Another World Transfer in Game Character
Episode Twenty-six: I dug a well.
A further month passed since joining the Union.
Since then, their adventurers have joined together, forming a little pioneering village around the labyrinth.
The number of adventurers was about fifty, about ten parties.
Aldo and the others are building huts like day after day to make their accommodation.
And to provide them with food, I had to open something like a cafeteria.
I have to procure ingredients directly from the labyrinth because I can't get them to Talhan in time, but I'm the only one who can do that.
Even when it comes to the dining room, it doesn't mean you can serve food individually like a regular shop.
In the first place, we're completely understaffed like that.
Therefore, it is the policy to collect a piece of silver coin when entering the dining room and to have the large pot dishes freely eaten inside.
It's a bit of a buffet format featuring other things you can eat on your own, like beef and grilled chicken.
Taste and variety are not at all good for a specialty restaurant, but people are busy every day eating things that are better than preserved foods.
"Yu! The pot is empty already!
"Okay, I'll make it soon."
"I'm home, uh! It's Aliusha! Do you mind if I take a piss?
"Ngah!? Yu, yu, yu!
By the kitchen made up, Aliusha is captured by a female adventurer by surprise.
Her punipuni cheeks are healing for female adventurers.
Of course, men can't touch it. They treat me just as sexually harassed.
I'm glad I'm a woman now.
"Yes, Aliusha is helping, so let her go."
"Yep! Just a little more..."
"Oh, my God!
Safely escaped after a rough break.
Work resumed on arranging the water on the table as it stood.
"I'm not complaining because the food here is delicious and there's plenty of it... I'd love some booze"
"And I don't even like women. No, they're cute kids."
"I don't have the colour..."
"I'm gonna pinch you out, there!
Indicate the disrespectful people with the balls of a pot.
Oh, my God, you're turning to Yumil, my whole design!
There's nothing I can do about Aliusha.
"After all, the lack of alcohol is a problem. This is the kind of store."
"Yu, you want a drink?
"Alcohol comes from the age of twenty, Alusha."
At least Yumil is in his early teens.
The age column was also marked thirteen in the notation of the Union Certificate. It's just like I set it up.
"The brewery needs subtle management, so I can't do it."
"What, so you can bring the ingredients?
"Mm, Mr. Aldo, are you someone who can make a little alcohol or something?
Mr. Aldo, who snuck in, holds a liquor bottle in one hand.
They bought this from the city of Talhan that they brought in in in trade.
All the liquor now in circulation in the land was brought in from the outside.
"It's like a lot. Dwarf's taste."
"That's good, I'll sell it here. Why don't you make it? We'll procure the ingredients, and we'll pay for them, right?
Even though I use little material, I miss thirty pieces of silver coins, roughly three thousand gills, every night. Is it about 30,000 yen in Japanese yen?
I wouldn't spare it if it was about the price to make booze.
"Hum, let's have some rice."
Unfortunately, I still don't hear about rice being discovered in the labyrinth.
Except for me in the first place, to the extent that I finally reached two layers. Even I haven't dived below six floors yet.
"It's the only way, then it's potatoes. Look... you have potato treats to sell in front of the cabin in the morning? That ingredient will do."
"Oh, that's taro potato. Then, well..."
We sell lunches to adventurers in front of the cabin in the morning.
Even so, it is not an elaborate object.
They steam potatoes, crush them, and sell three kinds of potato buns mixed with bacon, wild grass, and dried fruit.
Each one is made individually and sold as a set of three.
What contains bacon is for staple foods. Think of the nutritional balance for those with wild grass. And fruit is eaten as a dessert.
Men have a reputation for containing bacon and women have a reputation for containing fruit, and they often ask me to sell it individually, but when I do, I only get extra weed.
I have a very biased diet here and I also have trouble getting them to be leggy and so on due to lack of vitamins, so I also make it set for sale in the sense of forcing them to eat with weed.
"That and not enough clay for architecture. If you bring me one, I'll lose you about the price of booze, okay?
"Oh, that would be nice"
The clay was laid neatly on six floors.
That hierarchy, even though the whole thing is made of clay, is no exaggeration.
Apparently, Behemoth stepped on the scatter and the gravel finely grained, where moisture from the groundwater veins poured in and clayed.
Besides, there were other convenient items on the sixth floor.
It was a room east of the central room where Behemoth was, and it was a fountain room.
Water was still gushing out of the majestically standing male statue, making a fountain.
It looks like a safety area just like this one, and the monsters aren't coming. No, is this whole layer so? I don't see any enemies other than Behemoth.
By the way, the staircase to the fifth floor was south, and the staircase to the seventh floor was north. The remaining west room is fitted with one pedestal like the one that had sealed Alusha, and I'll explain this if I get a chance.
And even if we went down to the sixth floor again, Behemoth would never come out again.
Apparently, once crusaded, he was the type of enemy that would never come out again.
"Later, I'm going to dig a well tomorrow."
"Is that a well? Sure, it would be useful."
The number of adventurers has also increased, and there are now about seventy people living in the land.
It was also time to come to the limit that the water source depended on the fountain.
