Another World Transfer in Game Character
Chapter 244: The Invasion Begins
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Yumil has been working on a labyrinth attack for roughly a week.
Western dispatchers, who were late, arrived in the village. The presence of sleighs proceeding efficiently through the meadows and the accompanying evolution of suspension had dramatically increased the speed of marching.
It is significant that camels were employed instead of horses, reducing the rest for hydration, which led them to recommend long distances for a breath.
"Camels connect this way! Luggage is fine later. Who's the captain?
The village, which once and for all embraced more than a hundred of the finest students in high school, became a mess or a mess.
Regardless, there is no confusion, even in disturbances, as circulars were given in advance and accommodation and so on were made.
"Line up the troops and turn to the quarters. You know where it is?
It was Irvin, the village's de facto defense captain, who was giving instructions out loud.
There is no regular army in this village, and instead adventurers cover their defensive forces.
A new statement to that effect had been incorporated into the Union's local statutes in the last invasion of the Kingdom of Kennel.
Arvin can say that roughly a third of the year is in that position because the most skilled of them will take the position of captain.
Following Irvine's instructions, the army will be directed to a solemnly newly built quarters.
They also have the pride of being military, but the ruinousness of being an adventurer is stained in the bones by the teacher.
Not to mention the Kilmira kingdom. Toshiyuki Kiri. The power is not enough to contend for one or two in the country.
I understand it's just not as good as Yumil's, but I still know it's far superior to my rookie self.
"Heh, it helps to hear what adults say. When I heard the army was coming, I wondered what kind of wacky guy was coming."
"Our teachers were adventurers, too. Even if you're not a knight, there's nothing to insult that power."
Calvert, who will ceremony the Private Knights in the future, responds to Irvin's words as a representative of the contingent.
Even at first sight, he felt strange empathy (sympathy) only for the two of them, who had together destroyed their common sense by Yumil to wooden dust.
"That's fine."
"By the way... what's that?
Calvert pointed to a thick tube stretching out of the trunk of the world tree.
It was a giant water slider, pulling sap from a world tree as a waterway.
"Uh, I don't know. It's a pipe for pulling water into a water pond made out of Yumil's proposal. In the summer, we can use it as a slide."
"Dr. Yumil? Slide? At that size!?
"With the water running down the inside, you can't burn your ass. Plus, it's connected to a giant pond, so you can swim ahead."
"Is it a swimming facility or is it an elegant play facility?"
"There are practical aspects to it, too. In this meadow, once it's on fire, it burns like hell."
"Oh, you're worried about the fire meter, too"
Seeing the environment of this village covered with weeds stretching its surroundings to its knees, I am convinced.
The tactics of the last defense battle were also learned by the Calverts at the school. But it was also an effective tactic for the attacker.
If the surroundings are caught in fire, the inhabitants will be burned to death without even having time to escape. Regardless, the defensive force that exists there is no exception.
"Is that you, Calvert?
"Are you the captain of the expedition?"
"For once, that's what's happening. I have Eldred in the vice president's office."
"Then keep me electing an excellent arm for covert behavior. The number is... right, about thirty."
Calvert returns a strange look to Irvin, who has suddenly spoken to force formation.
He is only the village defensive captain and does not have the right to organize against contingents. Yet.
"You're a Yumil associate too, so I'm sure we can talk about it. She just asked me to do something for her."
"Please, is it?
For Calvert, a being called Yumil is a supernormal being, so to speak, equally combative to God.
I can tell you from such a teacher that 'please' is a rare event. For the most part, she does it herself.
"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry to hear that, but I don't know much about your troops. I don't know who to choose."
"Got it. At your request, form a special ops unit."
Calvert accepted Irvin's request for a military salute with his right hand on his left chest.
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Time goes back a little.
Tamon roughed up his footsteps with Zukazuka, and Prince Wang - no, now he jumped into the office of the man who became king.
The kingdom of Kennel, the port town that will be its king's capital.
