Another World Transfer in Game Character
Episode 220: The Secret Talk
While the students are getting ready for the room, I go to fulfill my returned purpose.
We can go back to Talhan at any time, but it wasn't convenient for them to either.
Especially this time, it took time.
Walk the hallway with a grasp, somewhat hasty foot, and knock on the door of your destination.
One room close to the main entrance on the ground floor.
Mr. Leggle uses this as a function of the Lordship Hall and as an office in a room he rents from me.
As for Mr. Leggle, he could have rented another mansion as a Lordship Hall, but no place with more security than this mansion, guarded by Elderlais and Slime Road, existed in this Talhan.
Even though he held the title of hero and obtained a position of nobility, Mr. Leggle of a wild character has quite a few enemies.
I need as much defense as this mansion to protect my neighborhood.
And it's also convenient for me to get the reports I want to hear.
Because in this mansion, people's eyes can be completely controlled.
Students are flooded now, but at this time they will be full of their own errands.
And there are surveillance eyes.
"Mr. Leggle, are you there?
"Whoa, is that Yumil? I thought it was time for the students to arrive."
Mr. Leggle replies to the voice he spoke with Knock.
Confirming that there were no people around the hallway, I stepped indoors.
Close the door and lock it securely to prevent someone from getting into it. At the same time, Mr. Igor called in and asked for perimeter surveillance.
Once Mr. Leggle also has excellent scouting skills, he may not need to go this far, just in case.
"Mr. Igor, who's watching the room?
It doesn't exist at the moment.
Mr. Igor, who slipped through the walls and explored the surroundings, reported that.
He then leaves the room immediately so that he doesn't get in the way of our conversation.
Of course, it's about him, the owner of this mansion, so if you care about him, you'll know about this room.
But I'm not worried about him at all. That's all I have faith in.
"So, did you get the report?
"Oh, they're coming. from the Union of Adventurers of the Kingdom of Kennel. It took me a while to get through and erase this footprint."
Yes, what I asked Mr. Leggle for was information about Tamon belonging to Kennel.
I also came up with the idea of looking into enemy information, as there is an adage that says we should know our enemies and know ourselves.
However, if you do it as it is, it is also possible that you will notice what I am looking for and follow it.
So I had Mr. Leggle of Kaiqian Mountain Thousand explore it on his behalf.
He knows what's going on here, and he knows what's going on with the enemy. Furthermore, I am accustomed to this kind of information manipulation, so I could say that it is appropriate.
"Tamon, yeah. The first time this footprint was on the table was in a cold village in northern Kennel Kingdom. They were hunting here and overpowering the paste. He then qualifies as an adventurer in a few years and is relocating his base to King's Capital in Kennel. That's where you're getting rid of Cesar Pent."
"That's normal. That's why you're eating into the heart of the country.
"Cesar pent exorcism is not normal. Well, I don't know that much, but by the time the activity reports from the Adventurers' Union were interrupted, the first village he was active in was devastated by epidemics."
That's all I heard. I frowned.
That's probably why he hates unions.
"Seeing that face, you guessed it, didn't you? As you speculated, the union bit one at the destruction of this village."
"Why would a union imitate such a...?
"Indirectly, though. The branch chief who was in charge of the region at the time restricted the trade in the special effects of the plague and fattened his stomach."
"Look, you can see from Miss Aliusha's example, right? Ambrosia. I deliberately kept it thin and expensive to distribute. As a result, the village was unable to prepare medicines, leaving numerous dead and devastated."
If only I hadn't been able to procure drugs like him at that time... I don't even know the grudge.
Or is that the pattern you heard somewhere?
"That's kind of like what I heard somewhere. Specifically, with Morias or something."
Now I remember hearing stories about the late Lobudia making Ambrosia monopolistic and fattening her private belly.
This M.O. looks exactly like that.
"Have you noticed? It's embarrassing, but the branch manager at the time said he was a relative of Lobudia. I thought you were gonna meet my uncle."
"But his clan belongs to the kingdom of Kilmar, right? Can that be the head of the Adventurers' Union in Kennel or something?
Besides, if he was related to him, he would have been a nobleman of Kilmar. I don't think that's going to get rid of Kilmar's fence.
"Once you belong to the staff of the Adventurers' Union, at that stage the title nobility ceases to mean anything. In other words, if you belong to the union, even the nobility of Kilmar could be assigned to another country. Of course, that kind of foreground is taken into account... in this case, it seems that Lordship Morias defeated Lordship Lordship, a contested phrase. If I were you, I'd say he fell."
"So he said he committed corruption similar to that of Lobudia at his assigned location..."
"As a result, I bought a grudge of dangerous people, and that's on my way to the union. It's annoying."
"If I tell him that... or if I give the man to the human pillar, is there no way to reconcile?
