Another World Transfer in Game Character
Episode 206 Exam Started
In the end, the bases in Wangdu were all properties lacking in decision-makers, so it was exam day when I couldn't decide subtly.
Josh as well as Tema and Raki were supposed to take the high school exams due to Allusha's take-up.
Josh's parents are the only ones in the Wang capital, so Tema and Raki asked me to show my face to the school and take care of them.
Take the four kids - well, they're all bigger than me, but I'm headed to the venue.
They are also strong enough to be veteran adventurers, but they still don't have enough experience. He is a new adventurer in the cultivation of ginseng.
It is only a little worrying to look away in such a strange city.
My trust from your parents and the headmaster is great, so I asked to take care of them.
Going into higher school was also safer than adventurers, and there was no longer any reason to disagree with the fact that it could be covered by the amount of material sold in power leveling over the past two weeks.
Ordinary adventurers wouldn't earn this much, but I was able to earn more than I expected because I took them around in the meadow labyrinth to a deeper depth than normal. Crystal golem, delicious.
When they heard the amount was enough to cover the school's tuition, Tema and her parents signed off on the exam.
Four people will present their exams and letters of recommendation at the main entrance to the high school and will be guided to the room for the exam.
Alusha looked back at this one along the way, waving with a full smile.
Perhaps I'm extra confident. And I'm glad to be able to go to school with the three of us again.
Seeing that innocent smile, I grin like I was caught, too.
Raki and Tema will also be guided to each classroom by another attendant.
They escort me to the classroom because this high school exam often also takes many sons of nobles and bourgeoisies.
After dropping off their backs on each battlefield, I was stopped by the attendants in an attempt to make my way to a waiting area for the guardians to wait.
"Where are we going? Your exam place is this way."
"Huh? Um, I'm older than them even if I look like this, and I'm a guardian?
Listening to my explanation, the attendant again turns a blind eye to the 'letter of recommendation received from Alusha'.
I peruse it a few times and even speak to this one once again.
"I'm pretty sure your name is' Yumil ', right?
"Yeah, I do, though"
"Then it's not a mistake. This letter of recommendation reads:" We recommend both Aliusha and Yumil to your school in the name of Platinum, Principal of Talhan Elementary School. "
"Yeah yeah!?
I snatch the letter of recommendation so fast that the attendant can't react, and I look through its contents.
Without a doubt there, my name was also added.
"What do you mean? What is this?!
"No, even if I tell you..."
"Speaking of which, Aliusha's smile just now! It wasn't an innocent smile, it was a prank smile."
"Ha ha, you've apparently been fooled, haven't you? Well, this isn't the kind of place you'd get easily just because you got a recommendation. Take it easy."
"No, not even that kind of problem!
I mean, if it's about taking an exam here, I have the confidence to take it without any problems.
For the past two weeks, I've been studying as the star and director of the study group for the Allusians.
Originally, I remember perfectly what they were studying.
"Hmm, two of the four earlier have gone to the magician discipline and two to the knight discipline. What is your recommendation frame... a special recommendation frame?
"What the heck!?
Perhaps Arusha and Raki are on their way to the mage discipline, Josh and Tema are on their way to the knight discipline.
The problem is I'm not in either of them.
I was pressed for an unexplained special frame, and I even forgot my usual polite words and shouted.
I'm not in either of them. In other words, I'm supposed to take both the knight and the sorcerer.
"Magicians have magic measurements and practical tests in the morning. Knights are swordsmanship and riding exams. They are supposed to take a joint academic exam this afternoon. Each one of us feels like a lot of time, so it's possible for you to take both."
"It's not a question of whether it's possible or impossible, it's a question of whether such horizontal paper tearing works!
"It's good for the basket, isn't it?
The guides are finally responding with a throwing attitude.
"These applications for special recommendations are made once every few years. There are many frogs in the well who come out confident that they can do their swords and magic with genius in their homeland."
"No, I didn't want it from me?
"I guess the nominee's just blinded, huh? I've seen those examples several times. It's rare to be a Talhan principal."
"He's famous for his discreet personality."
No longer is the questioning necessary, but the guide takes my collar up and carries the cat child.
No, I just walk on my own, so I don't think there's any way to carry this.
First, he was taken to a test site in the Department of Magicians, where he was poignantly thrown into a herd of students waiting.
There was an appearance of Aliusha, who was all nibbling at prank success.
Raki, with a stunned look on his face, does not appear to be involved in this one case.
"Allusha aaaaaaa! You fooled me! How dare you fool me!
"Haha, you. But the headmaster also gave me a heartbeat that if you're Yumil's sister, you won't have a problem with the special frame. I wanted to go to school with your sister, and no."
"I won't allow you to tilt your pretty neck! 'Cause I'm gonna be sentenced to a pillow all night, right?
"Rather come with Don"
Slap yourself in the chest with a poyon and stretch your chest, Aliusha. I don't feel like my Oshioki has become a go-between lately.
