Another world is full of happiness ( Template).

Later 7 Spring comes suddenly

"Who do you want to say good-bye to?

I don't know if I'll give it to him.

"I told your father!

"Eh. Let's give it to my boyfriend there."

Betty and the others were teething as they watched the woman talking catchy. Together with Lyoge, he cleared the deep labyrinth and became a one-jump celebrity, yet all were single without being able to be lovers.

"Hey, we're good properties, right?

"Oh. It shouldn't be bad. You cleared the dungeon with Master George? Plus, you're a magic supply clerk to the Dungeon Master."

"Right! Then why aren't you hot?

"You can't do this without a drink!

"Hey. Don't drink beddy. You're strictly forbidden by Master Lyoge. You should drink fruit water because it's a joint responsibility."

Betty and the others continue to raise their grudges without realizing that the very behavior of drinking and wrapping around watching a woman walking outside in a corner of the tavern is the primary cause. It was Beddy who tried to order alcohol in the stream, but he poured fruit water all at once, taking great care from his companions.

The next day, the beddies, who had come all the way to the entrance to the dungeon to make regular patrols to the deep labyrinth, were vigorously preparing as if they had forgotten about yesterday, etc. Over the past six months, they had all increased the rank of Adventurer, and had been certified by the Alliance as a powerful man in the northern part of the Uchino territory, ruled by both fame and fame.

"Okay. You ready? Hmm? Hey. Beginner there. That's right. Are you going in with that gear? What? It's just the ground floor, okay? You idiot! That's not so sweet!

It seems that the four young men in front of them dive into the dungeon for the first time today, and their equipment only seemed poor and unprepared.

"Take this. And you. You can't use that weapon. I'll lend you this. Or don't get me wrong! If you get hurt, the party will collapse. Don't let the warriors shy away. You can go home alive and give it back."

Take the long sword that Beddy has as a spare and give it to one young man by removing it from the item box. My buddies were whispering as I watched Beddy even give advice with a tap on the shoulder of a frightening young man.

"Hey. That's natural, isn't it?

"You've never noticed. She's a girl, isn't she?

"It's rare to party just for a girl, but it's rare for a female warrior, isn't it? Besides, those eyes fell in love with Beddy, right? You look so radiant. Spring is here for him."

Watching Beddy and the Beginner Adventurer talking about a lot of things, Beddy comes back to see if he's finished talking.

"Those guys are too unprepared. I paid close attention, but you better be careful. Let's keep a little distance and keep an eye on him."

"Hey. Do you realize that?

"What is it?

One of my buddies asks, watching as Beddy looks worried. He told Beddy, who was tilting his neck without knowing the intent of the question, that it was nothing with a bitter smile, followed by a junior who dived ahead.


"Thank you for the other day! Thanks to Mr. Beddy, we didn't have to die! I didn't expect you to get hit by surprises on the ground floor. Thank you so much. So this is the sword I owed you."

"Beginner, don't worry about adventurers! I'm glad you guys are okay. I'll do that to you, so you'll survive. And when you get famous, introduce me to the girl! Ha-ha-ha!

The next day, one of the beginner adventurers I met near the entrance came when Betty and the others were healing their fatigue at the tavern. Beddy says he came to return the sword, but he says it's not necessary, and he tells him to keep using it. To Beddy's low-level dialogue with him to introduce her when he gets famous, the girls whose buddies were laughing bitterly but got swords nod with a serious face and confirm.

"Hey. Mr. Beddy. What's it like to be the girl of your choice?

"Oh? What did you mean? Nothing. Not until you're famous, okay? But. Right. Because of this, should I order it? Pretty girl would be nice. Ask for a nice girl with a nice skirt. But you can't just be weak."

"What are you talking about luxury! He's telling me he's gonna introduce her to you. It's promising stock! Hey. Brother. If you want to introduce me to this guy, you can ask us to do it. We don't talk about luxury. If I were younger. Ha ha."

Speak to the words of Beddy's companions as he pleases, laughing with them. The girl who was listening to it nodded small and went home thankfully.


Today is Valentine's Day, a shopping district and lodging house, which is becoming popular. For some reason, even the guild was able to make chocolate sales corners. The beddies, who don't plan on getting it this year, came to the tavern spitting evil.

"Hang on! What the fuck! It's a hit on us! The guild receptionists didn't give it to me this year either, did they?

"Oh. You even told me last year, 'It's pathetic, so I'll give it to you, but it's my brother-in-law,' right? Were you paid less this year?

"Oh, you know. Mr. Beddy. This."

As usual in the liquor store, one girl handed Beddy some chocolate as Beddy glanced at the chocolate sales corner while his buddies were drinking.

"Hmm? Huh? Oh, to me? Yeah, yeah, yeah! Oh, to me! Are you gonna give me this? Really?"


Receiving chocolate with a bright red face, Beddie begins her joyful dance as she jumps up.

"Did you see that! Hey, this is it! It's real! I got it for the first time I saw it! How about... Ouch! What the hell!

"Idiot! I don't know!

Beddy kneels in unexpectedly for sudden severe pain. Looking at everything, a tear-eyed girl ran away with a bright red face.

"Huh? Did I do something?

"You didn't notice? That kid was a warrior kid before you, wasn't he?

"Huh? Was that a girl?

Beddy, distracted, but when his buddies asked him if he was chasing him, he rushed up and ran out with all his might. Later, the guild receptionists asked Beddy for more than two hours while sitting in the front seat about the girl's consultation to give Beddy chocolate, the costume, the fact that she bought it back to Beddy's liking, and the fact that she taught her makeup.