"What do you think? The past doesn't change when I find out about this situation, and when I do, I don't feel like putting extra oil on the fire. And it's indisputably the union that has assigned such a man."
Certainly there are some non-unions that have sent corrupt officials. I don't think that indiscriminately hate-stained Tamon would convince one of the pig's relatives, not to mention the culprit.
And even from the point of view of economic competition principles, it is true that it is fascinating to refer to opposing organisations.
Monopolistic organisations are prone to corruption, which also results in a decline in services. But if there is a competitive organization, there is no loss of upliftment.
That's why it's only insolent for me to run to Tamon, which is currently under the Union's asylum.
Problems around it will also have to be considered in the future.
"Damn, those guys are just trouble. So, where are the pig's relatives now?
"A pig... for once, I have the name Martinez. Well, I can't deny being a douchebag. Now I'm sure... I bought my position with the money I saved, and I'm the branch manager of Radtart in Druze Republic - hey this..."
"Wow, didn't you just give Morias a little...?
"That's possible. The union's pretty rotten up there."
It is very possible that Martinez, who lost the power struggle, put a little bit out on Morias with the aim of restoring power.
Or else I can't think about it?
"This is a bit, I found a connection that won't be stylish?
"Oh, I didn't know we were connected like this. I'll take this information up with the union."
"It's called M.O., it's called character, isn't it just like that?"
"I change my affiliation every few years, so I guess it was hard to find out."
I guess I had changed my affiliation before I could get my legs on it and roughed up all over the place agriculturally in the baking fields.
If the funds are deposited with the Union, it is also easy to manage the assets because they can be withdrawn everywhere.
He himself made it easier to get around the place by making it as light as possible.
But this is useful information for me.
Even if you can't take it to a settlement, it'll be usable for materials for the deal.
"I see... thank you, Mr. Leggle. This is going to be quite useful."
The purpose of Tamon is to crush the union. That's why we need to create a rival organization.
Now Tamon is overwhelmingly underfunded to create an organization.
I'm not exactly going to crush the union, but if you provide Martinez with the idea of filling his figure and his lack of funding, he might be able to handle it.
Just because the core of Yumil Village is not going to be handed over, why don't you go with a strand of string?
"Let's think about it. Then I'll see how the students are doing. Please continue to collect information."
"Oh, let it be. So, shall I reward you for this?"
I will lay my cards on the cards that Mr. Leggle took out and pay the pre-determined information fee.
Of course this is an informal request for information gathering, so the Union is not brokering. It's not an official request because it doesn't leave any trace of this one.
To say that I am collecting information from the other side is likely to be collecting this information from the other side.
Regardless, Tamon is in the middle of a war, so there's a good chance he won't have time for it, but he still wants to take whatever defense he can.
In the meantime, I can say that the response to Tamon has been somewhat eye-catching. Some abdominal proposals also exist, so I might be able to figure it out.
This is how I ended my secret conversation with Mr. Leggle.
When it comes to lunch for forty people, it is not easy to prepare.
The dish that helps at these times is juice.
Famous for curry, stewed potatoes, etc., but can easily accommodate large numbers, and is delicious there.
Rich in moisture, it accumulates unexpectedly in the stomach and has a great sense of satisfaction.
Rather, it is rare to say that it is better to cook in large quantities.
On this day, I decided to behave as a bear pot that had been sourced in the labyrinth of Yumil Village, simmered with spices such as shoga.
Simmer the meat suitable for consumption with the odourless miso or vanilla, take the ash juice (acne), season the flavor, then add vegetables such as mushrooms and cabbage, and simmer carefully.
It felt more like miso soup than pot, but this would make it a rare flavor for the students of northern Kilmira.
Serve this with rice and pickles and it should be enough for lunch.
"Wow, this smells tough"
"But you smell pretty good in your belly. I like it."
"Is this Talhan's local dish?
The students come to peek at the pot in a way that they say intrigue.
Bring the rice to the bowl and put it on the tray with the bear juice and pickles.
This kind of meal would be rare because bread is mostly mainstream in the Wang capital Kilmar.
Since it does not taste good when it cools, I have been instructed in advance to eat it from the end of the meal.
"Oh, can I be surprised?
"It's not bad, though."
"It's more of a habit."
"Dr. Yumil's hand cooking...... haha"
Some students are saying something stupid, but I'm busy with meals.
Aliusha instead takes disturbed students behind the mansion.
"Alusha, the more, the better, right?
"Yeah, let it go."
I'm kind of scared of the shadowy, shady look around my eyes.
It's free time until evening like this, and dinner will go hand in hand with night camp training, so let's do it now.
Aliusha would be able to treat you even if you were slightly injured.
"Treat... don't you?
I don't feel like I'm going to half-kill it and leave it, but let's go there with a policy I don't care about. I'm busy cooking right now.
With that in mind, I kept handing out meals.