Another World Transfer in Game Character
Episode Twelve: Let's Cook a Hot Pot
In the end that day was enough and I decided to take Mr. Irvin back to the ground.
When I left the labyrinth, the sun was already tilting and I was supposed to stay overnight and have dinner.
"That's why I'm going to cook a lot of food today."
"Asami - Dinner? Yay!
Banzai and jump a little.
Even today Aliusha is cute with her eating pussy.
Pour water into a large pan made of stuck wood and keep the spine of a cow or pig in.
Cleanly wash the stones, heat them in an incendiary flame and place them in a pan where they are crimson cooked. The pot is made of wood and cannot be hung directly on fire, so it is a bitter meat measure.
Replace some stones and bring the water to a boil, then remove the spine inside after a while. Doesn't look very different, but the fat and bone marrow should melt out and taste good.
Put diverse meats such as bears, pigs, cattle, pigs and birds in there and simmer with the wild grass. I want cabbage or something.
"Ooh, nice smell"
When the boiling becomes weak, replace the stone and maintain the firepower. The smell of the ingredients boiling gradually gets into the surroundings.
Finally, the flavor is seasoned with tomato-like fruit and salt and fish soy sauce, which is complete.
"Done. Would you like to name it Labyrinth Hot Pot?
"Oh, that smells good."
"This, all with what you got in the labyrinth? That's not amazing."
Simple chopsticks made by shredding tree branches and using a spoon to divide and distribute them on each plate.
I'd really like to have a pan for everyone, but I also hear that there are people overseas who are disgusted with that way of eating.
This other world... Well, maybe, but I didn't necessarily have anyone here to feel that way, so I kept the meals.
"Delicious, this is... I had a strong impression of appetizers when it comes to soup, but it feels like they're eating the main dish."
"It doesn't taste bad either. Soria's not just salt, is she?
"... don't smell like fish."
The fruit of Soria is something similar to tomatoes.
"Yum, yum!
"This... is that monster, isn't it?
"... don't say"
Even Alusha, who always eats them, admires the rare flavor of fish soy.
In the first place, the concept of stock may not be common in this world either, as it was not very popular abroad until recently.
I didn't know single living skills would help here.
I thought even the next morning if I stayed... but I finished eating beautifully. I wanted to try the udon or rice cooking for tightening, but it's hard to do with the current situation where no rice or wheat exists.
Let's order some rice from Mr. Irvine, too.
Get your bed ready for bed and sleep with extra fur and hay.
I honestly adore the way the toddler girl brings it in while she's buried in the hay.
He knocked the men out of the cabin and changed into sleeping rolls (alternative gear), enjoying their first female body in a long time.
Me and Aliusha are both tulpetans, so the fuzzy, self-assertive appearance of Luisa and Rudis became good maintenance. Heh heh.
"Yu, who?"
"Oh, I'm not drooling like that. Jiuru."
"Oh, is that a cold? Because I dived into those four layers of sea..."
"That's a difficult place, isn't it? Many adventurers have never swimmed inland, and floating wheels can be a must."
Swimming is incorporated into classes in Japan, but they have few examples of that abroad.
Many people can't swim when they grow up inland, and on the contrary, many areas are coastal but have no swimming skills?
Speaking of which, Aliusha was relying on floating wheels without being able to swim at first, and when people start coming, demand may increase.
"I have a floating wheel that Aliusha used before, so will you mass-produce it"
"... which?
"Wait a minute, please"
Open the crate for luggage storage in the corner of the room and remove the floating wheel from inside.
Floating rings utilizing the intestines of animals squeeze in about an hour because they are not sealed enough, but still sufficiently useful.
"Well, you thought about it."
"Bringing in a piece of wood would be a good alternative to a floating wheel."
"If you wrap these tubular aids around your body, it's an advantage that you can use your hands."
"Hmm, I see."
Add floating rings to the mass production list. Wouldn't that be a surprisingly good business?
"But I don't think many people can get that far."
"Well, that's the difficulty. It might even be difficult to make a further breakthrough."
Two people with kind of dead fish eyes and whining.
A voice hung through the door there.
"Hey, are you there yet? There's a lot of bugs out there. Hurry up."
"Oh, hi. It's okay."
I put on my initial torso for sleeping rolls and made sure the other three were dressed before I opened the door.
Aliusha is a sleeping roll made of skinned skin. This is not breathable and uncomfortable as it is, so cut into each part to ensure ventilation.
Afterwards, this kid had a bad sleep minister, so I thought he was going to catch a cold if he didn't have a thick sleeping roll.
"Hey, you can't go out in front of a man dressed like that!
"Oh, yeah?
Speaking of which, I can't get this torso or cloth, so I cut it all over the place and the situation is quite remarkable.
Now I can barely hide it down there.
I've lived with Aliusha all my life, so she doesn't seem to care anymore.
"Ah. Please wait a little longer"
Mr. Irvin closed the door with a bit of foreboding.
I think my current body is too young to be subtly off the subject of that?
Sleeping with a first-timer on a boulder made me nervous.
I was awake with a little stimulus at night, so I'm not even refreshed when I wake up in the morning.
This is a guest lodging cabin, you should make it early. And then the keys.
For breakfast, I got a dried bread of preserved food, so I mixed it with the rest of the soup from yesterday's pan and made it oatmeal style.
Serve with sweet fruit and balance the nutrition.
For the first time in a long time, the taste of wheat tasted good enough to make me cry. Carbohydrates are still great.
