Another World Transfer in Game Character
Episode Four: The First Battle
There's something I need to do before I can get Alusha out of here.
It's about checking her defenses.
Aliusha is just a five-year-old girl now.
I'm not going to go ahead and do the fight, but I'm even horrified to open the door in case the beast attacks me and I get caught up in the fight.
So I was fishing for handheld gear to strengthen her...
"Um, it's basically all third-degree gear. What is it?"
A tertiary position is the highest ranking position, starting with the Demon Knight.
At Midgals Online, he first learns the basics in a beginner class called Nobis, from which he moves to a basic position depending on each person's preferences.
Swordsmen and bandits who carry out melee combat.
A magician who uses magic.
Samurai Festival to undertake recovery and support.
Archers, the key to ranged attacks.
A merchant who can trade.
And even to musketeers and ninjas.
There are a wide variety of variations available, even though they are called basic jobs.
Then, when it comes to the higher secondary positions, the trend is subdivided, and the ability to subdivide in the higher positions, which is the third transfer, is specialized.
Todome is a tertiary position, and when he gets here, the upper limit of levels and abilities will be freed, and his specialized abilities will be even more advanced, allowing him to demonstrate enough fighting power to hunt area bosses solo.
Even Yumil, who was said to be a weak rat character, would be hunted at his leisure by those bosses, so his fighting power is extrapolated.
Of course, the equipment is quite specialized, and many items have restrictions due to class and level.
I was also bringing such gear as a priority in my quest for an infinite ice hole that would fight my boss in a row.
"Oh, isn't this good?
Removed from the item inventory were the wings of the Archangel. It's a shoulder gear that mimics angel feathers.
Even though this can be equipped from the initial class (Nobis), HP is granted an increase there.
Besides, what I have even has the ability to increase my attack speed by 10 percent.
The increase in HP is also a trivial one from me, but from the point of view of Nobis it is a good product that jumps more than tenfold.
"Alusha, put this on."
"Mm-hmm. - Oh?
A naked toddler angel descended here. Aliusha, seriously, angel!
"Shit, yeah with a nosebleed"
"Hey, you want a nose?
"Yeah, I'm fine... I'm still fine"
Hold on, my reason!
Speaking of which, she hasn't worn any clothes since I found her.
I'm too young to be sexually excited, but I have enough adoration to hold and stroke around.
"As it is, first of all, clothes and shoes...... or what will happen to Aliusha's profession? I thought you were treating me like a Nobis?
"No, about this one. Just try this on."
What I took out was a shirt made of dragon skin. Has the effect of increasing agility.
This can be equipped from one level, but it has an occupational limit of more than a top position.
If I could wear this, Aliusha would mean more than a top position. You won't be able to wear it first.
"Hey. Hey, I can't wear it."
"Oh, I knew it. I can't help it, just wear this."
Give me the torso coat I was using instead of the towel earlier. I used it instead of a towel but it is already dry.
If it was me, my groin would only be long enough to hide, but Aliusha's height would be just the right size.
Take off your feathers once, put on your torso, and then let them equip you again.
Then let them wear glass-decorated shoes.
That's just magic gear, and the instant I put my foot in it was automatically resized. I didn't care it was a game, but you had this feature or something.
This shoe has a slightly increased Magic Defense as well as a 10 percent HP boost grant.
Now Aliusha's HP should hold nearly ten times the initial character's HP.
"What do you think?
"Yeah, go"
Other weapons, shield gear, etc. exist, but I didn't bring just the right stuff to Aliusha.
Let's keep it good, even if we just got hit harder.
Keep the crown of the Holy Fire King on your head. Also on the spare light.
This equipment had no restrictions on levels or occupations, so it could be equipped for Arusha as well.
"... does that mean that Aliusha can also use [fireball]?"
"Really? Can I, too?
"Maybe I can't do it yet, but hey"
[Fireball] I would be able to use it, but probably not enough MP in Aliusha.
Of course I have gear to increase my MP...... I can't let my kids use dangerous gear, so let them be patient.
"Ready? I'll be there."
I never pushed the door open.
The red light of the Devil's Sword and the flame of the crown of the Holy Fire King illuminate the passage without a single light.
The crown in particular acted more as a lighting than I expected and I had no anxiety at all at my feet.
"This is where I was..."
"Has Alusha never seen this passage?
"- Yeah."
Does that mean she got lost and sealed over there without going through the aisle?
Can you do that...
I don't know where the hell she came from and why she was being captured... I guess it was because I was thinking about that, I was late to notice the approaching feathers.
"Huh! Feathers?
Aliusha, who has not grasped the situation, has a Kyotong look on her face.
