Another World Transfer in Game Character
Lesson 35: The Shape of the World
Reveal the night in the fountain's small room the next morning.
Stack about forty pieces of lumber by the entrance during the night.
It may be a little short as a number, but since it is about twice as long as what is normally used for building materials, it would be sufficient as a quantity.
You can leave this here and have your parents contact you later to carry it.
I usually have work to do such as selling lunches in the morning, but lately I have left it to the women employees of the union.
It may not be a bad idea to have it incorporated as such into part of the Union's services.
In the meantime, I have time to take another task... should I talk to Mr. Hill about this?
Returning to the village, we quickly turn to the parent of Aldo for a report.
Mr. Aldo, too, had been working on the fittings since morning. Apparently, he's fixing a broken tool.
"Good morning, Mr. Aldo"
"Whoa, lady. You're early."
"Yeah, because you've been up all night. Lumber, I left it loaded by the labyrinth. I'm sorry, can you do me a favor later?
It's not really all night, but let's do that.
Alusha's attitude of rubbing her eyes a little weak in the morning is reinforcing that lie.
"Almost there! Sorry to rush you... but we still have to fix the tools."
"This labyrinth can't take away the metal at the moment."
"You still have the bottom layer. It's too early to give up hope."
"I hope so. Well, here we are."
"Oh, wait. I'm not paying you."
Reward? I didn't promise you that...
"Don't look weird. I guess the job comes with a reward. And if I paid you, that would be the precedent. We can set the standard for the next adventurer."
"Oh, you know what?"
"So how many did you bring up?
"About forty round-tails about twenty centimeters thick and six or seven meters long"
"Good luck with that... if it's normal building materials, it's a thousand and five hundred gills a bottle - if it's forty, it's 60,000."
"Sixty thousand!? Isn't that a little much?
One thousand five hundred marutai means... about fifteen thousand yen in Japanese yen. That could be pretty reasonable?
It is true that there are about two thousand yen of wood with a ten centimetre angle and three meters... is that the extent?
And 60,000 gills overnight...... I'm starting to feel a little bad.
"Oh, 40 grand is fine, right?
"I told you your reward would be the standard. The price here will tighten up the adventurers."
"Is that what it is"
It is true that Marutai is an essential resource ahead of us, but knowing that it will not be gold will interfere with the operation.
Even if it's a hassle to carry but it's not profitable, there will be no more adventurers to ask for it.
All right, then, with that amount.
"Whoa, I got it. And this time, I made a request directly to the lady, but she'll deduct about 10% if I go through the union. Remember."
"Is that 10%?
"Five minutes to the rightholders, five minutes as union fees. Together it's ten percent."
"Oh, so"
Are you sure I can get the five percent?
"Besides - I actually make a lot of money selling liquor. Take it instead. No."
I am mainly the one purchasing the liquor.
It's a cocktail-style blend and sells it to adventurers.
This one is in a fairly lucrative state because it doesn't hold its original hand.
"You kind of can't sleep with your feet pointed at Mr. Aldo. I'll give it to you next time."
"Ha ha! I'm looking forward to that!
After that, Mr. Aldo didn't exactly have the cash together, so he was paid with a card.
As a real problem in this village, I feel that the lack of cash is emerging.
Then I went on to visit Mr. Hill as well.
Because I wanted to officially delegate the business of selling lunches to the union.
When guided to spaces separated by a divider by example, we get to the point quickly.
"Lunchbox sales in the union, is that it?
"Yes, given the food situation here, the adventurers are likely to only speak of dried meat and dried fruit when left alone."
"I understand that...... Mr. Yumil, are you pretty tight?
"To be honest. It's a situation where you're spreading your hands too wide."
"Alcohol, everyday items, lunch boxes, dining room... sure, that sounds harsh"
I still have plenty of spare time, but Aliusha seems to be more limited around something.
Even today, it's not the wind that just woke up but is out of fatigue.
She's still small, but she won't be able to do this. Kids should have more free time.
"At the very least, the dining room and lunch boxes will help if you keep your hands off me"
"If you're in the cafeteria, someone wants to stay in the second inn and dine room."
"Is it true!
The union currently rents out the cottage due to the lack of accommodation.
But of course, I'm going to rent a whole cottage, so it's priced pretty high. This also places a considerable burden on the adventurers.
When we can accommodate there, this means that adventurers, me, and the inn will be saved already.
It may be the union that loses money.
"Well, I do lose money. If you stay like this, you won't have enough cottages, and you're welcome to stay here until you do."
"Mr. Aldo was making a fuss that there wasn't enough lumber."
So Mr. Hill opened the file in his hand and checked the schedule.
I will check the free time of the union members so that I can read them with my fingers.
"Hmm, until the next arrival...... right, temporarily lunch box sales and dining halls are in the form of unions receiving?
"What do you mean, take it?
"When someone comes who wants to stay, I thought I'd give it to you."
"Oh, well, that's fine."
"Then we'll have to strengthen the buying of ingredients as well - it's going to be a lot of stuff"
"Haha, good luck"
At the end of the story, when I looked aside, Aliusha was starting to row the boat.
Even though it's only morning, it seems to be getting pretty tired.
"Excuse me, Aliusha seems to be the limit, so today around here -"
"Oh, I didn't realize this. I'll take your lunch box and cafeteria from here today."