"Then I'll be back as soon as I can. Until then, get ready."
"Yes, I understand. I'll make a lodging cabin or something."
That's how they went back to town.
"Bye, Aliusha. We're gonna build another cabin today, okay?
It's a cabin that many people plan to stay in, so I'm going to try to organize it a little sturdy.
I set up a wooden chop and built a wall, but now let's make it a log-house-style creation with a combination of marutai.
Raise the round-tails, build up the round-tails further along them, and combine the intersections by choosing.
I used a one-handed sword to decide the marutai. Because it is a sword that has been refined to its limits, wood could be used to make crisp decisions.
Just in case, we'll tie it up and reinforce it, and we'll build a big hut around the corner.
It took me two weeks to do this work.
Next, lay gravel inside and install a floor made by splitting the whole thickness in half.
A carpet of fur stitched together with leather strings was laid, and the large clutter was completed.
Install a crate for luggage storage to create a crate in the door area.
Since there is no hinge, I am trying to tie it up and operate it with a jar, so to be honest, I remain anxious in terms of security, but thanks to the jar, it would have been somewhat better.
Next, I'm going to move on to the production of preserved food and water bottles.
I didn't feel the need for a water bottle because I have an item inventory, but it would have been better if it had been there when I drew water in public.
Nevertheless, it is not yet possible to produce earthenware due to the lack of clay.
I'm not skilled enough to cut trees and build barrels.
Unlike wooden boxes, which have not much impact even when the gap is open, it is difficult because sealability is important.
So after making the wooden barrel as precisely as possible, I applied the leather with glue on the inside, aiming at a way to prevent water leakage.
To do this, we have to make glue first.
Fortunately, there is a large amount of excess animal fat, so boil it, simmer it, and extract gelatin.
It was further boiled and concentrated, sterilized, cooled, dried and processed, and anything that was likely to become an adhesive was made.
Now the leather used in the water bag has been affixed to the inside of the barrel, and a larger size water bottle has been completed.
"I wonder if this is okay...?
"Now water, won't it leak? Milk, can I drink it at any time?
"Yeah, I guess. But I don't know about keeping the milk in here."
I don't think I can drink this much milk in the first place.
It is safer to serve an item inventory that does not run out of time.
If you get food poisoning or something in the middle of a meadow like this, that's life at stake.
I know there are nuts that can be gastrointestinal drugs with Aliusha's knowledge, just in case.
So I decided to put milk in a potion bottle for her and give it to her.
The goal is to prevent food poisoning by giving them an empty bottle once they drink it and replenishing it each time.
And now I'll build a roof-only hut in the frame, and I'll have tons of firewood there.
This threw in Elder Trent tree cuts and kept them dry and firewood.
Fortunately or unfortunately, this meadow has unusually low rainfall.
The cuckoo grass grows all over in just one day, so maybe there's a water vein in the basement.
This was followed by the creation of a toilet, replenishing the wood consumed and a month passed where water and beds were installed.
When Mr. Irvin and I visited again, we were mowing the grass without diving into the labyrinth.
I installed a large number of beds and I had to prepare some grass for use in the newly built restroom.
"Hey, sounds like you're trying."
"Here you are. Accommodation cabin, done."
"What, already!? It's only been a month, right?
"If you work hard, it's something you can do"
"Such an unscrupulous..."
Yumil wouldn't know.
"Consolidation of insanity."
You'll tell me all about it when I see you again.
Mr. Irvin was bringing in one additional man.
He seems to be a tough guy with glasses on, and he's not very friendly.
It doesn't seem like a bad person, though.
"Was this the person you were talking to? I just look like a child no matter what you think..."
"Yeah, even if it looks like this, I'm a Tondemonai handyman."
"You can't guess what it looks like. Oh, excuse me. I'm an auditor at the Adventurers Union, and my name is Hill."
"Ah, it's Yumil. This girl is Aliusha."
Nice to meet you.
Aliusha is also nervous because of the harsh atmosphere she is exposed to.
Mr. Hill is a tall cleavage eyed man, and he's a handsome guy, as they say, but he's a tough guy to get close to.
Was that thirty years ago? Handsome men are enemies, so their liking is the lowest from the start.
"Are you alone in this cabin?
"Alusha helped me, too. And this labyrinth is rich in lumber and stuff."
"Sounds like it. I didn't know we could have all this wood in the middle of this meadow."
"That's... auditing, isn't it? Me, no, I don't know the details."
For once, it has a great person-like atmosphere, so I'll change the tone.
"Right...... more than that, I'm tired on a long journey, could you get some water?
"Oh, I didn't realize this! Please, come here."
Sure stand-up hits me rude.
Guide them to a new cabin to show off their chairs and tables with stumps.
"This fur...... is it shadowwolf?
"It's wolf stuff coming out in that labyrinth. It's a little messy, so I was wondering if it's for the carpet."
"If you come and go frequently, you'd better have something sturdy. And yet... it was true."
"Shadowwolf lives in a place out of the sun. I mean, caves and labyrinths, right? That's also a pretty high risk III. It's a first-rate sign that you can hunt alone."
That's right. I sit in a chair, drooling my lecture.
It is a fairly full-bodied dish, lightened by slipping through the stump and laying a cushion made of feathers.
I need to serve more tea than that...... no tea leaves though.
"If you like, some goat and cow milk..."
"Oh, that's good. Can I have that?
Thus began the interview with the auditor, Mr. Hill.