Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

I'll talk to you later. I'll have a 1 sieve interview. - You talk a lot.

"What? Is that an interview?

"Yes! I would like to feature Grand Duke George Uchino's wives from now on. I am one of them."

One man approached Sieve as he walked through the city. At first he treated it evil thinking it was a numb, but the man presents his guild card from his nostalgia. There it said [Minato, affiliated with Nat Mito Newspapers]. Turns out she's a solid person, Sheave walks into the coffee shop as she's invited.

"What do you drink? I'll have a coffee."

"Well, I'm in tea"

The man who ordered the drink starts introducing himself again.

"Thanks for your help with the interview! My name is Minato and I belong to Nat Mito Newspapers. The wedding was held the other day by Grand Duke George Uchino! That was really great. So, it's up to our company to start covering your wife's features in order to differentiate them from other companies that have an eye for Mr. Reggie's accomplishments. Hey, it's good to have someone involved in a good place."

"Pfft. Wouldn't it be good to sell even if Mr. Lyoge brought it to your attention?

"It's not. The newspaper has been disturbed lately by the mass-production of paper by Grand Duke George Uchino. So, as a company, I'm trying to get women who support men in the shadows to get their feet lit through their wives' interviews."

Sieve admires Minato, who speaks fervently. Because even though the newspaper contains articles about men, I have never seen women as the main writers.

"Surely Princess Elena's article was also mainly about her engagement to Master George."

"Right! So please help! May I begin by asking Mr Karenarien to speak to you?

Minato removes the ballpoint pen developed by Notebook and Koji from the item box. Sieve is happy that the development product she has also used is in front of her eyes, and she will be happy to answer questions from Minato.

"You know Mr. Karenarien was originally a receptionist at Drugle's Guild, right? Marco's introduction made me look like an exclusive receptionist, and we acted together as fellow adventurers. Famous proposal, Mr. Lyoge later...... It wasn't. When I asked Master Lyoge, he gave it to me without knowing this custom."

"Yep! The confession of love for the Spirit's beloved daughter made in front of that legendary public was not meant to be a proposal! This is going to be a great article. This is all we can feature!

"Master Lyoge himself said, 'This is also tempura...'"

"Oh. Is it epileptic? I hear you call 'Happy Events Guided by Destiny' a temper in the land of Grand Duke George Uchino. I see. You sure are epileptic! Hey, do all the other fiancées have the same episode?

To Sieve's temple remarks, Minato nods loudly and takes notes. The proposal to Melta was explained in detail because I was also nearby. Minato was also a good listener and perfect time to hit the relationship, and Sieve was even more rapping to make him react with overreactions.

"Mr. Melta was really scared then. The day before yesterday I was shown my engagement ring by Karenarien, so I understood how Merta felt."

"I see! And then Mr. Merta's buying you a ring, too, right?

"Yes, yes! The jewellery store owner has prepared a ring that feels good! Have me buy a bracelet too. Here's your bracelet."

When Sieve shows her bracelet, Minato draws a design for the bracelet. The information was written in detail, and the effects were confirmed. Lila to Elena, Sofia and Cro even after that. Madeline, Françoise, and even Iorus, as far as I know. Minato writes one note after another in an excited state. There has never been a collaborator to provide us with information so far. With his notes off, he snorted satisfactorily and drank out the chilled coffee vigorously.

"Okay! I've made up my mind! In all eighteen occasions, our company will feature a proposal made by Grand Duke Lyoge Uchino to his wife! Twice per person, right? You can publish it in a separate frame if you get a favorable review from your readers!

"What? You don't have to talk about my proposal?

"What? Your proposal? Why?"



The two of us kept leaning our necks, but Minato seemed to notice something and starts talking in a frightening way.

"Hey, hey, Shee who is one of the depths of Grand Duke Lyoge Uchino...... what is it?

"What!" Shh. Oh, my God "! It's terrible! If you're even saying 'Shh', remember it until the end! Sure, it's a faint presence in all of us! I know it myself!

"Wow. Shh, swimmer! I'm so sorry. What an apology!

A prickly angry sheave at a flat-headed minato. Ultimately, the article interviewed as the first episode of the feature will be published. After that, he began to interview as an interviewer affiliated with Nat Mito Newspapers, and eventually, he also began to ask sharp questions to Jiji.

Since she became an interviewer, Nutmito Newspapers sales will go up on her right shoulder, and it will also be about management, but that's another story.