Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 78 78 Yuan Yi = Killing

Five minutes... ten minutes... Zhang Xiaoqiang found Yuan's body motionless. If it wasn't for the temperature coming from her hand, she would still think she was scared to death. Take a closer look at Zhang Xiaoqiang and don't understand.

Yuan Yi was no longer scared, no more trembling. She slowly measured the zombie with her eyes open. The object must be the opposite. After watching too much, she became accustomed. The zombie could not catch her. Naturally, she would no longer be scared. Seeing the monster in the nightmare was right in front of her eyes, Yuan Yi breathed a little rushed, and her face began to flush. Both eyes drip into the water and your legs rub against each other.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was very surprised when he saw Yuan Yi start to get excited. He never saw a zombie think about it. It's really hard for a woman to guess what she thinks.

Zhang Xiaoqiang loosened her hands, Yuan Yi stood still in place, even her head didn't miss a second. She didn't care about the claws just a few centimeters from her cheek. She carefully measured the zombie with her big eyes open. She didn't miss a thing. The zombie in front of her was very intriguing. It was like a precious antique to her.

Zhang Xiaoqiang patted her shoulder, Yuan Yi woke up. When she saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, the tide on her face quickly faded away until she reappeared white. Her hands sank. A strange long gun was delivered to her hands. The bullet tip was a golden yellow spiral horn. The texture of the horn was not golden or non-jade. A faint stream of light slipped along the lines, which appeared to have a mysterious rhyme.

Yuan Yi looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang suspiciously with a beast horn gun, wondering what he meant by giving himself a long gun?

“You stand right here, and when the dead die, when you leave, and if you haven't done it before we leave, you stay here! ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to adapt her to the killing. Only if her heart is strong, will she have the courage to face future difficulties. Killing is the fastest way. Now is to let her fork the frog here. If this can't be done? Then he would not hesitate to give her up.

“This is your last chance, if..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang just halfway saw Yuan Yi lift the gun front stab, the gun head stabbed into a zombie mouth along the gap, the horn gun like tofu, easily stabbed out the back of the brain, then Yuan Yi unintentionally spinning the gun body stirred the zombie head into pieces, when she pulled out the horn gun did not pause and then stabbed out.

This time it was slightly skewed, the horn gun penetrated from the chest of a zombie, spinning the body again, a bowl hole appeared on the zombie, and the outside person could see the situation behind the zombie from the hole.

Instead of having a hole stirred up in the chest of the corpse, the ferocity burst into the iron gate. Yuan Yi's face stretched brightly under his neck and his eyes shined brightly. A little tongue stretched out over his slightly dry lips, and the horn gun in his hand stabbed out again.

This time a ferocious carcass thorough cup, a horn of beast pierced its throat with the spinning of the gun head, the fleshbone blood on the neck flew up, the head of the "bang” carcass fell to the ground, then the headless carcass fell backwards, and the carcass behind it were squeezed into the body, stuck in the corpse without delay.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Yuan Yi Dafeng Fengwei was also a set of sentiments. He didn't like her, disliked her, but gave her a chance once and for all. Why?

Did Yuan Yi think of herself? Yuan was afraid to commit suicide, but wanted to commit suicide.

Why didn't you try it before? Trapped at home, losing all hope, every day I wake up with nothing but despair and suffering. I also used to cut my veins with a kitchen knife, but I couldn't do it because I was also a coward and a coward.

When he risked his life for a few cabbages, he completed the transition from a coward to a real man, and when he killed the first one, he had the courage to face the end of his life. He did not have the potential to become a strong man until he struck three corpses on the roof of his own building.

Seeing Yuan Yi now reminds me of my old self, by comparing myself now with my old self, give Yuan Yi another chance.

Not because she is kind, not because she is a beautiful woman, but because she follows herself, she is responsible to herself, to give her the capital to struggle for a living in the last life, the last does not need the weak, even if you are a beautiful woman, even if you once were noble, in the last life you are nothing.

Yuan Yi showed something very wrong at this moment. Except for her panic and fear at the beginning, she has been very excited since then. Her breathing began to be impatient. Her face was as red as drinking high white wine. Her eyes rolled round and her big eyes were full of excitement.

