Another World Transfer in Game Character
Episode One Hundred Ten: Gathering Members
There is only one more frame of reference for the shooting competition.
To ensure this, I decided to head to the union as soon as my job came up.
Stay in service clothes.
"Welcome aboard. - Ah! Mr. Yumil finally woke up in style. Ah!
Oh, my God.
Other than Emily, it's dyed at some point.
"Yumil, wait for me."
The receptionists look at Arusha, who then comes in, and say even more.
Aliusha was following me.
Stay in service clothes.
"- Ha!
Several sprayed nosebleeds and fell.
You can't do this anymore, this union branch...?
"If you come to think what the fuss is... hey, Yumil. You're wearing something very unusual again today."
"Ah, Mr. Yage. Long time no see."
The calm branch manager's reaction is appreciated.
He may no longer be the only conscience in this union.
Alongside me, Aliusha bows down with the dust. Stay in the monster suit.
Mr. Yage looked kind of subtle when he saw it, but without saying anything in particular, he turns to this one.
It's nice, its through power!
"I heard that. They're playing a shooting tournament for water cannons?
"Did you finally hear me..."
Now you look like you chewed up a bitter bug. Apparently, I didn't want you to know.
A rare response for a union leader who rules fairness.
"No, I know it might have been unfair to say I wouldn't let you know,"
"Why didn't you want me to know?
"Well... if you get out, isn't that a confirmed victory?
Sure, I can even bounce back a bullet, but I can't possibly get hit with every water cannon.
All over the city, narrow alleys have walls and signs, so 3D manoeuvres are possible.
Then I get suspicious if I can even aim.
"Uh, shouldn't I?
"Well, as a union, it's a welcome thing for the team I sent to win... if it's too overwhelming, the festival will flourish. That's why I was reluctant. Let's apologize for that."
"No, if you had that idea, I understand. Not this time, then."
"I can't tell you not to leave when you're known. I'll admit to it."
This is another vivid return of kurli and palms, Mr. Yage.
Was there anything behind this fast?
"As for Mr. Yage, you wanted me to come out?
"I tried to get out at first. But the Chamber of Commerce complained that when you came out, it was too overwhelming to thrive."
"There's more."
"So, the union got muddy for not letting you know before the missed call."
I tried to take it the way I said I couldn't participate because of a minor contact error.
As a union, the chances of winning are diminished, but it is definitely the fate.
Besides, if I could make a loan to a commercial union with this, it could have been a delicious deal.
"But either way, Mr. Cenri - may be deluded because he's pulling, but Areusha can't, can she?
Join us at a school event. It can't be me. [M]
Mr. Yage laughed and showed in response to the words.
"That's why I rounded your daughter up with three inches in my mouth."
Oh, if you think Aliusha is oddly naughty... Mr. Yage's inward wisdom!
"Mr. Yage brought cooperation to the school side," he said?
"The principal was happy to take it on."
I'm sure the kids are looking forward to breaking the festival. I can get rid of that, so he might move on.
But they don't think I weigh that much, do I?
"Even I don't want to break the festival. It's horrible."
"Bad. Leave this to the union. So. I tried to discourage participation by not informing you, but if they find out, you can't help it, can you?
"Known for its ineffectiveness, you'll allow me to participate," he said?
"Uh, I don't have a choice."
In a perfectly bar reading tone, Mr. Yage is scratching his head.
This guy is getting used to the job of union leader. I'm getting better at belly art.
"As a union, I'd appreciate it if a team of unionists would win."
"You're leaving, aren't you?
"I'll get out. But to make a commercial union face, why don't you say dispatch from a meadow branch union, not a union here?
I've already got three teams out of the Adventurers Union.
Four teams if I join. When half of the eight teams become Adventurers' Union, they feel like they can race.
"Well... that doesn't change it to being an Adventurer's Union, so why don't you go out and represent Yumil Village?"
"Hey, is that you?"
External organizations are also sending teams this time.
The colour of the Adventurers' Union may be difficult if you are the representative of a newly created village sponsored by Talhan.
Yumil Village, I have a little rejection of the call, but as far as I'm concerned, if I can participate, I don't care about it from anywhere.
"Well, fine. So then."
"Oh, I'm sorry about this one."
"If that's the case, I don't mind. But I owe you one, sir!
Even for him, there was an inevitable reason, and I'll make concessions here.
I left one wink flying in a lighter tone to give the impression that I didn't care as much as I could.
In response to this, Mr. Yage gives the look of a heartfelt surprise.
"What's going on?
"... No, when I first met him, he seemed like he didn't know if he was a man or a woman, but I thought he was starting to look completely like a woman. It doesn't look the same."
"It's an extra word!?
It's certainly been five years since I became this body.
Feminine tricks are also on the board.