I feel like the statue of the fountain is in order. Maybe it's my fault.
"That's all the grass is growing. There's got to be some groundwater."
"I've been thinking about that, too. Here, it doesn't rain much or anything, but the grass doesn't dry up."
"So we talked about digging a well. Tomorrow, I decided to dig in with union officials."
"That's... good luck"
Mr. Aldo is in trouble, too. Well drilled for architecture and liquor.
You're a surprisingly diverse man.
"What? Like other personnel. Tell your daughter to come too."
"Er... I have lunch sales in the morning, right?
"That's not true. I need you to send an official. I need your daughter's foolishness."
"Speak badly..."
Rude towards such a luxurious beautiful girl.
No, it's tougher than it looks. Statually.
For that reason, we were to head to the well dig the next day. Drop it.
The next morning, after teaching female Union officials how to sell potato buns, we headed to the well digging site.
Aliusha is following me with her eyes rubbed. He's still a weak kid in the morning.
"Oh, there you are, young lady."
"If you don't come, you won't make me alcohol, will you?
"Ha, that could have happened!
I laugh and show it happily, but the sweat is already shining on its face.
Apparently, he was starting a well dig a foot early.
I had already dug as far as the height of people, and it seemed like it would be hard to carry out the dirt and sand.
"Right? I mean, I want your daughter to do the job of bringing that dirt up and out."
"Isn't that the hardest part?"
If you just go downstairs and dig a hole, you don't have a surprising difficulty. That's not a light task either.
The hardest part is bringing out the dirt and sand.
This is pretty mental, tight, because the more holes you dig, the harder it gets.
Fortunately, I have a sturdy pulley mounted at the top of the hole, so it would be possible to pull one up though.
The pulley is tied with a rope and has a large barrel ahead like a drum can.
"Parents. You want me to lift that one up on my own?
We're short on manpower.
"I understand that... can you help me?
"Of course not."
Then for a few hours, I even engaged in drilling holes.
Your disciples dig holes and pack the soil out into drum cans. Pull up the dirt with me and my parents and stack it aside.
The soil to be lifted should have weighed more than a hundred kilograms at a time, but in front of Yumil's muscle strength values far beyond the common sense of mankind, it was not so handicapped.
Having grown more than ten levels at once by defeating Behemoth, I put all of that growth point into my muscles.
Style wise, agility was kansas, and intelligence was at the top of the line, so now he's trying to build muscle strength and raise the bottom of the damage.
As a result, the muscle strength figures almost doubled and could be raised to a hundred. Now it will be alongside intelligence.
Again, a high level of leveling is a tremendous growth in points.
This growth has allowed us to make considerable use of the destructive power of the weapon known as Kunitsuna.
This Kunitsna, Midgals Online, has the biggest attack power, and it was even said to be the salvation item for the Magic Knight, which has been so downwardly modified.
However, since it is a high-muscle type with more than one hundred and twenty muscle strength that can be maximized, it has not been an item that has benefited Yumil much so far.
But now I can finally demonstrate the true value of this weapon.
Anyway, thanks to raising the muscle strength to a fairly high level, the soil level of the drum can could be pulled up as if it were dust mustard (chiseled).
Mr. Aldo had a rather frightening look on his face, but the people in the first place already knew about my anomaly, so it's all the more so now.
Because they are not the kind of people who say otherwise, they are not reluctant to hesitate a little when there is no human eye.
The soil that I pull up a few hours after digging has become moist.
We moat for another hour, where we thought it was time for lunch break... and the water overflows all at once.
"Yay, the water's out!
"Now I don't even have trouble drinking water!
"Well, wait... we don't know the quality of the water yet"
There were voices that spoke of prudence, but still the joy was not hidden.
Until now, the adventurers were carrying water, so it would be a joy.
Then, while we were having lunch, the well was completely full of water.
I have checked the water quality...... but in this world I have to see it and drink it and find out, but it turns out that there is nothing wrong with drinking, so I surround myself with stone walls to consolidate it.
Thus, the common well was completely completed in the evening.
In the evening, the adventurers were disappointed at the late preparation of the dining room, but when they heard that the well was ready, they went to drink water with joy and courage.
They had taken off their clothes on the spot (although it was only men) and started taking a quick bath in the water, buying a bunch of ladies.
In such a noisy gap, I prepare the late dining room.
Slice the meat of sheep and cows stored (I had made up my mind) in the basement of the house and fry in vanilla.
By sautéing with fruits that taste similar to blue bananas, they are left to taste like sweet and sour blue odours.
This is a common culinary practice in Southeast Asia, starting with Vietnam.
However, this ingredient, when boiled, produces a great amount of ash juice, so you should make it into these stir-fry dishes in situations where there is no hassle involved.
Heat more oil and fry potatoes, vegetables, bananas, meat, etc. all at once.
It was supposed to be fast food. It is in this situation that we show the truth.
Serve these with den on a plate, have them split up each with a thong and eat with the potatoes.
I want bread and rice, but I can't help it here.
By the time I was so ready, the men who had finished bathing in the water and refreshed and the women who were prickly angry at the ugliness had returned.
Thus the busiest hours of the day were to begin.