"Yes, please"
I graciously hugged Arusha - the princess and left the union behind.
By the time he came back to the cabin, Aliusha had completely fallen into the world of sleep.
Keep him asleep in an impromptu hammock, prepare a juice bottle for him on the pillow and hang the blanket.
I'll take the day off with you.
It's an excuse to stay up all night, and you shouldn't be complaining if you're devouring your sleep.
Lie down in the hammock next door and look at the world map that the union has given you.
We don't know anything about this world.
So at least I thought it was just the terrain, and I got the union distributions.
Our continent had a longitudinal reverse triangle like the African continent.
It doesn't say how much its scale is, but it seems that the large grassland in the center is about this grassland. Converting the distance you can walk across, it is possible that this continent, even in size, is comparable to the African continent.
Approximately thirty kilometers a day on foot of a person. Two weeks to the middle of the meadow.
It's four weeks in diameter, so... eight hundred kilometers square? Approximately two thousand kilometres north and south of the African continent. In other words, this meadow is about a quarter of the size of the Sahara.
By the way, I've also heard that the Sahara and the United States are about the same size.
"I don't know."
Because these prairies are situated in the middle of the continent, countries and cities located in the east, west and north can be described as almost cut off.
As a result, local specialties can become expensive trades.
That's why adventurers also come out to cross the meadows. Like Mr. Irvin.
Unlike the desert, it is a meadow, so if you have knowledge of wild grass, you have the most (...) low (...) limit (...) no trouble with food.
The biggest problem with crossing here is water.
The area is low in rainfall, and the grass is growing.
According to Mr. Aldo's story, underneath the meadow, water veins run around like mesh eyes.
They say it's still a mystery where that water comes from...
"Well, a labyrinth is a world where wonder buildings grow. Wouldn't it be strange if the water gushed out of nowhere?"
If we consider safety in the first place, it is still dangerous to travel directly from north to south, west to east and opposite poles.
Normally they go from north to east or west, and then they put cushions in the south wind.
I don't know what purpose Mr. Irvin had, but the first time I saw him, he was trying to travel to this opposite pole.
He said, "It's difficult for meadows to live with dangerous organisms, and central meadows are rather safe."
With that said, I've never even seen herbivores around here so far, even though it's such a prairie.
Perhaps this is also a labyrinth influence? As far as the future with more crowds is concerned, it's not as far as guarantees are concerned.
"I don't know because Aliusha said that the influence of a powerful labyrinth would leak outside. Animals may recognize this area as a danger zone."
The immediate cities of this prairie include McCream to the north, Tulhan to the east, Bupuls to the west and Radtart to the south.
"Because the center of this city will be here... around here"
brilliantly near the center of the meadow of things.
This would certainly have been difficult to discover.
There is no oasis in this meadow either. The grass is entangled in the carriage's wheels, making it unsuitable for carrying large baggage as well.
That's why Mr. Irvin showed his favorite adventure so he could run into us.
If he hadn't been here... we'd still be alone with Aliusha in this prairie.
"I'm not kidding. It's not painful to be with Aliusha, but don't let it be just the two of you."
Balance cleverly over the hammock and sit down.
Turning to the next page, it said something about the culture of each city.
McCream in the north gets cold enough to snow, and Radtart in the south, on the contrary, is warm enough to be fine even if you're naked and wild.
Tulhan to the east is along the coast where the currents collide and is rich in seafood.
Bupuls in the west... we are talking about the existence of an untouched labyrinth here on active duty. I guess this is what Mr. Irvin was after.
"The other labyrinth. You're a little interested."
I'm talking about the labyrinth here being quite difficult.
In fact, it's enough that a monster like Behemoth comes out, so I don't know the bottom of that difficulty.
As far as I'm concerned, I'm looking at moving, so other towns are also of interest.
"If you're going to live with Aliusha... is there a north? It's cold. Oh, but kids like snow and stuff."
I dream about snowball with Aliusha and the sight of making snow Dharma, and my face looses on.
also swollen to this, winter costume Alusha would be cute too.
"But the east coast isn't bad either. I think I can wear a bathing suit or something."
Of course Aliusha would be cute, but when I wear my swimsuit too... it's like anxiety I'm looking forward to.
Besides, Talhan is also where Mr. Hill comes from. You can use Conne and everything.
Adventuring the west labyrinth with Arusha isn't a bad idea, and camping or anything in the south town sounds interesting.
Mr. Yage and the others have already reached the three-tier entrance.
The day when the adventurers will be able to be self-sufficient will not be so far away.
The second battalion is said to be coming with inns and cooks, and is getting in shape as a village.
Specialties such as chargebird cushions, shadow wolf leather, and powerbear fur are also becoming well known.
If the adventurers can come hunting for them, it will also lead to my income...
"Dreams are spreading."
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
"Oh, it was here, wasn't it, Mr. Yumil!
"Hmm, Karon?
The boy who goes around the hammock and comes to my front.
"Good, you said you'd stay in and work last night, so worry about it -"
That's where he stops talking.
That gaze went to my groin, which I sat on - and, of course, the mini-skirt Demon Knight costume, which is why I can see it round...
"Ko, this...... again, xamaa!
"Wow, I'm sorry! I'm sorry. Hey!?
I threw the map of the world at him as much as I could.
He'll be simmering someday... so swear to your heart.