You can say that it is the city facing the sea that can ensure absolute safety, more than having a maritime power called Tamon.
"Why do we need to ravage Radtart!
"Is that Tamon? What's up?"
Tamon raised his anger as he slapped his hands against the desk in the office.
It is not a good voice for a general to raise against the king. But other humans also understand how much he has contributed to the country.
And it is also a well-known fact that the King is so open to him as to allow that statement.
It was as a result of the military discussions that we had just had.
Tamon's achievements managed to restore stability within Kennel.
But the heavy towns of the new government were completely up against Tamon, who overthrew the excessively unfavourable war power gap and ravaged the former King's army with military force that could be described as unilateral.
The nobles of the Kennel kingdom, whose population has settled and begun to stabilize, have been proposing to invade the Druze Republic with that momentum.
Regardless, for Tamon, who wanted a core as a confrontation against the Union, this proposal can be described as a ship on the crossing.
But that tactic is the problem.
The nobles were used to winning safely.
By Tamon's ability to summon, Radtart is defeated by aerial bombardment and the capital is defeated by ship artillery fire.
Too many damaging operations have gone up in the military.
Unilateral warfare and annihilation, not even negotiable. Tamon had no choice but to frown.
Moreover, it does not even open a point of negotiation after the bombing and dispatches ground troops.
This does not spare Radtart from annihilation. Neither did he mean to do so much.
"Until the bombing, well, I know. But you should just be marching the army and holding Kilmira hostage so she can't move. You don't have to fight extermination, do you?
The town of Radtart is thoroughly ravaged after an air strike.
To protect the front-line troops marching to the republics of the South, Radtart had become a defensive necessity for the Kingdom of Kennel.
Even for the kingdom of Kirmila, Radtart can be enough for the bridgehead. That is why King Kennel proposed an operation to thoroughly destroy the town that would be its starting point.
For Tamon, he decided it was an excessive killing.
"Now? Even you... No, you're the one who wants to destroy that town."
"That's why we decided we didn't need more than bombing. Yet..."
"When that town is rebuilt, our army's front-line troops are in danger. The capital and radtart alone cannot calm the southern regions. I'd be in trouble if they made me a stepping stone to attack."
"But...... so you're saying Talhan will give up?
He grips his arms strongly on the desk, flatters the king with even hatred.
There are two labyrinth nuclei (dungeon cores) that Kennel has secured. Just the Bupulse and Radtart stuff.
Five nuclei have been confirmed in this world, so as it is, it does not reach Tamon's ambition to create an organisation against the Union.
The Army invasion of Kirmila becomes more difficult in terms of supply than renouncing the town of Radtart. Tamon was concerned about that.
"Don't worry. I'm just saying that our army as it stands doesn't have the power to control the three countries. Talhan can only take away the core."
"Just the core?
"Even if we can't control the country itself, what can one city do? Legle-Talhan with core. All you have to do is shell down the city and hold him down in small units."
Tamon's ability makes it easy to disable his defense. He then sends in a landing force and holds Leggle back. If that's all, we certainly don't need a large number of people.
When it comes to dominating the entire kingdom of Kilmira, a large force is needed, which even affects the defence of the country. But if there's only one city, it's not a big deal.
Enough to go back to Kennel after we've secured the core.
"If it's just the city's repressive units, some hundred can go. Is that enough for three warships?
"It would have been convenient if your battleship and your crew could have been deployed at all times."
"I also have a thing called the limits of magic. Even the smaller fleet has a limit of three hours at most."
I don't care what you think, it won't reach Talhan.
Whether or not we can make it from the south to Talhan. But then we don't have time to fight on the ground.
In the end, we have to summon a ship off the coast of Talhan, and we have to prepare a child ship that will pay for the summons.
"Keep the ship and the landing squad organized. It will take time until Talhan, but, well, that won't matter. You stay close to Radtart with the enemy invasion."