It is also significant that there was an example beside me to say Mr. Cenri.
"This is going to be hard on you when you get home..."
But I remain worried that if I go back to the original world and return to the man than I am doing unconsciously, I will behave like an okama.
Still, it's been five years...
"Work, you must be fired"
Exactly. With five years of unauthorized absence, you won't hire me.
I mean, wasn't it time you were close to confirming your death? Are you sure he's been missing for seven years?
"What's up?
"No, well... there's nothing I can do to make it hard. It's nothing."
"Oh, and [cloaks] are forbidden. It's hard not to see it because the purpose is to cheer it up."
"I said I can't see... oh, did you do street view?
"Oops. We also have demon props for that, but if the subject hides, it'll be exciting, won't it?
"Well, well. Copy that, [Cloak] and equivalent skills will not be used."
"Do that."
That's why I succeeded in securing my appearance frame.
The next day, Mr. Cenri's appearance was confirmed perfectly.
She has also recently been stuck developing new items and wanted to change her mood.
The fruit of the world tree could not be made into a potion merely by squeezing it.
I will then ask Igor to join me as a trump card.
Being Elderlais, he can bring obstruction-rich city warfare to an overwhelming advantage.
"At Lady Yumil's request, there is no denial"
That's what he said.
In the last three years, I think you've become completely familiar with me.
That said, now there are still three of us.
The minimum number of appearances is ten, so we need seven more.
"So, do you have any idea?
"I was also in a good shape. I don't know many people."
That's not at all true.
Especially this time, I have one attractive talent.
"So it's me..."
"Yeah, if you're a principal, you think you're bound to take it, don't you?
With a bad grin on his face, he blackmails the principal - and asks for help.
Because she's an executor who rounded up Arusha with three inches in her mouth, there's no way she can refuse.
"Yes, I was really surprised that Mr. Randell asked me about this one. Looks like Aliusha kept it a secret..."
I sweat cold, and I just fold it up to the principal who's having trouble responding.
We already know that she is a warrior when it comes to flooding. It won't be a leg clump.
"Oh, that's..."
"How about that? It's a festival because of it. Why don't you join me and watch" With Me "?
".................. ha, ok. Mr. Yumil's gone completely belly-black."
"Whose fault is it?!
If the principal and Mr. Yage hadn't done the backwork, they would have been able to participate normally.
If you blame me, I'm in trouble.
"So this platinum. I promise to join Mr. Yumil's camp."
"Platinum...... that was a surprisingly cute name"
"Leave me there!?
Reddish your face and slap your desk. Was it actually traumatic, that name?
Anyway, it was then that the head teacher was also involved, and this secured the five.
This was followed by Mr. Kazara.
He was also a leader in the manufacture of water cannons.
And I also know that I have actual experience there to find out what it actually feels like to use it.
"You want me to go to the festival?
"Yeah, how about that?
"I'm not really interested in saying that. I got a request from a commercial union, and I'm saying no."
Sure enough, he stands up for both blacksmiths and battles, which, from the underpowered commercial union side, is the kind of force he would definitely want.
Something you said no to once, by another force, might be a bad idea.
But what if I'm the one who made the request?
With the sleigh (sleigh) in practice and the water cannon in it, I have a huge influence on his livelihood.
That's a well-known fact for Mr. Boris and the merchants.
And the other thing, I have a trump card.
"Besides, Senri is going to develop a new weapon..."
Look, I ate.
Mr. Kazala is chocolate now.
"Oh, you haven't thought about it, have you?
"It's okay because I have an idea. It's Senri who makes it."
Shut up wholeheartedly, Senri, who made a statement behind him that could ruin the negotiations.
"Well fine. If you say you have an idea, I'm interested too. It's something I've been thankful for, and if you just want to join me, let's work together."
Thus I was able to secure a sixth person.
If we gather the last four at this rate, we will achieve the conditions.
If I, Senri, or Platinum teacher have Kazara, most enemies will kick ass.
Recruiting appropriately will do something about it.
The power of the war is much in order.
Later, even in a public offering, it will be buried...
With that idea in mind, take Mr. Cenri and Aliusha. I'm going to Mr. Randell's for lunch.
I decided I should explain things to him, too. As a courtesy.
Serving clothes are particularly noticeable here, but the cooking skills are actually not bad either.
Mr. Randell, not only is he an all-rounder capable of sewing, but he can also cook.
I would love to have one in the family.
Anyway, as I was protruding through the lunch pasta - the guy with the bongolerosso-style shellfish - someone abruptly called out.
"Yo, Yumil! You said you were gathering some members of the festival?
I just stuck pasta in my mouth, so I got a weird voice.
When I looked up in a hurry, I was there...
"Mr. Clavis! And Mr. Rudis too!?
Three years ago, two men retired from the Adventurer's life were there.