Another World Transfer in Game Character
Episode 173: The Danger of Osioki
A month has passed since the incident.
Already, Aliusha and the others are living the way they always do.
No, it just doesn't go as usual. To that evidence...
"They're all sarcastic!
"I'm sorry!
Me and Aliusha had decided to digress magnificently in front of Mr. Cenri.
This past month, she has been caged in a meadow village and involved in the development of new recovery drugs. I was supposed to help with the work.
She threw it out and went after Arusha, so she had no choice but to get mad.
Aliusha is DOGEZA with me because the only souvenirs were pipogli masks and Dorian-like fruits.
The average citizen, Senri, did not know such a rare fruit, but slashed it without warning, causing a catastrophe.
"Whatever this mask is... I mean, why is it so bloody bloody bloody?
"That's because Howell wore it and broke into the Knights Stuff."
"Why are you catching up with the Knights when you were just on a school trip?
"No, there's a lot going on, huh?
For once, the case in question has been subject to a high degree of political judgement and a decree of lip service.
That one case contains the fact that Radtart's support prompted him to do so, which makes him ill off as a Druze republic.
And in the context of negotiations between states, this decency and attraction can be a major negative factor.
The Kingdom of Kilmira is only sealing its mouth so that it can sell its thanks to Druze.
"Well, as this Hippogriff mask is sent to Sura to wash. How do you like it? How do you develop recovery items that use the fruit of the world tree?
"For once, the prototype is complete."
Mr. Cenri took a glass vial from the inventory and placed it on the table to show it.
I stand up hectically and take the merchandise as I hold down my leg, which is paralyzed in the front seat.
Elongated vial, about the size of a smaller test tube. Inside it is packed with white, slightly dropped liquid.
"Whether it's on the wound, drinking or both, it works, but it's highly viscous. Either way, it got a little harder to handle. So I put it in a bottle that was easy to crack and put it on so that I could use it."
"Can't I add water or something?
"It's completely separated from water. Moreover, fruit juice has a heavier specific gravity, so it becomes a feather to drink water first."
Due to its high viscosity, it is not suitable for drinking, for example during combat, which requires urgency. But can it be broken by tapping each bottle onto the wound, so that it can be applied quickly?
The broken glass will damage the wound and skin, but that doesn't make sense because it will end up healed quickly with medication.
In a thoughtful idea, there is.
"The amount of recovery is the original half. About fifty percent of the maximum."
"For me, that's a big deal."
My body, which has a small mouth and low appetite, cannot eat many nuts from the trees of the world.
It's hard to cheek fruit during battle in the first place.
When it comes to fifty percent of the maximum HP, it's the same effect as the species in the world tree, but I can tell you that this one is easier to handle as long as you don't need the hassle to put it in your mouth and chew it up.
And when I say half of my HP, it's Arusha's maximal HP-like or better recovery. Sufficient for use in combat.
"But this slightly yellowish white mucus..."
"Damale, a maiden of my age shouldn't say any more"
"A, hi"
Well, the dissatisfaction somewhat lingers, but it's big enough to be practical. I can only thank Senri for developing this by himself.
If we could build a fruit recovery system, we would be able to eliminate the shortage of healing items.
If we don't retrieve it, it will become a dense forest of world trees.
"Does this have to go to the village once to build a real recovery system?
"Right. It's going to be a new specialty of the village, and you should keep your face on it. Yumil disappeared quickly."
"I'm very sorry about that."
"If that's what you think, you have to execute a sincere apology and Osioki."
Mr. Cenri is turning a nigga and a malicious smile.
A warrior runs on his spine at that expression. Mainly in a chaste sense.
"With that said, Aliusha partied with Keyan, didn't she? Do you remember any new skills?
"Yeah. Now I can make a goddess fountain."
"Ho ho! It is certainly a topographical effect that can make a wish."
"No, how do you know, Senri..."
Where Keyan got his most powerful weapon, The Air Daughter. ability to create it.
I know Aliusha got that, but I don't see Mr. Cenri familiarizing himself with that system.
"That game was famous, and there's no way you don't know one of the leading 'stories'"
"Oh, is that so..."
"So, I'm pretty sure that game was a sex change, right?
Shortly after I heard the words, I fled before Senri.
Of course, take Aliusha.
Senri is the least agile of the three of us. This is because she is dividing it into dexterity, good fortune, intelligence, etc. in order to manufacture pharmaceuticals.
I mean, seriously, she can't keep up with me running away.
I finally took a breather by the west gate, a few hundred meters from the mansion.
Aliusha, held beside her, has a Kyotong look on her face.
