Another World Transfer in Game Character
Episode 147: The End of War
In the meantime, Trakichi's demands include two things: 'Give Aliusha back, or you'll be the one to talk to' and 'Gather more people for the growth of the labyrinth'.
My request is' I won't return Aliusha, but I'll be the one to talk to 'and' Clear the Labyrinth to help Trakichi out '.
This helps but appears to conflict with tigers who want to grow a labyrinth, but they need to balance it moderately because if they don't grow a labyrinth they could call another summoner.
I'd rather not grow a labyrinth to help Trakichi out quickly, but then Trakichi could be disposed of as useless.
I can't even look at the day when yet another summoner was summoned and it was a less talkative, ox-like person than a tiger.
Such a sense of balance would be required to such an extent that the damage does not expand.
"When it comes to increasing the number of adventurers, you won't have a problem first. This is a story about if the village can survive."
Did you summon Mr Hill on this occasion to demand this point?
However, according to Senri's story, the surroundings of the village have already been planted and the situation is unclear when it will sink into the forest.
First, we have to do something about this forest.
"Um, if you're done talking, can I come back? If you leave the forest alone, the village may disappear."
"You do have that. What if we send a logger out of here? Like a golem."
"No, I have an idea about that. Well, look."
It's about time Lynn was on her way to the village.
Let's just use a little help to destroy the forest.
"Really? Then I don't mind... oh, this is the only safe area I can talk to, so come on up to one or six levels. Twice a week if possible......"
"You're plain lonely, you"
"Do you want to try how painful it is to be forbidden twenty years?
"I forbid the grand"
Its spiritual strength, having spent twenty years alone, deserves respect.
This man was attacking me for a good reason in the first place, and he wouldn't have been willing to attack me if it weren't for the Allusha tangle.
If you can communicate with the will, you are not compelled to be hostile.
Much better than being able to incite hostility poorly to increase the difficulty of the labyrinth at all costs.
"Then I'll be back in about three days. I'm worried about what's going on out there, and I'm worried about Senri and Alisha."
Aliusha still doesn't wake up.
They fought me until I ran out of strength, so I guess this is something I can't help. Probably shouldn't wake up in the next few days.
The problem is Mr Cenri.
The shock of being informed that it is a crop is surprisingly great.
This should be far bigger than Aliusha, whom I don't remember, or me, who has been rooted out all the way to gender.
In the first place, I live alone, feeling alienated even when I return to my original world.
I don't have a family waiting for me, and to the extent that I have grandparents in my hometown.
In contrast, it is presumed that Senri, a student, lived with his family and aspired to medical school was a doctor or a wealthy family close to it.
I guess I didn't score badly, and I should have made a lot of effort.
I lost it from the ground up, so I'm going to be shocked.
"This isn't all comforting to say with your mouth..."
Even so, I've never had the experience of consoling anyone into such heavy frustration.
At best, it was to the extent that it came with the self-alcohol of a colleague who was shaken by a woman and fell into the mud.
Sometimes it's better to save someone than to say something.
"Now, anyway, it's outside."
"Tell me for myself. What, is there a way to handle the array or something?
Mr. Hill is still skeptical about the disposal of the forest.
Plants grow overnight in this meadow, so it is necessary to fell everything overnight to erase the forest.
It takes a lot of manpower.
It may be possible with Xynn and his ability to do it, but I don't know if even Mr. Cenri's range extinction is sufficient.
"For now, if we can maintain the status quo overnight, we have a way to open it"
That's what I say and take the crystal column out of my nose. This is the solution to the problem.
When I opened the door and went back to the central square, Caron jumped quickly.
Of course, I don't have a hobby that makes me happy to be hugged by a man, so I kick him in the face and defend him.
"Welcome home! How was the negotiation?
He asks with a smile as he bleeds his nose. If I had a tail, I would have swung like a puppy.
"I've managed to settle this peacefully. Even with our own problems."
"Us? Yes, it's Senri... what the hell is wrong with you? I don't seem to see anything around me, and it seems rather dangerous when I say bumps..."
"Something pretty shocking happened. Don't leave me alone now. Because it should be better if someone just sticks with you."
"Okay. Continue to ask female adventurers"
"Nice to meet you. I'll take care of the situation outside."
"Outside is the forest? I don't think we can handle that anymore."
"That's it, a lot of things. Let's keep everyone here for a little while longer because it's dangerous."
"Yes, Aliusha will keep it here, too"
There are other things I need to check.
Next thing you know, Mr. Hill and Mr. Libi have business to attend to.
"Are all the scouts out there coming back?
"What do you think, Mr. Libi?
"Oh, they're all here. No casualties of war."
"It's superimposed. Now, put everyone on standby here until I get back."
"I don't mind... alone?
"No, I'm not alone, though"
That said, it returns to the transfer device and moves further.
The wreckage of the adventurer, which was around the fountain room, had already been eaten by the labyrinth, showing what was always the way it was.
"If I peeled my gear or something, it could have been money."
"Keep all that out of the labyrinth and say what"
If you noticed, there was footage of Trakichi by my side.
Speaking of which, since this is a safe area, would his communications be activated?
"The woods out there are pretty breeding. Are you sure you're okay on your own?
"Well, I'm not alone"
Activate the removed crystal column with magic.
When the light came out lightly, I tried to speak softly.
"Hello, Mr. Geyer. How are you?
Yes, this is a communication item to the ancient dragon king Gayer.
His firepower should be before breakfast, such as turning the forest into a burning field overnight.
