Another World Transfer in Game Character
Lesson 28: Hangover
The next morning the dining room looked like a dead body.
Well, it's been a long time since I've floated in alcohol and drank alcohol from alcoholics and famous dwarves.
I have a headache, too.
Return to the cabin, holding back your gun-guffy head.
If you don't get home soon, Aliusha will wake up and miss you.
I woke up early in the morning, so I should still be able to make it.
"I... go to the cabin, go home..."
As I sloppily dragged my body and opened the cabin door...... the worst was waiting for me.
Alusha was crying on the bed.
She jumped at a glance when she found this one with her eyes wet in tears.
"Wow! Yu, where have you been?
"Ah, Aliusha, I'm sorry! I apologize, so be quiet a little. No, no!?
I was greatly damaged by the cries of a tall child and the shock I've held on to, and my screams.
With Aliusha pushing him down, he hit around with his head in his arms.
"What's wrong, Yu? Oh, you want some? Did you get hit with Me-Ki-ku?
"No, I'm fine... because this is the effect of alcohol"
"Two, please?
"Yes, it"
I stroke my head and comfort myself, impressed that I often know words about hangovers at this age.
Anyway, I'll tell Aliusha what's going on and make an excuse for sneaking out.
There's no way we're taking our kids to a nightcap. No, I'm a kid, too.
"Were you able to drink?
"Yeah, you just can't sell it like that for a bit. It's for Dwarves only."
"Well, then, no."
"Maybe if I dilute it, I'll figure it out. More than that, Aliusha, don't you know what kind of herbs work for hangovers?
"I don't know. And whoever keeps me, creep in."
Move away from the toon and face and point your mouth.
It's usually a cute trick, but it's a demonic look for me right now.
"Oh hey! I'll do anything."
"Mmm, then make a cake?
"I'll make it when it's healed!
"Really? Yay!
He jumps up with Piong and jumps into the door to the basement.
Chickshaw, are you ready already?!?
After a while, Aliusha comes out with the weed she's used to seeing in her hands.
"This tastes like yomogi, but it also gives me headaches."
"Heh, not the guy I used for condiments"
Aliusha says this grass is a yomogi... does it exist in this world under the name Yomogi as well?
It looks like an onion, either way.
"You have to grate it properly and leave the juice on."
I also drink yomogi juice, and it looks bitter.
Aliusha takes out the stone instead of the bowl and starts mopping it down.
I take out a water bag with fruit juice on the side and leave it hanging all at once.
He's kind of like a bad father. Beware of hangovers in the future.
Take your medicine and stay at rest in the morning.
Lunch boxes and the dining room, I'm sorry, but I'm off today. In yesterday's tragedy anyway, the Dwarves are the only ones who can move properly.
There would be no decent running party either.
The union branch was also joined yesterday by the majority of the staff, and the disciples of the Aldo parent drank trumpets, so they should be down except for Dwarf.
Maybe all the labor in the land should be stopped today, so I'm sure it's okay to rest.
"Yu, no Mizu?
Aliusha bakes me for what it takes to take care of me down at the cabin.
I kind of feel like a parent being nursed by my daughter, and it makes me nibble.
After resting for a while, the headache was also relieving a little.
"That's my trick working!
"Yeah, either way, Aliusha, thanks."
Aliusha sighs lightly when she sees me nodding on the bed.
"Well, Yu can't do it without me."
"Yeah, I can't do this without Alusha, so let's take a nap together."
"Oh man! After lunch."
Alusha mixes the yomogi in the potato with the usual procedure of making potato buns in the kitchen.
Looks like they're making a yomogi version of a weed bun. Wouldn't it be bitter if it stayed that way?
"Aren't you bitter, Alusha?
"Daiji-bu, you can put bananas in it too."
"Oh, seriously?
What about yomogi, bananas and potatoes?
Taro's potatoes taste so pale, there's certainly not enough if you don't put something in them.
After a while Aliusha brought potato buns with yomogi.
I had the courage to say it - well, let me refrain from commenting.
The answer should be not to comment.
Did Alliusha's medicine work, or when I ate a yomogi bun (which sounds delicious when I put it this way) and fell asleep, my health went back to normal.
I took a nap with Aliusha, so the relaxation effect is just fine.
The sun is already tilting, but hangover pills... there will be no hand in not selling this.
Travel to the lodging cabin to sell yomogi as a medicinal herb for hangovers.
I made it a bunch of thirty gills, so it shouldn't be that rampant.
"There are some of these...... it would be helpful to have them ready next time"
"Hilluuuuuuu... give me one too yeah"
"Irvin, don't make a scene."
In contrast to Mr. Hill, who looks impressed, Mr. Irvin is rolling on the floor.
And Mr. Clavis gets bored with Mr. Irvin's voice.
The tragedy is exactly like a watered tuna.
