Another World Transfer in Game Character
Episode 177: Rookie's First Battle
In the darkness, take the new adventurers on a fearful walk.
This time, they can't defend themselves like Aliusha. He is a rookie who brushes his arms around the village with fruit picking and the exorcism of the vermin and challenges the labyrinth at first.
To be clear, it's doubtful if you can fight a chargebird or a Shadowwolf opponent.
From Senri's point of view, it seems that the foundation is laid, but there are aspects of fighting that cannot be established by skill alone.
Traps unintentionally, a number of violence, the first attack you see. We need to see what we have said, not rush, not panic, and come up with an optimal solution.
"The corridor there, at the bend, is the enemy."
"Oh, you know what I mean?
"Yeah, I got footsteps"
It just hung on my hazard sensing abilities, not sure if I made any footsteps. All this feels unexplained, doesn't it?
Zach pulls out his hip sword in a hurry. Tilk and Luca also set up their own weapons.
At the same time, a group of shadow wolves emerge from the corner. That number, four.
"There's a lot of them. I'll take two, so Zach and Tilk deal with it one at a time!
Or prepare your weapon somewhere you can put it right away. You're always the first enemy to take the lead and finish in seconds.
Though thoughtful as that is, I am ahead and attract enemies.
For those who are late, use their Taunt skills to attract three to one hand and attract enemies.
Two enemies coming from the front, one trying to deviate from the back with skill. If you don't have them handle about one of the remaining ones, it won't be power leveling.
As I looked anxiously, I could hear Zach screaming and Tilk stunned. Its mobility is out of step between Rockwolf, who lives in the meadows, and Shadowwolf, who lives in the labyrinth.
To enemies moving at the speed they see for the first time, werewolf newcomers.
"Look, calm down! It's a quick move. It's simple!
Mr. Cenri's scolding voice flies.
In the meantime, I continue to mock three wolves. If you're an enemy to this extent, it's fine to abandon dodging with gear and resilience, but then you won't be studying them watching behind you.
Attack with minimal movement and body twitching, twitching, and suppressing.
"Damn, don't come! This one!"
I can hear Zach's desperate resistance.
"... Hi, can't you afford to look at me? Well, I don't have a choice. Alice, help her."
Shortly after the reply returns, the magic that strengthens the body and the barrier that prevents it from attacking. Magic flies.
If they drastically increase their physical abilities, they will also be able to afford to deal with them, and the barriers that prevent them from attacking create spiritual margins.
"This is..."
"My magic. Knock him out now."
"Oh, thank you. Thank you!
Newcomers to bring it back together all at once with the magic of Aliusha. This sense of security is the pinnacle of the recovery system.
"Look, if we don't finish you off soon, I'm gonna die."
"I look totally spared. Huh!?
"Well, that's troublesome, so I can take it down?
"It's a lie. Alice continues to support Yorosik because she can afford it"
"You're lying!
Luca pulls her bow as she screams like that.
The arrows released fly toward the target in a straight line - toward me.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"You shot me with your eyes closed, now!?
"I strongly assure you!
When the situation settles, they can show strength, too.
Zach stands in the front and holds the enemy down, Tilk tows it, Luca clamps it down. In that combination, I quickly tailored one to show it.
I see how it goes, and then I deliberately let one go towards them.
"I went that way one!
"Leave it to me, this time -!"
Thus one at a time, he flushes them and makes them accustomed to the fight.
We usually spent close enough time doing battles that ended in seconds.
"Ha... Are you done, sir?
"Yes End. Good luck."
Easily enough, it is very painful to move this time at all costs. You can understand how to do everything you can, whether it's a Kendo or Karate game, or because you only have a couple of minutes of game time.
Zach and Tilk didn't even leak into the example, and at the same time as the end of the battle, they went to the floor, barking their breath.
Luca, who is a fixed turret, looked better, but still can't hide the color of fatigue.
"This was the first battle of the labyrinth... it was scattered"
"Ugh, I'm sorry. I never thought there would be so much difference in pressure..."
"Many people lose their lives because of that 'no way', so from now on, be careful"
"I'll keep that in mind for the liver. Really."
Unlike yesterday, when I was looking sweetly at the labyrinth somewhere, now it's the newcomers who nod with a strange look.
It seemed successful in teaching the harshness of the labyrinth.
"Well, there's a safe zone over here, so let's take a break there."
"Oh, how do you know?
"You guys... Whether you want to challenge the labyrinth or invite your people, do as much research as you can"
Ask your receptionist sister at the union about a map of the labyrinth and she'll hand it out for free.
So far, maps to the eleventh level are open source.
All I can say is that their prospects are too sweet not to even do that.
"Okay? Keep the information. It's gonna be your lifeline, okay? For example, if a monster attacks you right now, you can't handle it, can you? But if you know the safety zone up front, you can get away with it."
"I see..."
"Don't take a sweet look at the information. This is a request on the ground, but if an adventurer is going to have no roots, he's going to have to worry about hitting his hands."
"You'll learn. You don't look very old with me, Yuri, but it's amazing."
"No, that's why I'm older..."
Thank you. I still feel my appearance here is undermining my majesty.
I know it's tough, but I've been taught this by Mr. Irvin and Mr. Yage.
In my case, they had enough fighting power to crush the difficulties, but they didn't. If we're going to teach adventurers how to work, we need to look at these details.
"That's what makes me look so seniors... Yuri, she's adorable"
"Yes, yes, thank you. But if you know him as a senior, respect him as a kitten."
