

"No. Even if I tell you... Please check with us."

In response, Lattice shouted with her head in her arms.

"Other personnel? Why! Didn't Iolus God feel and manifest the resurrection of the Demon King! Pope, you'll see!

"No. Even if you tell me that... Because I was just called out and had a ritual. Check with Iolus God around here."

"We're both like other people..."

'Cause I know.


The Cardinals around them comforted Lattice, who collapsed in response to his reply.

"Let's give up. Sir Ratchis." "That's right. If you look at the look on the face of God Iolus, I'm afraid it was the face of a maiden in love." "Why don't you ask Lord Lyoge to meet you at any time?

Lattice, who had been comforted by everyone, began to ask him with a desperate look as he raised his face vigorously to the statement, "If you ask me to," he said.

"Please! Lord Lyoge! Master Lyoge! From you...... No! Could you do me a favor, Iolus, God? I don't even know how to explain it to the faithful, such as when God is manifesting himself but he's not in the capital. Really, please! As it is, Lord Lyoge's mansion will become the capital of Kanto."

"" "Please, from us too!

Giving his head back not only to Lattice, but also to the Cardinals who were around him, Jiji nodded, slightly pushed by the momentum.

"Wow, 'cause I get it. In the meantime, let's wait till Iolus gets back. Whatever my territory is, I'll be in trouble if the faithful push me to the mansion."

"Right. I think that would be better. So, I was wondering if you could get me a drink or something, George, just like you did in college with the break? If you can't, I'll prepare it here, though? Iolus, let's talk about God."

Orlando has declared a break when the two of us think we got a pledge from him are not very hectic of relief. Asked to prepare drinks, Jiji used earth-attributed magic when she nodded lightly as she remembered her college days, and lined up drinks and food as she created one table or chair after another.


"What's the fuss?

The big banquet had begun when fiancées, including Karenarien, Melta and Elena, returned between sights. Iolus, who came in with a depressed look, also looked surprised, and Jiji laughed and talked as they were stiff together.

"You were late, weren't you? This one's buzzing."

"I know it's exciting, but what the hell is this?

When Karenarien asked the question on behalf of him, Jiji explained how he had done so. Lattice was in a state of confusion when Iolus said he was going to marry him. I was asking you to hold back, but when I was told that Eorth was going to decide, it collapsed.

"Mr. Ratchis is confused? Well, that's a great story."

"Right? So, for now, until Iolus gets back, it's like, 'Let's just take a break and wait,' and from Orlando, 'Can we get you a drink?' I felt prepared because you asked me to."

Once again, Karenarien and the others, who had heard the explanation, looked between them. There is a small area with tables and chairs, and there are various items on the table that Jiji has ever made and purchased from dishes, sweets, and travel destinations.

"Is that it? Is this sweet?

"Whoa! That's Sophia! Have you noticed? We're gonna have a wedding cake at an Orlando wedding, right? Not only that, but I thought I'd get you something else! I've made sweets that look like fruit! What do you think?

"It's amazing! It only looks like fruit! You use the skin of the fruit for the vessel and the contents are jelly! This is fashionable!

When Sophia gave her thoughts like she was excited, she took the sketchbook out of the item box and started taking pictures. When he glanced in, he looked embarrassed and showed it to me.

"What do you say?

"You're good! Did Sophia draw all this?

"Yes! Because shades matter when making sweets. The colored pencils and sketchbooks that Master Lyoge gave me are my treasure!

Sophia was happy to begin her explanation, even though she seemed to be in the light of the praise of the second.


"So why is Iolus so depressed?

"Oh. That's..."

Seeing Iolus so depressed that there was a vertical line in his face at the rear of his fiancées, Jiji confirmed to Karenarien that he gave him an explanation with a bitter smile.

"Mr. Iolus asked me to 'let me in my fiancée, too,' because I treated it as an urgent agenda for the Fiancee's League meeting and rejected it unanimously"

"What! That fiancée federation! You said something similar before, didn't you? What? Through again?

The area was through to the scratch of the two, but when Iolus raised his face vigorously, he approached the two and spoke with tears.

"Listen to me! Jiji! What do you think of my favor: 'Mr. Iolus is immortal, so it's okay after Master George becomes a soul,' and you all reject him unanimously with a refreshing smile!

"Naturally! Mr. Iolus is a god! You can keep your youth that way! Well, then, after we're gone, okay? Hey guys...... Is that it? What's wrong?

Karenarien gave me an answer, but my other fiancées had a subtle look on their face.

"So can Karena be an alternate, too?

"Sudden betrayal! That's not terrible! I'm the First Lady, but suddenly what are you saying!

"Because Karena is not an elf. Unlike us, we live long lives, don't we? Then I think we should treat Mr. Iolus the same way."

"You weighed it! Elena! And are you all guru?

He had a small grin on his mouth as Elena gave a sad look to Karenarien's screams. The other fiancées, though not an obvious endorsement, seemed to agree and nodded small.

"Gu! Then we'll discuss it because we have one more year before Master Lyoge gets an adult! I'm getting ready for the wedding."

"Right. And that's a shame. If Master Lyoge was an adult, he'd have to be ready for marriage soon, so there was no room to consider it."

"But doesn't Master Elena realize that if I say it in turn, number three will just be number two?" "Don't say that. Because I haven't noticed him at all." That's why Mr. Melta keeps quiet. "

When Karenarien suggested with regret, Elena was laughing high convinced of the victory. When the other fiancées were talking to Hisohiso about how it was going, Iolus joined the conversation.

"I see! It would be nice if Mr. Lyoge welcomed an adult!" I am the Creator. He who gives life to all things. correct his mistakes to the One here. I'm Iolus. Whoever unites everything '"

Suddenly, the body of Iolus, who began chanting, began to shine, breathing with him to watch how it was going.

"Hey. Iolus. Whatever you do... Hey, what?

"Phew. This is perfect! Again, everything works out for me! Come on! Please say" Status Open. "

"Huh? Ah, oh. Status open! What's wrong with this? What?!

(12) Iolus prompted him to display his status. When I checked the contents from top to bottom, and leaned my neck at the fact that my gaze stopped, I knew why and shouted.