Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

400 Stories Big Bang Yen (Part II) - It's Finally Over -

"Ugh. Mr. Marco's anger has eased, hasn't it?

"Oh. But be careful. Stay alert, it'll boil in an instant."

While seeing Marco as a flicker, Iolus confirms with patience the pain. When he answered with a serious face, he turned his gaze to Marco, who was staring at this one a little further away.

"Oh no! Don't look at me!

"You'd better get started, wouldn't you? Okay, we'll do the ceremony again. Drop your head (Kobe), Mr. Koji and your fiancée. Yes. Like that. Then I will." I am the first in the Creator. Who are filled with happiness. He who gives happiness to all. I hereby impart a blessing of happiness to him who is an apostle. It shall also grant protection to those who accompany them '"

When Iolus strictly spins his blessings, the bodies of his fiancées, beginning with the twilight, glow pale and glowing. We watched with a trance and a look, but at the same time the light subsided, we blessed the two of them with applause and cheer.


"Ouch, no! What the fuck! You're safe now!

"What's the end of it! You're glad we're all glowing and done! According to the case, there were dead people out there! There were multiple injuries to the guards in your light statement!

Harrison attacked Koji protests while holding his head, but Marco also said he lost. After Iolus' blessing, Jiji turned tense to the crowd and said, 'It's my luxury today! All the shops in Wangdu are free and all-you-can-eat! Come to my mansion later to settle for me!' and proclaimed it exaltedly.

The cooks returned to their shop delighted when their dishes were used with blessings and began to cook, and those gathered rushed to the store with great cheer. It was the soldiers who were gathered in security who panicked. It was run around endlessly throughout the day to accommodate a group half-mobbed by the Declaration of the Twelve.

"What? Seriously? Sorry. I overstated my momentum, too. Later, I'll offer my apologies and thanks to the guards for hosting the consolation and prom. Send someone who can be treated to the wounded. Melta and Karenarien, please respond."

"Okay. The guards are from all over the country, so we'll hold them before they return home."

Exactly two apologizes with a dark face for reports of multiple injuries they were guarding. Having seen that happen, Karenarien and the others began to prepare for the consolation and staffing as soon as possible so that Koji's mind could rest at all.


"I treated the injured. I'm getting the word 'never mind' from you guys. So cheer up! It doesn't sound like Mr. Junior!

Iolus has spoken with a bright look. Those around him looked at this one worryingly, and when he noticed his gaze, he shook his head and smiled.

"Right. I'll be careful next time! And the guards who got Iolus treated were happy, weren't they? Is that it? What's up? Is something wrong?

It was a dark face, Jiji, but when I regained my mind, I spoke to Iolus. But Iolus' eyes became dead to a casual word, and he turned the day after tomorrow and began to laugh dry. Iolus spoke as much as Angry Tao confirmed that he was in a hurry.

"Pfft. I treated all of you," Sophia was good, "or" I'm glad, but I don't have chemo ears for a bit...... "Ya!" What about Crotan? I don't want an aunt 'or anything! You also had "Bring Master Lyoge"! You really said whatever you wanted! I thought I'd put you to permanent sleep after treatment!

"Stop that and give it to you. People's preferences are different. I'll stay with you today, so get back in the mood."

It was Iolus, who remembered the people he had treated earlier and was swelling his cheeks, but when he turned bright red with two words, he began to possess himself as he leaned down.

"Oh, man. Are you all right? What's up?


As she leaned her neck toward Iorus, who looked even more embarrassed, Elena approached her with a full grin of bitter laughter.

"In order, you can give it to Mr. Iolus today. Hey. Guys."

"Yeah. Fine. Mr. Iolus, I've been working so hard."

"I don't have a problem either"


"Only give way this time"

"Do you want my new sweets?

"I don't mind. The Demons don't care about order."

"Me, too."

My fiancées answer Elena's words together. Karenarien squeaks in her ear as she twists her neck at Iorus, who is looking happy.

"The wedding is over, and Master Lyoge is an adult, right? You're an adult, aren't you? You can enjoy the evening, right?


Understanding what Karenarien talks about as she dyes her cheeks, Koji rarely turns her face bright red. A tremendous amount of magic concentrated in the center of the room as if Jiji, who looked like an outsider at the figure of Iolus as Knekneh, predicted when he was about to say something.

"Hey, what? Everybody, get behind me! Iolus has a defensive bond with me..."