"Ooh, is that Yumil? I didn't know you'd use it fast...... now I miss you - '
"And it hasn't. I don't think so. I need a little help. I'd love to."
Are you saying that the power of mercy is not enough? That's why they're rolling. "
"No, it's not that big a deal."
All you have to do is burn the woods.
There are quite a few cases where forests have disappeared, such as in the yakitori farming method, more than in ancient times.
If the roots are burned down, no more reproduction should be prevented.
"Hmm, that sounds stressful. Which, try to take the spare young people that way '
"Light!? No, I appreciate you coming... but I'll hold back so the woods don't spread any further -"
"No, I don't need that either"
Gaiel's voice was suddenly heard from behind.
Looking back, there was the figure of Gaiel, who went into human mode.
"You will know that we specialize in the magic of our spatial system. Surprised by what?
"No, because it appeared so suddenly..."
If you look closely, behind you are the figure of a few people who have become troubled - that is also probably the [changed] figure of the dragon.
"What about those behind you?
"You're a young man who had me hanging out with him in his spare time. Young people are weak these days."
"How old are you, by the way?
"I didn't count ahead from 700."
What a dragon lately... No, well, I appreciate the fact that there are a lot of dragons here.
Lynn showed up sick down the aisle there.
The imminent appearance of a giant filling nearly half the passage, ten metres wide, is indeed a roll.
To be honest, Cowaii.
"Okay, okay, leave me. I'm sorry."
When I hold her across the neck and stroke her, she rattles her throat like a gobble and a cat.
A cat would be cute, but it's strange because when that becomes a dragon over ten meters, it feels like I've been fed.
Anyway, now we have all the actors.
It would be cruel to ask her to do something now, although I would have liked Senri to join me if possible.
"Hey, those guys..."
"Oh, I'll introduce you. This is Guyel from Ancient Dragon King's Enchanted Dragon Road."
"Nice to meet you, someone you don't know"
"Oh, I'm like the labyrinth lord's tiger here. Yorochiku."
Trakichi returns his greetings in a gable state.
I was trying to shake hands, but I remembered it was video and stayed.
"Then can you just burn down the woods outside? And then, just in case, the outer ring of the forest is about twenty meters."
"There seems to be one village, can I burn this too?
"No, absolutely"
Even though the action to protect the village is preceded by stress, it is too early to forget the purpose.
When you count, there are seven dragons, one ancient dragon king, and Lin, and a total of nine dragons.
Shit, letting the Kennel guys see this turned out to be a good tow...
I couldn't make it, so what can I do?
"Anyway, now the primary goal is to stop the forest from expanding. As soon as you're ready, do your best to keep the village harmless."
"What is preparation?
I had Mr. Hill confirm that the scouts are back, but other than that, there are residents of Yumil Village.
We have to get confirmation that Sura and the others are back in the woods.
I fly Jun Foot back to the village and give instructions to the melt slimes who were waiting by the well.
All slimes are to be returned to the village.
Ask the dragons to see if there are any more people around.
This is fear that evacuated adventurers and villagers will not return.
"Then we'll go back outside. Mr. Trakichi will see you in three days."
"Whoa, we're waiting."
So we left the labyrinth.
Transferred to one layer, there was Azi Dakarha, who was sitting in a fragrance box and remained on standby.
The monster who was given a standby order stays on the spot and is not in an aggressive offense.
But when he's attacked, he's going to fight back in self-defense.
The story of Trakichi is that this monster will remain standing by here unless defeated, as summonses can be made but cannot be removed.
The problem is, I can't believe we can take this guy down on a higher level - Oh, there he is.
"Tracky, can I take a swing at this maggot?
"Don't say it like a fish. But I'd rather appreciate it if you would. Exactly because this guy is over-spec. You're running out of points in the hierarchy, so you can't place any other monsters without knocking them out."
It is the second request time of the day when Trakichi's permission has been granted.
"That's why Mr. Geyer. Isn't that a pretty good stress-emitting thing, this?
"Is that how it came? No, it sure looks like it's teethy."
This is how the First Dragon War was held in the Fountain Room.
The sight, to be honest, is as good as the end of any world, Cowaii.
The result is an army of dragons led by Geyer prevailing. The growing number was Azi Dakarha for sale, but he couldn't beat the Eight Dragons, albeit human.
After that, go outside the labyrinth and ask the dragons to go back to where they were and search the area.
This is in fear of the possibility that evacuated residents and adventurers are returning.
Meanwhile, me and Lynn will burn the outer ring of the forest immediately to prevent it from expanding.
The dragons can't handle this kind of detail.
After about thirty minutes of careful searching, it is the time of incineration for pleasure.
"Well, burn it all you want."
The dragons are exasperated.
As a matter of fact, they don't really have a chance to just throw up braces when they say this.
Me and Lynn were just glad to visit their work gestures in the middle of the village.
Instead, they get angry when they get their hands on it.
"Hey, that's where I plan to burn it!
"The sooner the better. That means my braces are stronger!
"What! Then it's a fight!
"Just what I want."
"Come on, you're flying over here! Stop it, it's not very popular."
"Don't be brave when you get your hands on my territory."
"Sarsen, did you!?
What a busy festive mood, the woods were banished.
That's the dragon's firepower, not half.
It seems that this sight could be seen in the distance, and Yumil village was devastated by the Kennel attack, but the dragons attacked there and annihilated the Kennel army.
The village of Yumil was lucky to leave one neck skin, and rumors spread that it had survived.