Another World Transfer in Game Character
Lesson 219: The Expedition Begins
It took about two more weeks to prepare since then.
Spring has already passed, and it's time to even feel signs of early summer.
The students are also familiar with the class and live close together.
Problems such as common bullying also do not exist at least as far as we can see. It saw the temperament of those who aspired to a profession that should be noble, say knights.
Not many children grew up listening to the tale of a knight of public justice in a bedtime story.
There was no way anyone who aspired to that path could have bullied or anything.
The magicians also live their days as explorers of knowledge.
Neither do we have time for bullying and other things that aim to explore knowledge.
So if they banish the school, it will be the end of their lives, including the future.
Who would hire such a magician if he were branded as a bully and exile in high school?
And students who can't think about it can't even get into school.
Two weeks to prepare the mansion where you will be staying.
And it took about that long to inform and prepare the students.
Exactly not to make it a mandatory expedition, but to use the established holidays as a supplementary lecture.
Although the labyrinth expedition was attended only by those who wished, almost all students in the special-purpose knighthood department and almost all in the magician department were to participate.
I had originally anticipated about 60 students in the third grade, but what a deduction to one hundred and twenty.
Of course, it was impossible to do it all at once, so I saw the holiday days and divided them for each academic year. As far as I'm concerned, it's three consecutive weeks of expedition.
"That's why today, the first day, is an expedition day of the year. Everybody, let's stick together."
Early in the morning, in front of forty students gathered in the school yard, I was drooling over a speech.
Even so, there is a degree of caution about not removing too many feathers, paying attention to injuries, and being absolutely obedient to my rate of pull.
There was a disguised gayer nearby quietly.
I think you can see why he's disguised, given his behavior after this. He's transferring forty men to Talhan.
He is supposed to be an amazing magician, hired by my personal handover. He's a user of metastatic magic, so there will be recourse from the union later.
I plan to let him know at that time that I'm the president of the high school board and that I'm his inherent magic, but I'm not going to expose myself with the ancient dragon king Enchanted Dragon Road.
So he changed his face, made tracking impossible, and went on an operation to cloud his tea.
With the mouthpiece of Mr. Maniel, the head teacher, he will understand that he is the president of the board, which makes it difficult to pursue in depth with the union.
Because there are also a large number of people from here in the Adventurers' Union of the Kingdom of Kilmar.
When I exposed my usual face and came to buy alcohol as usual, I said, 'You're the president of the board!' There is also a reason why Mr. Guyer wanted to avoid such a situation.
"Dr. Yumil, but there's no carriage, is there?
"That's it there. Odysama here is supposed to help us. Let me introduce you. He is the first high school board president in Japan, Mr. Geyer."
"That phantom -?"
"I may have seen the legend..."
Nor have the usually beloved and wise students been able to hide their upset at the appearance of the person just rumored to be the ghost board president.
"Even if you behave wisely, you're a child."
"Sister Yumil, that's a villain line"
"Alusha, it's time to get back in line, right?
There's another one next to me, Aliusha, who was helping me work early in the morning.
There was a magic team in the school yard for the transfer, and they helped me draw this.
To finish like that like a magic formation, I still have the knowledge of the wise Arusha.
The transfer formation with various unintelligible characters inscribed within the circle formation...... of course it has no effect etc.
"No, I'd be surprised if 'Aliusha Adorable' or some graffiti magic team started in Japanese."
"Was that what you wrote... No, I don't like it"
"Because that kind of guy wrote something down?
Mr. Guyel was also helping me with the task of drawing the magic formation.
He also wrote something in incomprehensible letters on the circle...
"Hmm? Oh. In the lost ancient dragon language," Yumil is my daughter-in-law. "
"Unfortunately, it won't come true."
"Have you got a pulse yet?"
Naturally. I don't want to be the wife of a reptile. Rather, I am willing to be Aliusha's husband.
The problem is that Aliusha is after her husband's seat.
The magic team I wrote was not big enough to transfer forty people at once, so I decided to transfer them in two portions at a time.
The first step is to transfer twenty of the magician's disciplines, but Aliusha will be in charge of that deduction.
The Mansion also has Mr. Cenri, but if anyone leads the way within the students, they will not have any extra trouble.
Once the students are informed that there are numerous monsters in the mansion in advance, they are asked to wait to be monitored so that they do not hunt it on their own.
Sla and the others have evolved into slime roads, so the bondage that they don't think will be hunted so easily, but that they shouldn't put their hands on their students, could also create alarm.
And regarding Igor of Elderlais, he is so powerful that it is not strange to inadvertently eat retreating magic (turn-and-dead) at the beginning of the encounter.
"So long, Aliusha. Rate, please?
"Ha! A child who doesn't listen is sentenced to [Voltech Lance]!