"This won't be going back to the Mansion for a while..."
"Oh, why?
"'Cause Senri's trying to imitate us in a disgusting way using Alusha."
"I wonder? That's what I was thinking, too.
"Alusha can't think about that!
Aliusha's been growing in many ways lately, and I'm dangerous and pinched.
I was going to teach you a little bit later, taking my own hand and hips! Isn't this the opposite of the position?
With that in mind, the familiar gatekeeper called out at ease.
"Yo, isn't that Yumil? Have you been running away from kidnapping Miss Aliusha again?
"Hello, but I didn't come here to kidnap you. It fits that you've been running away."
This gate is at the shortest distance from the village.
I use Aliusha's metastatic magic to travel to and from the village, but it's a little awkward to find out that an individual has it.
So once I get out of the city, I try to move. In other words, this is also a place to go once a week.
Therefore, I am familiar with the gatekeeper here.
"It's not your day to go to the village, is it? It must have been tomorrow."
"Yes, but Aliusha's school is closed, and there's nothing else wrong with going today, is there?"
After that incident, it took me a week to get back to the city, and three weeks have elapsed due to a request for retribution, such as an ex-post inquiry.
After that, Aliusha was finally able to take the day off.
Regular students have a week off as soon as they return from their trip.
This holiday may feel long in the normal senses, but many students get sick after a week of unfamiliar journeys, which also continue to go back and forth.
For this reason, after a school trip, the school has a period of time to put in a longer holiday and get fit.
In Aliusha's case, it was a work stuffing shortly thereafter, so she has been given a long vacation period off.
Do you want me to run away to the village like this? When I started to seriously think about it, Senri, who was after me, showed up.
Around securely riding Seiko and chasing me, I'm ready.
"I was just kidding, but I'm not really running away! You're hurting me a little, sister!
"Sorry, that didn't sound like a joke"
"Yeah, I meant more than half of it."
"Can I run away?
"No, you can't."
To the flowing word of denial, I sighed and vomited and dropped my shoulder.
It was Aliusha who gave me cover fire there.
"You can't do that, Sister Cenri. Yumil, I'm the one who's going to break your sister's" maku "!
"Alusha ahhhhhh!? Who! Who blew such a nasty word into innocent Arusha?!?
"Uh, Mr. Howell"
"- Okay, hey, I'm going north."
Howell was then taken by Mr. Guyel to travel to the northern dragon sanctuary.
And of course Keyan.
I keep in touch from time to time to ask how things are going, but I guess the training is going well around the growing groan for help in two.
"So, a little early, but you're going to the village?
"Yeah, I'm wondering if that's okay too. Alusha and I are free today."
Nevertheless, while I was in this city, Neat is basically the same.
With Labyrinth rights income, you don't have to work at all.
I don't... for some reason I've developed a lot and I always feel like I work...?
"I have no choice but to go back to the mansion and get ready"
"Me too."
We store most of our travel essentials in our inventory.
Other things can be thrown into the warehouse if Aliusha is present, so the journey schedule itself ends soon. Or I can travel right now.
Still, many things, such as water and food, are not stored, so some preparation is necessary.
Thus, for the first time in a long time, we returned to Yumir village for a long time.
Get ready, dive the gate, and Aliusha opens the [portal gate] where there are fewer people.
Lynn and Seiko, Urara. And the three of us, Sla.
This magic, which can carry so many people at once, is very convenient to say that upfront marking is required.
I quickly returned to my home in Yumil village and looked over at my nostalgic home.
I haven't had time to return for the last three weeks, so it's getting a little dusty. As I was hurrying to open the window for ventilation, a female union employee who was selling lunch at the front door noticed this way.
"Oh, are you back yet?
"Ah, yes. Thank you for everything. Lunch Box Sales"
"No, this contributes to union revenue, so don't worry about it"
Looking on the table, Imo, incensed meat, dried fruit on bread and cheese, and the menu are a lot more than when I was there.
This is also the result of their daily research. It would no longer be an exaggeration to say that this job belongs to them.
The view from the front door has also changed considerably.
The first thing that has changed dramatically is that the world tree stands nearby. I can't help but feel bad about the sun because of this, but I can also say that this has a flair.
The population of the village also grew considerably, as did the number of merchants going out.
Beyond the fence there are even more fields of hydroponics, and the aim of self-sufficiency is also gaining ground.
Dairy farming also seems to be developing as livestock is being transported into the woods.
Population growth, commercial development and agricultural stability.
I couldn't feel it coming every other week, but at the earliest the village of Yumir had developed closer to the town than I would call it a village.