Even though there may be dangerous organisms in this cave, they are extremely defenseless.
I rush back and forth, but unfortunately it's the main road aisle. The branch road passed quite a while ago.
You can run to the room with Aliusha in your arms, but if they get in front of the room, you won't be able to escape.
You won't have to worry about food for a while... then I'll be just like her sealed up too.
Although the branches in front of us are somewhat intertwined, the map shows that there are further stairs leading to the lower level.
There is no detour to the entrance.
"Shit, there's only one choice between running or fighting."
In these dungeons, the more underground you go, the stronger the monster is the stone.
Of course this is the labyrinth of reality, not necessarily in accordance with its laws... but it's still too risky to bet.
Of course there are hands to pull over in the small room.
I will have the food for two months because there are fish and cakes. The water is also gushing out of the fountain.
But if you're alone, you can't be there with Aliusha...
Young lady, curious. What if this one walks out of the room in a gap with his eyes off?
Neither do I go to sleep to keep watch.
"Do you want to fight... Alusha, back off. But you can't leave me, can you?
"- Yeah, okay."
It must have conveyed my pressing atmosphere. She also replies with a tight expression.
The feather called Bassa is already approaching about ten meters away.
I hurried and touched the dovetail to call the keyboard and manipulate the shortcut key.
An underground cave, even when the road is wide.
The currently equipped Devil's Sword "Purple" autocasts the magic of [Meteocrash] and [Mistfreeze].
[Meteocrash] is an attack magic that summons meteorites over the sky and causes them to pour down.
[Mistfreeze] is the magic of scattering fog of frozen attributes around you.
Both are magic that makes a range attack and are difficult to use in situations where there is Aliusha by your side.
I never accidentally blew up on my side in the game, but I don't know how it is in this world, and I can't even hit my eyes in the unlikely event of a fall or anything with [Meteor Crash] dropping meteorites from above.
"No Range Attack Weapon - Prioritize Tasks at this time…"
Fortunately, the Item Inventory and Equipment (Equip) windows were the game screens I was used to, or I'm switching gear so that it flows.
I want to prioritize HP gain and damage reduction gear for my own safety, but there are multiple impending feathers.
If they turn around behind us, Aliusha will be attacked.
To maintain extermination speed while sealing a range attack -
"Manablade... see how it goes with the once-fire attribute"
Equipped with a two-handed sword incorporating a mechanical gimmick.
This sword has a slot for inserting cards into the pattern, and by inserting a certain card here, you can autocast the single-attack magic.
The magic level that can be used is low but has the ability to increase magic attack power, so there should be no faint color compared to the Demon Sword "Purple".
Equipment is also replaced by an object that emphasizes attack speed and keeps the speed of limit values.
I am anxious about being struck and weak, but let's believe in the vitality of the Demonic Knight here.
"Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!"
At the end of the gear replacement, the identity of the feathers approaches.
The opponent, illuminated by the Holy Fire King of Arusha, was a giant bird of extreme colour about a meter and a half long.
That number, three.
He drips his tongue from his mouth and hits this way with his bloody running eyes.
I don't care what you think, it doesn't look friendly - but...
"... is it too late?
That speed, obviously, is slow.
It can be fully discerned as fast as it embodies that the fly stops.
The viciousness of appearance was uncomparable fluency.
"Er... Yikes!
You don't have to bother getting attacked like you can see through.
Fly the neck of one of the approaching winners as a must-win.
The neck was able to fly lightly in response as if stroking the butter with a hot knife.
The two that follow also wield a sword to the left and right to clean up lightly.
I don't have time for a random number of autocasts to occur, and the fight is over.
"... you saved me with a weak opponent, didn't you?
"Wow, you're so tight!
"Oh, I wonder?
Aliusha is very excited when she says she has developed a splatter scene that isn't very educational: snapping a bird's neck in front of her.
Isn't this kid actually pretty big?
It's delicious, isn't it?
"Really? But I've never done birding or anything..."
"I am! I can do it."
"Oh, that's awesome... where did you find out?
"... messed up"
Change to a soggy look at once. Is it the privilege of a child to be expressive, sweetie?
"But dealing with blades is dangerous, so if you tell me how to do it, I'll do it."
Fish and cake alone will always be nutritionally biased and boring. It wouldn't be a bad idea to study how to twist birds here.
Open the item inventory and tap the carcass to store it.
I was anxious to be able to dance the bird carcass to the item inventory, but I was able to do it without any problems. This feature seems to perform better than expected.
Still, traces of spilled blood remain.
"It's dangerous when other beasts or something come because of the smell of blood, and let's get the hell out of here"
"Yeah, Yisugu"
Aliusha also accepted my point and hurried to the exit.