"Into a town that was purposefully destroyed? You think the kingdom of Kilmira is going to take the lead?
"The new lord of the city of Morias seems competent. It's possible he won't miss this opportunity and will fight back."
"... ok"
If even Talhan can fall, Tamon has no objection. I don't even think it's an unnecessary killing, but if it's an order, I can't help it.
60% of the current core. If we can secure that, the Union's posture will shake dramatically and we will also be able to set up a new organisation.
And Martinez. I drove his hometown to ruin, convicting the villain.
I thought if we accomplished those two, he wouldn't even spare his life.
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"Hi, I'm Yumil. I'm still diving in the labyrinth today."
"Sister Yumil, where are you talking to me! Look, there's a salamander flying over there!
Aliusha scratches my monologue with precision. She also seems to be steadily growing 'eyes' looking over the battlefield.
Quickly slash and lay down the high vampire (Shadowstalker) that was slashing the knot, relative to the Spirit of Fire (Salamander) looming from behind.
Ninety-five layers now. It is one step away from freeing Trakichi.
Defeat the boss ahead and Trakici will be freed from the labyrinth for the first time in more than two decades.
But this hierarchy, it's only the final phase, and not the monsters that come out.
Shadowstalkers are high-ranking vampires and weapons usually don't work, and salamanders sprinkle flames relentlessly.
Fortunately, I also have effective weapons against such enemies, so it's not a problem, but it would be very dangerous to bring Tema and the others into this hierarchy.
Replace the weapon with the Ice Attribute Sword and destroy the approaching Salamander.
Due to repeated levels, my dexterity and agility are present at considerable heights.
Thanks to this, I was also able to carry out the weapons change quite smoothly.
Salamander is struck with my strength by the attack of an attribute that can be described as a weakness and fogged with a single blow.
Originally, it's a difficult monster to attack even if an adventurer hits it at a party, but it emerges as just a miscellaneous fish in this hierarchy.
The worst part is that the shooting, Mr. Cenri's main method of attack these days, doesn't work at all.
"Oh, already! If this were the case, I'd have prepared a silver bullet!
Take out an axe with an attribute with a frustrating scream, and it will be slashed.
But she was wearing a power suit to make up for that low muscle strength.
It could be equipped with a wide variety of weapons, which, on the other hand, reinforced the power of melee weapons, with reduced agility and hitting power.
A shadow stalker shook a massive blow from a giant.
A storm of stone debris will now strike the shadow stalker who scratches the blow of the axe and tries to strike back at Mr. Cenri.
"Oh, thanks!
"No, you're welcome"
Responding with a reluctant voice is Igor, who is following in his role of untying the trap.
For a moment I thought it was Aliusha's attack, but she was in the midst of tapping the magic of holy attributes into another shadow stalker.
"Sorry, Sister Cenri. I can't get my hands off you."
"Fine. Because I can stand a shot or so."
Aliusha is a valuable professional guardian among us. Thanks to this, the attack has recovered, and there is so much that needs to be done.
In this situation, her hands were finally falling short.
"Are you already intact and no longer going with breakthrough?
I truncated the last salamander, and I was one of you.
But it's hard to bring anyone but us to this hierarchy. I'll have to do something with the face I have right now.
"Senri's power suit, straight forward speed is expensive, but I don't like fine operation."
"That's the hard part, isn't it? I need to help you somehow."
"Anyway, why don't we get back to the ground for today? It's not safe to think about it here."
Aliusha's proposal is also untrue, so we decided to return to the ground once.
We'll need to pick him up because it's time for Calvert and the others to get here.
It was Mr. Hill's screaming voice that welcomed us back to earth with Allusha's magic.
"Mr. Yumil, I've been waiting for you!
"What's the matter, hurry up"
"Kennel's fleet... they're on their way here!
"What the hell!?
I was ready. Anticipating it was time to attack me, I was also trying to hit a lot of hands.
But when I found out it was actually coming, I felt like I was stuffed with ice in my spine.