The only Mr. Hill who seems to be flat out like that, but it seems difficult to say that he and I are in perfect shape. I don't have a raw color on my usual pitiful face. It's rather blue-white and scary.
Maybe you're making it impossible.
"Well, I'll serve you to mop it down. I suggest you swallow it all at once."
"Does it taste bad?
"……… I will take it"
He seemed hesitant for a few moments, but he didn't seem to beat the hangover pain.
Remove the card from the nostalgia, display thirty gills from the possession, and overlap it on my card.
Thirty gills will now move from Mr. Hill's card to my card.
Apparently this procedure is the way to say card payment. Of course, there will be a history of who they moved from to, etc., so the ability to prove even when used in fraudulent cases is high.
"Do you want a Yomogi banana bun made by Aliusha?
"Is it delicious?
"I have a weak stomach right now, so don't."
"That's wise."
"Yu, what does that mean!?
There's no way you can answer that!
The next prey…… delivers medicine to the next patient while wearing a pompous, beating Arusha.
Thus reaching out to the drunkards all over the village, the sun set abundantly.
There's no way I'm selling drugs either.
Because there are a handful of alcoholics in this village who don't take this taro liquor for a living.
To be specific, the Dwarves.
I have to prepare their dinner in the dining room.
"Maybe that's why I'm tired, but good luck with Aliusha."
Mentally soothing to the usual energetic reply.
I wish I was a child... I want me too, you say!?
"No, no, you're not! It's not like I want to give birth!
Prepare the ingredients as you shake your head with the boom.
Only the Dwarves will be here today, anyway, and let's make it a meat subject dish.
Slice the flesh of sheep that says they are flame goats in the five layers and prepare them in large quantities.
Likewise, chop the vegetables and wrap them around the tray.
Heat the stone with incendiary fire and when the guests arrive, put it on the tray and give it to them.
After that, you're free to cook and eat meat in stone!
"That's why I'm Zingiscan today. If the stone gets cold and the meat doesn't cook, bring it over here, will you? I'll replace it."
"What are you talking about?
"Whoa, I got it. And didn't your daughter get hungover? You're surprisingly strong."
"I am! If it weren't for Alusha's meds, the dining room would be closed till night."
"Ha ha! That's right. Even Dwarves don't stand up for underage drinking."
"Don't come near me like that! Do not drink to minors in the first place!
"I thought you were here for a drink from yourself."
"Not in memory"
Anyway, that liquor is not suitable for anything other than Dwarves.
To commercialize that one, you should dilute it and add some flavor.
Let's try the plum wine processing.
The baked stone removed from the cobblestone is suitable for this kind of dish.
The meat and vegetables are already cut and seasoned with salt, fish soy, spices, etc., so all we have to do is reheat the cold stone.
Then grill the stone and pinch dinner with Aliusha.
Me and Aliusha both have small stomachs, so I got full before the Dwarves did.
Kick out the Dwarves you swallowed and ate, and then clean up the dishes and head back to the cabin.
This is why I still have the feathers to dwell on today.
The next day, Mr. Aldo received the taro liquor and decided to embark on an improvement.
Dilute the liquor itself with water and adjust the flavour with soaked grape-like fruit, strawberry-like fruit, soaked souri, and a mixture of lemon-fried limone fruit juice.
He's a kind of chewy guy.
The smell of potatoes is slightly strong, so there is an earthy atmosphere, but the sweetness is strong, so it goes well with the fruit system.
I actually drank and tried the percentage diluted with water many times.
"Yu, yu, I want a drink too"
"No, kids shouldn't drink."
"Uh, kechi!
Thank you. At the stage of adding the fruit, he shook off the meter of curiosity.
Exactly, I can't let my kids drink, so I crush the souri fruit in Morax's milk and hand them the impromptu strawberry milk to deceive them.
Aliusha began to mouth strawberry milk with a full grin. Looks like the Chewie thing has already disappeared from my mind.
In the meantime, let's make three kinds of liquor and put it in the store. And the raw liquor for Dwarves.
Finally, if you don't forget to arrange yomogi for hangovers, the sales should double.
Additionally, I think of it and mix a small amount of liquor with strawberry milk, strawberry milk broth, etc., and make it.
These may be in demand for women.
"Can't I drink this one?
"Uh, not bad."
"Is this still alcohol? You're gonna lose your back!
"That's no good! It's going to be a lot quicker than Yu-na."
"Rude. Even I... well, it's small."
There is no scientific basis for drinking and not growing tall.
In the first place, Yumil basically uses the smallest avatar to customize it.
It's natural for me to be small, but when my child told me, I came mucky. Maybe I should have grown up and put it down.
With that exchange, I also tried to make a banana milk cocktail.
The original taro liquor is quite strong, so it may have become a high degree cocktail for the Karoo Milk face loss in the main house.
By the time I finished the lineup, I was completely bare.
Let's make sure you take care of Aliusha's medicine again.
Thus, alcohol was finally lined up in my shop.