Another World Transfer in Game Character
Episode 154: Troubled Food Situation
That was the voice of the teacher in charge of the noise at the entrance to the big store, a little further down the street.
"It was a contract to sell me preserved food, wasn't it? Two days for a hundred!
"You don't have to shout so loud. I hear you. It is the mountains that I would like to sell as well..."
"But the Knights took it by its roots. I can't help it if I want to sell it."
From the sound of the leak, I knew that they were apparently no longer able to sell me the preserved food to be used for the journey.
Since we are more than a hundred people, it is impossible to carry water and preserved food together in an itinerary.
That's what makes me have to get a double carriage.
So he takes the form of a journey in an accomodation town with two places along the way, replenishing water and preserved food.
Local procurement, so to speak. This sounds like a perfect way to go, but it is a method that is also used in the actual merchants because it allows them to move lightly when traveling in large numbers.
It is also common for people to be unable to move easily at these local conveniences...
"For once, I have ordered an emergency increase in the production of preserved food from the Adventurers' Union, so in a few days the addition should arrive... so I have another merchant's appointment. Probably takes about ten days to get around that way, huh?
"Oh no! I'm in trouble, we've got kids here. I can't believe I stopped ten days!
"I know what you're trying to say, but I can't shake my sleeve without one. I thought you'd been caught in a disaster, so I thought I'd wait quietly."
"Such an unscrupulous -"
"If it is, you can take the story to another store. This is the one who turned it into a rebellion, so I can't complain if they do. But I don't think there's anywhere near as fast as ours."
The big, merchant uncle of his body looked really sorry and politely explained the situation to the teacher.
The teacher also understands that it was a reason why there was nothing he could do, raise his hand and block it.
"No, I understand why. I'm sorry I said it was impotent."
"No, it's this one mistake that I couldn't keep my promise when it came to the original... No, can I call it a mistake, I did the sman thing anyway. Apologize, but I'll let you have it."
"I appreciate that..."
Though it's a large room, it's for 100 people. It's supposed to hurt a lot to say you'll have that, but you're fat.
"I let you wholesale water and food every year. This has happened this year, but it would be helpful if you could keep us company."
"Ha, I don't have the authority to decide that, but I'll keep the mouthfeel"
"Well, that's a deal. Fortunately, all they took was preserved food, and raw things are left behind. You won't have any trouble eating."
The teacher and uncle began exchanging recent information, sighing.
Apparently, we are to be stopped in this town.
"What do you think? He said he was about ten days out."
"But you said you'd bring the inn bill at that store. I'll be fine."
Carne is optimistic, as opposed to Sophie, who looks worried.
She's the happy type if she's eating, so she doesn't give a shit about late itineraries or anything.
"What worries me is that my mom will be worried if I'm late for my itinerary."
"But then I wish I could ask Talhan for help. It's four days back and forth from here, and you can buy food in the city and come back and leave sooner than ten days."
That is what I shall propose.
With Slapenilles' feet, we can skip another one-way trip. In three to four days, you should be able to leave, and with the magic of [Portal Gate], you can return to Talhan or Yumil Village at any time.
But even then, there must be a delay.
I decided to look back at my uncle at the outdoor store and ask him when he had collected the preserved food.
My uncle answered me with one disgusting face, not even a strange question.
"Uncle, when was the collection of preserved food?
"Hmm? Oh sure... the knight came in five days ago and left three days ago"
That was a very sudden order.
"Oh, I've come to that one... it's a huge deficit, but it's held around here."
Nearby towns are connected by thin thread-like trade routes along the coast.
If some town goes into crisis, we have a very strong sense of our town next.
So when something is at stake, I will reach out to you with all my support.
Two years ago, when I got sick, there were circumstances like that, so I was able to help you with your medicine.
"Well, there's no way the merchants wouldn't even think about the means the ladies said. Ten days would be the biggest extension and an estimate."
"That's what it is."
And I put my hand upon my chin, and thought, Hmm.
It's not a journey I can't rush. If you wait a few days slowly, you'll be able to leave.
But if the itinerary is three days late, the return will also be three days late. In the meantime, your sister Yumil will be very worried.
Sister Cenri may not be, but Sister Yumil is sweet, so she should be very worried.
There's an early horse going to school, and you should be able to explain why he's late, but maybe he'll come in this way for a second.
I know that's because you're worried about me, so it's nothing I don't like... No, I still don't like it.
I suppose that would declare to your sister Yumil that I have no problem-solving skills?
Yumil, your sister came to this world when she was thirteen. Now I am twelve years old.
Compared to that situation seven years ago, sourcing food here is an easy win.
It would be a good time for me to solve all these problems on my own and prove that I am a 'deadbeat woman' too, like my sisters.
"Okay, I'm gonna drop by the union for a little while."
"What union... Adventurers union?
'I made a request to the union,' said the merchant's uncle earlier.
In other words, there should be requests for food procurement in the Adventurers' Union by now.
I may be unscrupulous on my own, but if you can mix it up with another party, I'm confident that I can make it work for one person.
Either way, I'm not going to throw these two out by saying it's up to the union, more than three-person behavior is a principle.
Besides, if I don't explain the situation to my teacher, I'll be worried.
I can definitely stop you if I honestly say 'I'm going to go grocery shopping', but if I say 'I'm going to the Adventurers' Union to see what's going on, I won't even worry about it.