"Wait! It's me! It's Iolus!

When pressing together tried to cope with a situation where magic was swirling in the center of the room, there appeared to be about thirty centimeters of iorus floating in the air.


"Hey, what? Tiny Iolus?"

"I can't believe I called you out of the blue... Now what?

To the small iorus that suddenly appeared, the iorus stuffed up next to the flashing of the two. Marco, who was in another room, was also called, but had a surprise look on the little Iorus in front of him.

"What? Why me? Explain a little!

"Of course I'll explain! I was arguing in the divine realm, and I jumped out to Saphiria! Of course I stopped you! But I couldn't stop saying, 'My resolve won't change'! So, in a hurry, I set the line to stop him, but he could only detain me halfway... Ouch, no! Mr. Marco, it's terrible! We're still in the middle of a conversation!

"Ugh! Say" I "or" I "and you don't know who it is! Explain it in order from scratch! Chibi Male"

"Chibi males are too abbreviated... Ouch!"

I was with him when he listened to the little Iolus, who was describing him with gestures and gestures so diligently, but every time the story progressed, he started frowning, and Marco, who cut his numbness, took out a mini-sized misrill harrison and twitched.

"Ooh. I didn't know you would even use Mini Harrison...... Ouch! Oh, my God! If it was the current flow, I'd say, 'That's Mr. Marco!' hey, it's a flow!...... Ouch!"

"There's no such flow! I just sized this guy because he's small. Explain it more so we can figure it out!

When he silenced Harrison again to protest while he nodded, he urged the chibi male to explain.


"I mean, the divisive Iolus, the whole god thing? One pillar? Either way, but you came down to Saphiria?

"Yes! That's what you've been saying! You have to listen to people properly! Marco...... No. It's nothing. Please, Harrison."

To Marco's whining, the little male tried to stretch his chest with his throat and face, but noticed the same gaze and harrison and shrunk. He was bitterly smiling when he saw such a thing, but when he noticed the pale face iorus, he spoke worryingly.

"What's the matter with you? You look pale, huh? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I thought it was a little unsavory."

"What doesn't taste good?

Iolus starts talking to Potty Potty about his inquiry. It is the power of Aeolus that supports the world of Saphiria. This demon king disturbance has become eight parts of the body, and the whole thing is descending into the lower realm. Seven bodies managed to preserve the world of Saphiria, but I told them that the collapse of the world would begin without being able to support them.

"Which means you have to catch Iolus-B somewhere in this world. It's dangerous, right?

"(a) What's iorus b... Well, yes. A few more ways to put it…"

Chibi males protested with a tight face, but the protest was gently flushed, and emergency meetings were about to begin, mainly with Marco and Elena. Koji, who was watching such a situation, raises his hand vigorously.

"Marco! I have a good idea!

"What? If you have a plan, say it quickly... No way, you..."

"That's Marco! You've only known me a long time!

Standing up from the couch where he was sitting, Jiji said with a refreshing smile as he headed to the balcony.

"If you're such a temple, I'll have to go look directly for you! Don't worry! I have a metastatic demon squad, so I'll be back regularly! I left my absence to Melta."

"Yes, I did. Don't worry, I will run the territory and the mansion with Sieve. Go back once a week, okay?

"I'll follow!

Chibi males ride on their shoulders the moment they embark themselves off the balcony. support not to fall lightly with one hand while Jiji smiles bitterly. Iolus has protested as he swelled his cheeks at the actions of the chibi male.

"Ah! Chibi male sloppy! I was going to follow you!

"Don't say chibi male! You must be out of magic! Drinking mana potion is only recovering from the first phase! Rest tight and come back soon."

When Chibi Male and Iolus are hanging out, their fiancées are approaching. And Karenarien came out one step ahead in a way that represented us all.

"Dear Mr. Lyoge, Take care."

"Oh. It's me, I'm fine! I'm just gonna clean this up, so don't worry about it."

"Naturally. I want you to take over soon. Don't worry, I'll set the order by the next time I get back."

"Ottaya Walakani Onegai Shimas"

Marco has been an inspiration with a bitter smile as Jiji is behaving suspiciously in the words of a direct balloon Karenarien.

"Please! The fate of the world depends on you!

"Leave it to me! This world is full of temples! I'll digest temples like this!

When he said with joy, he flew to the night sky of the king's capital.