Another World Transfer in Game Character
Chapter 166: Measures
In the meantime, we were able to return to the Inn without developing into a rough affair.
I'd like to evacuate the students from this town soon, but there's probably a lookout for me right now.
There are still a number of suspicious civic reactions within my detection range.
That one and the guy in good stature, hair color, shiny civilian style clothes on his skin are so suspicious. Be a little more creative.
The freshness of hair and skin and the wearing of clothes are not matched as if they were worn out.
Perhaps if I try to run into the union, I'm going to seize it. When it comes to how to get in touch with Talhan instantly, that's the easiest means.
It won't be possible to seize it, but that's just for me. Reaching out to school students and teachers can be a nasty development.
Anyway, talking to the teacher now would be too frivolous. It's amateurs who are watching, so there are as many gaps ahead as there are out there.
I'm going to talk to the pull teacher later first, and I'm going to talk to him from where I can first.
I pulled into the inn room - the mortgage room I was renting, and took one crystal sphere from my nostalgia.
All I'm saying is that this room is a temporary sleeping room, it's not suitable for a room, and without windows, it's not spacious. But that's just the right way to block external surveillance.
"Hello, Mr. Geyer, can you hear me?
"Oops!? What a yumil. Don't surprise me."
Yes, this is my personal contact crystal sphere. But the contact is in the dragon at the end of the north.
"Actually, I need a favor."
"Well, where do I burn it?
"No, don't bake it"
The people who say they have no time for dragons are truly bloodthirsty.
It may be natural because it has enough destructive power to overflow and dabble in its body.
I want to use my powers. That is one of the impulses everyone has.
"Ha, no more..."
"N, are you still energetic to utter words? Want another bottle?
From across the crystal sphere, I can hear my breath leaking constantly. I also feel like I've heard it somewhere...
"Uh, is someone with you?
"Um, I'm working out the man you were with the Lord the other day. It's so sturdy, it's good to work out."
We were together...? Oh, Keiyan. After that, the dragons were catching you?
I thought I hadn't heard any rumors lately, but it's hard to fuck a training in a remote area.
"Really? Keiyan's working hard, too."
"I'm not trying! Because it's a half-treated workout from a half-enforced abduction!
"You'll be a warrior in the corner by the time I see you again. I hope so."
"So what's your favor this time -"
"Don't flush it!
Behind the noise, but not now.
I told Mr. Geyer about the impending plight of Talhan and asked him to contact Talhan's union.
If he has the ability to distort space, he will fly all the way to Talhan to stay at the end of the North.
I don't think I have this kind of acquaintance, either.
It was the war, and the dragons couldn't hide their amazement.
Dragons with small numbers of individuals do not imitate each other much.
Humans do it flat and efficiently.
Moreover, weapons and inventions developed in battle also appear to shake their position as powerful men.
Developments in magic technology, for example, are particularly so.
"But well... don't be most heartbroken that the powerless will be ravaged. Okay, I'll be happy to take over the message."
"Thank you. This thank you must be."
"If you'll be my wife, you don't need to thank me, do you? Am I sweet? Will you be nice?
"Other than that, be sure!
Ancient Dragon King Gaiel.
The strongest and most majestic dragon of the dragon clan.
It should be noted that I am still single.
Then I have to do what I have to do.
It's about getting school students out of this city.
Hundreds of students, including Arusha, are now moving freely around the city.
This means that you can always grab my hostage if you want to.
This situation is not good enough. That said, if we suddenly return the students, they will sense that this one is moving.
It would be safer for this place to be patient until the night the students come back and have their plans rescheduled even tomorrow morning and leave this city.
Change into personal clothes, pretend to go to the bathroom and leave the room.
Then a giant man, who was letting cigarettes blow at the edge of the hallway, began to travel to the bathroom in the same way. Really easy to understand.
Direct her straight to the women's toilet, enter the shadow of the toilet collision, activate the [cloak] and sink into the shadow.
Lurking in the shadow of the bathroom doesn't feel kind of nasty, but I can't tell you how luxurious it is at this time.
Keep moving along the wall to get out of the bathroom.
The man on watch won't think I'm coming out of the bathroom.
I could have bought some time with this. Let's go talk to the pull teacher within the moment.
Among the teachers who had several, the one in charge of Aliusha's carriage was eating in the shadow of an invisible dining room.
Not someone who likes a place like this, but simply because they smoke, they would say that this is the kind of place they've become as a result of choosing a student's blind seat.
However, this is convenient at this time.
"Doctor, can I have a word?
"Hmm? Wow!? Hey, what... isn't that Mr. Yumil?"
"Sorry to surprise you all of a sudden. I have some quick information for you."
"Somehow, that's a line like a villain merchant. Fine."
That's how I rub my cigarette rolls off in the ashtray by my side. He probably cared about me when I told him he still had a good length left.
I like this teacher a lot because he can care for me like this.
"Actually -"
Pour the tea into the cup and pass on the information you heard from Lobudia under the guise of casual wind.