Aliusha is following to make a senior appeal. He was so flustered that he was about to fall back with his hands on his hips.
As much as I want to keep my Doya face in the picture as I don't have any more.
"Next time I'll have Senri develop a camera..."
"What, did you say something?
"No, anything"
I can't name my real name any more now than I do with a fake name. I mean, I'm so embarrassed, I can't.
"Look, stand up. I'll go to the fountain room in the safe zone. Alice, please cut the magic of the barrier in the next fight."
"Uh, okay?
Aliusha tilts her neck and asks back, but she also needs to get used to the pain she receives from fighting.
"I'm not going to be working with us forever. We need to give them a little stretch of their own power. No over-protection for that."
"Yeah, okay!
"Yeah... please be gentle with me"
"Bishibishi, I'm coming. Bishibishi!"
He set Zach and the others up to drag him halfway and started walking toward the fountain.
With that said, Senri, you didn't do anything in the fight earlier...?
In the Fountain Room, the first two parties were taking a break.
It is a precious place where water can be replenished without going through wells in this meadow. This is a popular spot where someone is always there.
The face I saw there - Mr. Irvin was also taking a break.
"Yes, excuse me."
"Oh - that? Yumi -"
I put my knee in Mr. Irvin's face, trying to call my real name in jeopardy, and keep my mouth shut.
I don't know the circumstances. It would be unreasonable if I made him do it, but it's an emergency evasion, so I want you to give me a break.
Using this room is no exception to me. You have to use this pedestal to move to the lower level.
I mean, I pass through this room every weekend. Then other adventurers other than me will go to the lower level via here... so nothing is wrong with him being here.
That's why we need to keep our mouths shut so we don't divulge any excess.
I put my knee in my face and kicked it down, took the mount position with that momentum and explained the situation in a low voice.
"So here I am Yuri. Okay?"
"Oh, okay. But if you're gonna push me down, I'd like to ask you to be more invisible."
"Shall I keep my mouth shut until I choke like this? Or can you tell Mr. Louisa?
"Give me a break about that."
Sure, I can't tell you that I'm riding a horse over my belly and whispering so close that my face sticks together pushes me down, but I'm the only one who wants to push me down.
It's not like I want to push down such a mushy man.
"Um, Mr. Yuri?
"Hey, I'm sorry. I just ran into someone I know, so I over-communicated, right?
Jumping off his belly, kicking Mr. Irvin rolling over, he says.
Mr. Irvin said, 'Hide!' Or so I rolled over, but let's have patience here.
"Do you know him?
"I'm a celebrity. This is Mr. Irvin."
"Ah, one of the top in this labyrinth!?
"Some adventurers are buzzing about that, huh?
The pride of the Sneak Ahead (Top Runner) gives you a peek in the face, but I want you to forgive me here.
"Speaking of which, is Mr. Irvin alone today?
"Oh, Louisa's been feeling out of shape lately, and Rosa doesn't seem to be feeling very well today. Danit and I made it our day off."
"And why are you here?
"No, look... routine doesn't calm you down when you stop, does it?
Trying the labyrinth alone because he's restless, he does something unscrupulous too... but he also has the strength to do it, and even when he thought about the old days, he tended to move his reckless plans to execution.
I can't believe I was traveling across the meadow when I first met you.
"Yumi - did Yuri say nurturing newcomers?
"Yes. Rookie Zach and Tilk. And I'm Luca."
"Nice to meet you!
"This is top notch...... cool"
"Wow, I feel like an aura or something. This is the majesty of the mighty?
Here, Luca. Do you think I don't feel the aura of the mighty? I have the strongest level of pride in this village!
But Mr. Irvin has also grown in strength all at once over the past few years. Mr. Yage may have already skipped the day of his arrival.
"My God, I haven't reached the realm of the strong yet. That's... I have to tell the adventurer with the name of this village."
"Of this village...... is it Mr. Yumil?
Mr. Irvin is looking at Niyaniya and this one. Senri was also looking at Niyaniya and this one. You guys, I'll get back at you later.
Aliusha looks at the fountain in nostalgia...... or at the end of that gaze was headed towards Mr. Elephant's electrified stone statue.
The array in this room is so bad for education that I am determined to file a complaint with Trakichi.
"Oh. If she's the other guy, she won't hold me for a second."
"Is that it!?
"Let's see. This village...... no, because you are also the most powerful swordsman in this world. The beauty is also known in the alley as" Princess Kazahime "- Phoo."
"Don't laugh!
Mr. Irvin, who had arranged flatteries that were not in his heart, blew out unbearably and accidentally put all the scratch into it.
The newcomers are turning a harrowed glance at me rambling at the village's powerful.
"No, I'm sorry. To apologize, can I go along with the rookie development, too?
"What, Mr. Irvin?
"Is that okay!?
Zach and the others have a joyous look, but as far as I'm concerned, I can't help but worry about more people knowing what's going on.
Senri's mouth count today is even smaller, perhaps to keep her from wearing out.
"Oh, my party's off today, and I've been sparing some time - and I'm doing something interesting."
"Later in the day, I heard you!
"No, no, it's been a long time since Rosa's been nurturing newcomers, so..."
Obviously it seems interesting, Mr. Irvin, but its strength comes with origami.
If you're going to follow me to power leveling, I'm pretty sure I don't have any more comforting allies. Light mouth is a slight anxiety element though.
Besides, as an adventurer, you hit ahead of me, and I'm used to developing rookies with Rosa.
If you'd come with me, you'd be more efficient.
That's how Mr. Irvin joined our party.