"You need to keep your voice down more than that, sister Yumil. It's for your attention, isn't it?
When Aliusha noticed me and looked around, an annoying gaze was piercing me from all directions.
In the morning it is a magic measurement and a practical exam, so it is not something you can do with studying, but the practical exam requires concentration.
If they scratch that, they're not accumulated objects, I guess. I know how you feel.
"Damn, this is why the bastards..."
"haha...... su, sorry"
Keep your head down and get to the designated seat.
That was the seat behind one of Aliusha's. By the way, one before Aliusha is Raki.
From the order in which letters of recommendation are submitted, it may be obvious.
A few people who seem to grow up look at us and exhale one nose before returning to their respective concentrations.
Probably the nobles of the kingdom of Kilmar.
I don't have anything to say about that attitude, but I can't say anything back because the bad side is us. At this hour, I know what it's like to want to review it at all. If you're making a scene there, you're in a bad mood.
As the bat sat in his seat with a bad face, several teachers showed up at the venue after a while.
Something was carrying a large plate-shaped tablet, and a thin crystal column was installed in front of it.
"Quiet. Now, let's start measuring the Magic Value. This is only to gauge material, so it has little effect on acceptance or rejection"
That's a subtle statement.
There are nuances that cannot seem to be ignored because acceptance is not "irrelevant" but "less influential".
When you hold the crystal column in front of you in turn, different numbers appear on the tablet.
That number is all encrypted that students don't understand, but it doesn't seem like it would be a fragrant thing to look at a surveyor filling it in pale.
After a while, the boy's turn turns that was poisoned earlier.
I just gazed from the top, confident and got the crystal column.
The string that appears there - reads the measurement results and the measurer writes them out in the report.
The way I talked to him in a small voice came to my ear. I guess I could hear it because intelligence affects my sensing abilities.
"This is an amazing magnitude of magic."
"The breadth of the threshold is also a highlight. The number of corresponding attributes is also wide with three types"
"Flames and water, and wind? Attack magic sounds highly appropriate."
I guess that voice had reached the boy as well as me. I turn my nose roughly against my chest and go back to my seat.
Eventually, Raki's turn turned, and when he gripped the crystal column, more letters appeared on the tablet than ever before.
Look at that, the gauge's expression freezes.
"The corresponding attribute is four attributes -"
"The threshold of the basic value is more than ten times the normal......"
"This is delicacy."
When I saw them whispering to each other, I realized that Raki's qualities were quite high.
From my point of view, his magical abilities are still hiyoko, but there seems to be a fairly high number here.
The surveyor exhales and then resumes the measurement, with Aliusha holding the crystal column next.
What showed up there was a line of letters full of overflowers from the stone slab.
Seeing that, the surveyor lost his hips this time.
"He said it has all attributes!?
"And basic magic is hundreds of times more than ordinary people - no, it's even over a thousand times more!
"The court magician class...... no, not on that level!?
I suppose so.
Alusha, who excels in sage and samurai systems, does not allow other followers in high magic and magical variations.
Sending a thumbs-up to Arusha with her nostrils high, she came back shy too.
It is unlikely that the country will release her into the field any more than it has shown such a high level of cultivation.
Perhaps the kingdom of Kilmar will begin to encircle Aliusha in the future.
But her identity is already protected by the union.
Or protected by me protected by the union.
If we try to secure this by force, Kilmar will now be Kennel's two dancers.
Stay under Union asylum first.
It is here that the meaning of the clarification of Mr. Leggle's claimed position on the body came out.
If it had been just us, we wouldn't have been able to counter the solicitation by the state.
And I perceived it in advance, and I couldn't choose the option of putting Aliusha in higher school, which should have resulted in her narrowing down her future.
Thoughts came to pass at the peril, and he caressed his chest down by accident.
"You, hurry up next."
"Oh, yes."
If I had skipped my thoughts on Aliusha's future, my turn would have turned.
Hurry and grip the crystal column.
Then it feels like something is sucked out of the inside of my body, and my measurements are engraved on the tablet.
"Hey this..."
"The magic level is higher than the other girl."
"But there is no corresponding attribute. And the threshold is too low. You can't activate magic with this, can you?
From the leakage audible reaction, it was understandable that it was a delicate result.
That would be so. 'Cause I'm not in a mage job. No, just one thing, I don't work for anything other than a psychic (channeler).
Because I'm intelligent, MP is expensive, but I can barely use magic as a skill.
If magic is a lot of MP, it exists far above the average person. But I can hardly use magic on my own.
This is an inherently unlikely phenomenon in this world, and there is no reason for the surveyor to be confused.
"As it were, well... because this is just a measure of material..."
"Oh, right. The problem is skill, skill."
"Let's go next. That's it, isn't it? Students will now go to this venue."
The next step is a practical exam, so I'll sneak a flame blade.
This [Firebolt] can be used at a low level, so it would do as much as a magician's imitation.
Attack magic exists for a psychic, but he decided he should have some good looking magic.