The teacher tried to raise his voice of consternation, but he was able to block his mouth. Because this is the reaction I expected.
"I'm having trouble shouting right now."
"Shh, I'm sorry... hey, no, it's pretty surprising..."
"I know how you feel, though."
"And Talhan."
"Yes. So it's dangerous to stay in this city for long. If possible, I'd like you to leave by tomorrow."
"If you suddenly reschedule, you'll be suspicious, won't you?
"Maybe, because I have enough surveillance eyes right now."
"Is it now......!?
The teacher looks around with the kyorokyo, but the surveillance is already wrapped up, so no suspicious shadow exists.
"It's okay, because I've been winding it up. But you won't be able to stay very long."
"Really... I think if you say you have a sick person out of your students, you will delude them into leaving. Amrita has recently been mass-produced in Talhan, and if we call it a necessary illness... somehow."
"Even so, isn't there that medicine in this city, too?
"There will be. If the character of the lord is what you heard, you will surely be keeping your share. But other than that, I think it's most likely used for business stories."
Amrita's trading price is pretty high, just because they say it's a pandemic drug.
Not only in the Kingdom of Corwell, but also in Talhan, it has been largely calm since it was able to be made as a specialty, but still at a price that the average person cannot afford.
That's why I don't think Lobudia will keep any gold on hand other than his own.
You're doing all that luxury, no matter how much money you have to be free.
"In the meantime, go to the union...... no, you can't. I have surveillance."
"Then I'll go. You wouldn't be suspicious if you gave me a reason to look like that, like checking for constant medication. If we don't have Amrita, we'll leave tomorrow for a reason."
"Please. But what if there was?
"At that time, look at the list and make up a disease that requires no medication. If the danger is imminent for your students, you should leave the city as soon as possible."
"You can count on me."
The speed of this decision is a shame to keep it as a teacher.
Maybe because you have a problem child, like Aliusha, in a way, you're building up your coping skills.
"But even if I leave the city... where should I go..."
"Oh, right"
It's dangerous to be in this city, but it's also dangerous to leave this city and return to Talhan.
That is where it will now be a battlefield.
It'll take a week on one way, so it's unlikely you'll be involved in a fight, but in case Talhan's supposedly in trouble, the students will be back in the aftermath of the war.
"... let's do this. Leaving this city is the default route. I definitely want you to go now."
"Yes, that's for sure"
"So, it's also dangerous to go straight back to Talhan...... so head for this position"
I spill a drop of tea on the table and draw a map with those droplets.
Along the coast, especially where there are cut cliffs. That's where the caves are, the pirates used to root castles.
"This... was definitely four years ago...?
Shortly after Aliusha got into school, by the coast where she did the barbecue...... not that it's close, well.
There are docks to put ships in, and squares that can be used for sleeping beds, etc.
There won't be exactly any bedding left, but it's possible to outrun the rainstorm, and the place is unknown to the old lady.
"Yeah, it's possible to hide and live here for some time. I'm sure Howell would understand if we talked through it."
For the adventurer of the escort, the war shack should be water in his sleeping ear.
Quite a rebellion is expected if they tell you to hide in a suspicious cave in a situation that makes you half untrustworthy.
But they are also those who live in the exchange of life. I don't want to stick my foot in the battlefield, so if you hear that I'm in danger, you'll be convinced.
It would be fine if I went directly to talk, but in the current situation, I can't even get close to the union.
"Write a letter to Howell. If the teacher could give it to him, he'd probably be convinced."
"Right. Please."
"I have plans for the future..."
"Tomorrow there was supposed to be a tour of the market and a tour of the orchard, but I'm going to cut this up"
Thus, Aliusha's study trip was lightly discontinued.
Robudia...... forgive me Seriously......
The students returned to the inn unconnected and their safety was confirmed.
Aliusha is safe without any problems. Well, there was no knight in that mansion who could kidnap Aliusha.
The teacher also went to the union to make sure there was no Amrita in the market.
The students are now able to return to Talhan tomorrow morning.
Of course, under the pretext of saying so, but...
I mean, this is Morias' last night.
I visited the stables while Lynn was feeding them, and I instructed her not to fail to be vigilant tonight.
Then release Sla from the vial and keep her on guard.
Sla, the mucus creature, basically doesn't need sleep, so she's good for this kind of escort.
I don't think I'll get my hands on it during the negotiations, just in case.
"I'm sorry, Lynn. If things weren't like this, I would have let you enjoy the skies of the South."
"Seiko and Urara too. Now we'll come back apart from the school event, won't we?
They're the ones who ended up just being towed the carriage, which is probably the biggest victim of this one.
Next time I come, I'll take care of you so you can move freely.
"Sura, it's nice to meet you tonight. If anyone is suspicious, capture them without killing them."
This instruction is accompanied by a thumb up sign with your tentacles extended.
I get my thumbs up, too, and thank you for this.
"I'll stay with Aliusha tonight, so let me know if you need anything."
Now I should have struck my hand that I could hit as a vigilance net until tomorrow.
Later, Mr. Gayer is waiting to hear from you.