"No, because it's going to die..."
Upon hearing Aliusha's proclamation, the students waiting for the transfer in the back were blushing their faces.
If she speaks of dating for a little over a month, she will know that she is the character to carry it out.
Aliusha waved gently back to the students and was sent to Talhan by Mr. Gayer's spatial magic.
Then it's our turn.
Guide the students to the magic formation and send a signal to Mr. Geyer.
But Mr. Guyel just hangs out with Soissois and doesn't hang me up.
So I remembered the contract I made with him. Fortunately, Aliusha has already flown to Talhan.
"It's just this once, right?
That's what I said, and I quickly put my mouth on that cheek.
It was disgusting to lean on a man, to be honest, except for Mr. Geyer.
His nature is a dragon, a reptile. And now he looks magnificent, not strange to say his father.
If I think it's sweet on my grandfather who has left it in Japan, I can put up with it somewhat.
"Uhm! I did get the item from the contract!
Already, in the tone of the Ukurumi, Mr. Geyer declares, and immediately unfolds his sorcery.
No flashy effects existed and I was already in the garden of Talhan's mansion if I thought the view was shaken.
The courtyard of the mansion, the former Lordship Hall, was large enough to accommodate forty students.
The earlier magicians had already moved to the third floor of the hall. By the way, knight students are splitting rooms upstairs.
Something screaming will be heard from near the third floor from time to time, probably because I ran into Mr. Igor.
"Okay, transfer complete. Then the knights can use the upstairs room. Four people per room. Because the door of the room where you can use it is hung with a bill that says' usable '. I can't guarantee my life if I set foot anywhere else."
"Yes, the guarantee of life is such an exaggeration..."
"It's not an exaggeration or anything, is it? This mansion is Lynn - the residence of the Dragon, the residence of Slapenille, the residence of Slime Road and the residence of Elder Lake. And most importantly, it's also used as a place of work for the current Talhan lord, Leggle, and Todome is also our home."
Lords of the present Talhan. It's a title that means Mr. Leggle, the hero of the East.
A person here would know better than I do what would happen if I roughed up his workplace on my own like that.
I still haven't realized how feared and respected Mr. Leggle is.
"Regul-Talhan's place of work...... then you can't be on your own"
"If I suck, it's gonna sound like a recommendation to the Knights, too, right?
"On the contrary, I don't know if I can get out alive if I'm in a bad mood."
Exactly the effect of his brave name worked better for the students than I did.
Now they won't vandalize the mansion.
"If you have business, call Mr. Igor, the butler. Because he's practically partitioning this mansion."
"Mr. Igor... I miss you"
"Was Tema leaking it when we first met?
"I didn't leak it!
When he first came to this mansion in response to Aliusha's invitation, he had the experience of losing his hips at a glance at Igor, who was Reis at the time.
Mr. Igor is eldering now, and the pressure is even increasing. Looks like a few magician students have already been harmed, too.
I don't know how many people get hurt from the Knights.
"Well, if you can stand his unintended blows, even in the labyrinth, you won't be surprised a bit or softly"
"But sister Yumil's still undead. You're scared, aren't you?
"Call me a teacher, with a teacher!
To Thema, who behaves with disrespect, I sentence her to the sentence of a cow named Whiplash of Love.
They fisted the gorilla and the comet, and Thema sank to the spot.
By the way, a lot of students in the knight discipline know the power of this sentence with their own hands. There are still some students who look sweet.
Of course, I know my strength with them, but with my attitude and appearance, I often forget about it.
What a sinful beauty.
"Nevertheless, I could really use metastatic magic, that guy..."
"Oh, Mr. Geyer? Because it seems a hobby to look into ancient lost magic and such. If the union finds out, it's going to interfere with a lot of things, and they usually disappear."
"So they call me the ghost board president? Convinced."
It's actually the result of his relentless doctrine, but it's kind of convinced me in a weird way.
Well, is it better than being weird?
"Well, there will be loading and unloading in the room, and we will be free to move until this evening. Meet me in the courtyard at 4: 00. The labyrinth starts early tomorrow morning."
First of all, to gain experience in night camping, today the Knights family is camping in the garden.
I have never been to the magician department to gain experience, so I need you to help me with that.
Starting tomorrow, the five of us will be divided into eight groups to experience the labyrinth. In addition to me, four other people are responsible for the rate: Aliusha, Senri, and Leggle.
These four dive into the labyrinth twice a day for half a day, and let the students gain experience.
And do this itinerary three days in a row. This is the contents of the expedition.
"Well, I have a meeting with Mr. Leggle. You guys shouldn't be playing games, right? Elderlais, the caretaker of this mansion, is so scared."
I left a threatening complaint and I headed to Mr. Leggle's office.
He had a few things to discuss.