Teachers should want to know what's happening on the union side, and teachers are not members of the union, so it's a place where they can get in.
I should be grateful to my teacher for going to see how things are going.
If I decide to, I have to get back to the inn as soon as possible.
We bought rare fruits for our classmates and returned them to the inn.
Should I say, after all? The teacher didn't look very good on my suggestion.
Naturally, for the teacher, I am an important student I have deposited.
Saying that the rough guy, the Adventurer's Union, is going to go in and out, is a source of constant concern.
But sometimes they held me back from the cornerstone of my life when I said food, and other students looked anxious, so they allowed me to go to the union with the promise not to do anything dangerous.
It's a waste of time getting dressed, so we head to the Adventurers' Union while in uniform.
Entering an exceptionally crude building compared to Talhan, it was a mess in people.
"Hey, turn this job on me!
"Wild Bore Crusade, recruit participants!
"Fall, shield warrior. Party Wanted"
"Seek, fire personnel. We're also looking for a healer."
"There's a Wyburn out west. Why don't you go?
"... Wow"
As if preparing for a festival, an unexpected breath of admiration leaks into a situation full of vibrancy and hustle.
Talhan's union is so systematically made around here that there isn't much noise and hustle so far, and in the village of Yumil, there aren't any people this far in the first place.
This is busy because of its location as a lodging town on the trading road.
"Hey kid, don't stand in the way of me, Bo."
"Ah, yes. I'm sorry."
I apologize honestly because this is my fault for obstructing the passage.
The adventurer's uncle tried to slip past me... and stopped his leg.
"Hey, that outfit - a Talhan student?
"Huh? Oh, yes. I could travel to school."
"Oh, I see. You stopped eating because of the lack of food. Woe to you. You said you came to the union to see how it went?
"Haha, you're right"
My uncle, who perceived the circumstances from my outfit, sent me a sympathetic gaze.
But you understand that much just in your outfit, so this uncle is quite a deadbeat guy.
"As you can see, the unions are in disarray. The past few days have been havoc with requests and purchases for food security. You'd better go back to the inn quietly before the bad guys get involved."
"Thank you. But I've been meaning to take requests, too."
"Make a request?
"Yes, I'm an adventurer, me too!
Yumil, I'll make you try and get your chest up, like your sister does a lot.
Then he put his union ID out of his skirt pocket and let it also prove that he was an adventurer.
While his uncle looks frightened, he checks his union ID and leaks words blurry.
"Damn, what country branch is it to give a union card to a child like this...... YUMIL VILLAGE!?
The hustle and bustle in the union stops perfectly in the stunned voice of my uncle.
Yumil Village is a super-do country village famous for its high difficulty dungeons. Obtaining an Adventurer's Certificate there is evidence of promising future proficiency.
"Besides - can you even handle magicians, healing techniques..."
"I can only use basic developmental magic though. I'm better at the healing system."
"That's... awesome"
Uncle who just shows his hands wide open without words.
Put that on the signal. There was a hedge around me in no time.
"Hey, if you can use attack magic, let's go hunt the Wild Bore with us!
"Idiot, you're not efficient at all! Let's go hunt buffalo with us!
"Me, me and Horn Rabbit..."
"Go home, Rookie!
One swordsman has scratched the hedge as he is black-and-white at a suddenly boiling solicitation match.
"Oh, my God, if you think it's someone, it's Miss Aliusha"
"Ah, Howell."
"Call it off."
There was a figure of Howell carrying a proud two-handed sword.
With that said, didn't you see him at the inn?
"Howell procured food, too?
"Oh, if you're gonna stop eating anyway, think you're two birds a stone when you get a request for food here."
"Oh well, surprisingly smart"
"Surprisingly, what is it? You're a rude kid!
If you can't move until you do get food anyway, it won't be a waste of time if you get a request to get food.
With his sword power, solo should be able to carry out enough monster crusades.
"Yeah, why don't you throw a party with us if Aliusha wants to?
"Oh, I need to talk to you about Wyburn coming out west. If you get rid of him, you get the meat, and the crusade reward is disappointing."
"Mmm, Wyburn."
Wyburn is otherwise a flying lizard. But he has such a powerful poison in his tail.
Due to its fairly fast flight speed, the difficulty of the crusade is an adversary situated at an advanced level.
Yumil, if you're a sister, it's a single armored sleeve and it's two straight, but Howell wouldn't be able to get that far.
"I'm okay with knocking you down, but it's poisonous. Aliusha had a cure, didn't she?
"Yeah. That way to the finest"
"I don't know, I think I heard some weird words... the finest?
"Even if you can see him, he's the Archbishop!
"Seriously... you were using a sword?
"I'm an elementary sage spiritual."
"Sman, I don't know what to translate, it"
I can't do 'Until I Die [Firebolt]' because I don't have the aid of my Yumil sister right now, but I'm just a little confident in the power of offensive magic.
And the magic of the detoxification system is now properly acquired.
If you're going to deal with Wyburn, you should be able to fight hard enough.
"But it's not just Howell."
"Shit, I'm not going alone. Your parents are the only ones who can imitate that."
"Yumil, you don't even need my help."
"Wyburn is supposed to be a formidable enemy in line for Griffon..."
That's why I had to go with Howell and the others to get rid of Wyburn.