She killed too obliviously and unconsciously walked forward. Her eyes only saw the zombie opposite and looked at the zombie next to her unheard. A corpse leaning against the corner of the wall grabbed her arm and was about to be scratched. The excitement she was killing did not recognize her crisis at all.

“Touch”... Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes hurried and kicked Yuan Yi's leg.

Yuan was kicked to the ground unprepared, rolled over to one side and hit the corner of the wall. She sat on the floor rubbing the big bag on her head and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang indissolubly.

“Eyes over your head? How can a zombie be invisible? I'll be like them later!!!” Zhang Xiaoqiang pointed at the corpse at the corner of the wall and yelled at Yuan Yi.

Yuan Yi saw that the paw of the zombie was fishing around where he had stood before. His heart was tight and he could not breathe for a long time. It took a while to breathe out a long breath. His heart was still palpitating and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with gratitude.

“Continue” Zhang Xiaoqiang turned a blind eye to Yuan's gratitude. He just looked up at the watch. He had to go back before dark. It was almost 2: 30 now, so he had to speed up the time.

Yuan Yi stood up with a horn gun in her right hand on the ground. She looked at the one who almost hurt herself. Her eyes were no longer excited or scared. Instead, she wore a little scarlet, like a little flame burning in her pupil.

“Ha!” This was the first time she screamed during the assassination, the gun sped up a few more points, the horn gun entered the gap of the iron door and stabbed the right shoulder of the zombie, the body of the gun turned, the horn spiral circle tore the zombie's arm off, when the lost right arm fell to the ground, the horn gun stabbed the left shoulder of the zombie again, then the left arm of the zombie also left the body.

The horn gun stabbed and stabbed the corpse several times at a time. It left a hole in it. Yuan Yi's eyes were also getting heavier and heavier. His lips flipped up and down. He heard the words "grass, dry,” more secretly. Now Yuan Yi is no longer a cowardly little sheep, but a powerful elder sister?

He watched as Yuan Yi slowly tore the corpse into a skeleton. Zhang Xiaoqiang also had some hair in his heart. He did not know whether he was forcing Yuan Yi to be right.

Zhang Xiaoqiang killed a zombie without any passion or fear. He just killed for survival. Apart from D2, he never felt satisfied with any zombie, nor did he feel that killing a zombie was a physical or psychological pleasure.

Yankee kills zombies in a weird way to play games. Zombies are a groundhog for her. She doesn't have to think about anything but throw a stick at it. She enjoyed a temporary stimulus and turned around and forgot.

Yuan's intention is different, she is purely enjoying it. Yes, she enjoys the joy of this killing. For her, the zombie is no longer a man-eating monster in her dreams, but a sophisticated toy in front of her. She watches the zombie fall constantly, and the flesh and bones on her body continue to fly and fall. Her mood is extraordinarily delightful. Her body is constantly trembling, not afraid, but a kind of heartbeat from the soul. This feeling is unspeakable. She now has a strong sense of satisfaction. She even hopes that the zombie will never be killed, so that she can continue to kill.

Zhang Xiaoqiang found herself completely ignorant of Yuan's intentions. She was arrogant in her bones, but she behaved more respectfully than Susie. She was obviously cowardly, but could she be so bloodthirsty after strong fear?

The only zombie who caused Yuan Yi's death could no longer withstand her devastation. The bones on her body were 708 and she could no longer bear its body. All at once, Yuan Yi licked her lips as if she were picking merchandise to measure the rest of the zombies and consider the goal of doing it again!

“Come on! Don't waste your time.” Zhang Xiaoqiang's warning came from behind, Yuan Yi did not hesitate after hearing it, the beast horn gun immediately stabbed out, after Yuan Yi killed more than a dozen corpses, his head improved considerably, and he stabbed the corpse from the eye of a corpse with one hand. The corpse was like a robot that had been switched off by Eun to fall straight on the ground.

Yankee was bored watching while watching, this level of fighting for her, like a kindergarten little friend doing handiwork, a little bit of passion, she wanted to kill everywhere with a big stick, like flies to shoot those monsters that smelled like smells.

Susie looked at him with a pale face. She didn't understand. Ming Yuan Yi was even less daring than she was. Faced with losing her face than she was. How did she become so powerful now? She saw Yuan Yi slaughtering the corpse like a god of war body. At the same time as killing the corpse, Yuan Yi was flying away. She could no longer see the cowardice of the past. She threw herself far away.