After the Sutherland principals were captured and the Privy Council consultation ended.

Alicia sat amongst the saw walls dazzled by Clovis one day, looking at the blurry streets of Egdiel that stretched beneath her eyes.

Looking at the people of the city moving in the distance like this, it seemed like a lie that they had had a heated debate about the establishment of the new chamber of commerce, or that they had strangled Lloyd and uncovered ties with their neighbors, and Alicia somehow rocked her legs at the lack of a place to be.

Such a voice was thrown at her from behind.

"Totally. Again, you went to a dangerous place like this."

At the end of Alicia's sight, who looked back, was Clovis, who laughed bitterly. Alicia was surprised by the very presence of him in a place like this, although he was a familiar auxiliary figure for a princess named White Beautiful Youth with glossy dark hair.

"Are you calmer in the auxiliary room? Although Nigel and everyone seemed very busy."

"The direction has been set and it has been dissolved. Nevertheless, the real battle for the auxiliary office may rather be from now on"

After Sir Lloyd was taken by the knights, deliberations about the new chamber of commerce were once taken forward. The Privy Council was then to deliberate on post-processing, including the punishment of Sir Lloyd and the future treatment of the Sutherland family.

In contrast, Clovis hastily joined the auxiliary room, clamping past records and so on while fussing up and down in the general outing to support the deliberations from behind. Only Alicia quietly pulled herself off the spot, having finished the role rather than lost the role she was supposed to play.

Only Clovis beside him had uncommonly caused fatigue on his face. If you spend the night searching for documents to prove, and in the Privy Council discussions you argue fiercely with Lloyd, not to mention after being chased to post-processing, it is also impossible.

Still, Clovis turned to Alicia like he cared. The gentle aide opens his mouth as he has decided.

"Dear Alicia, His Majesty has officially decided to close Sir Lloyd to the Tower of Dowter."

"Yes...... I knew it."

Soon her heart rang and Alicia closed her eyes softly. Claustrophobia is a heavy disposition after death. Moreover, seclusion to the Dowter Tower means death. For the air of a starchy stone tower without light gradually erodes the body, and those who are imprisoned there cannot live long.

No matter how much of a country you behaved, you cannot lighten that sin more than you betrayed the kingdom. Publicly uncovering sins in the presence of the Privy Council meant deciding Lloyd's fate.

Making life-threatening choices for each person, even if they didn't lay their hands directly, was horrible enough to freeze their entire body. But even knowing it, Alicia decided to stand up to Lloyd, even for Liddy, who solidified her resolve to press charges.

"Isn't the transfer to the Dowter Tower immediate? Sir Lloyd still needs to know about his neighbors' collaborators."

"You're right. Tomorrow at the earliest, I thought I'd start looking into that one."

"... I wonder if I can make time for Sir Liddy in time"

"Let's hang with Lord Nigel."

Alicia breathed relief at Clovis, who had just answered. Clovis also shifted the topic to the new Chamber of Commerce in an attempt to turn around the bitter air. Discussions about the new Chamber of Commerce, which had originally been the reason for convening the Privy Council, also took place marginally.

"This resolution has become an advance, but confirmation has been taken in the direction of holding the new Chamber of Commerce back as a Privy Council. In the wake of this incident, the Privy Council united that measures were needed to bridge the gap with Aardar. Now we can instruct Jude to finally launch the Chamber of Commerce."

"Yes.... good"

To a bright report, Alicia flashed her face.

Of course, it was long after the true value of the Chamber of Commerce was questioned, and that may or may not pave the way for the next throne, but for once standing on the starting line appeased Alicia.

"Rest already today. If I get any more roots, I'm sure I'll fall. Well, thank you very much."

I'd really like to convey my deep appreciation for the many things you've done, but I can't find a word that fits perfectly with the overflowing feeling. Without a choice, Alicia faced Clovis with her body facing her, smiling full.

Then Clovis looked complicated as to why. Slightly, Clovis laughed as troubled as Alicia questioned an aide who did not immediately try to back down.

"If that's what you've been calling me, on the contrary, can't you forgive me for being with Alicia anymore?

"Huh? Of course I don't mind that."

When Alicia nodded properly, Clovis smiled joyfully and lined up against the wall as well. In that way the time passed peacefully, not talking about anything in particular, and the wind blowing through the town gently stroked the skin of the two.

It was a very pleasant time. When I realized, the vague comfort that had occupied Alicia's chest since she left the Great Hall had disappeared like a lie.

Alicia softly stole a look at the side of the young man standing next to her. Looking at its beautiful side, I have to admit that, once again, Clovis' presence grows in me and supports me.

I guess I looked too closely. Fumi Clovis looked at this one and smiled bitterly.

"Is there something on my face?

"Oh, no, that's not what..."

Alicia blushed and turned away as soon as her eyes and gaze resembled those of an amethyst peeled off. It's only since Clovis hugged me, but when I see him again, he remembers that time, and he's embarrassed.

"Do you think Sir Lloyd went through neighboring countries in the same way in his previous life?

To hide the upset, Alicia said a few questions that were dull in her chest. If you heard of Clovis, he looked serious and swept across the sky for a while.

Slightly, the brunette aide opened his mouth.

"Think so, you'll be sure. It was not until Master Alicia was reminded of the past that Sir Lloyd began to pass to neighbouring countries. There's no guarantee that before you get your memory back, it's exactly the same as it was in your previous life, but it's likely."

"I knew it..."

"That's not all. - It's a complete guess ahead of this, but can we continue?

"Of course."

To Alicia, who nodded without getting her hair in, Clovis blinked as if she had been poked in the void. The face of a decent aide looked kind of younger than usual, and the princess blew it small.

"About you is something I trust. I don't mind guessing. If you've noticed anything, can you tell me?

"... who is you"

Was it illuminating, Clovis only raised a few shapely eyebrows. Then he began to explain what he had newly noticed about his previous life, looking for words so that Alicia could also understand.