Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 187 187 Discharge

A yellow plastic duck appeared in Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes. It was a toy that could be dragged away by a child. The plastic duck dimmed in the wind and sun for six months. The dark yellow coating had turned pale yellow. The fine hemp rope hanging on the toy had some signs of decay on the ground. The toy was placed in the middle of the cement steps in front of him on the left. You can see a platform along the steps. He slowly followed the steps to the platform. The two old trees held together were surrounded by vintage cement flower platforms. The bark was telling him their history and age, telling him that they had witnessed the rise and development of the town until it was destroyed...

Vintage building on the platform, the door is still the kind of old wooden frame door with yellow paint paint embedded in small glass. As the years passed, there was not much yellow paint left on the door. The texture of dark brown wood was engraved with a small knife by the skinny children of the past. On the right side of the door was a wooden plaque, which wrote "XX Town Medical Clinic" in black ink. The light inside the door was very low and the space inside was particularly dark. The paint paint painted green below the chest of the wall could only be seen invisibly, and the paint against the foot line began to come off uneven due to the wetness.

The flashlight swept around this haunted clinic, Zhang Xiaoqiang walked in this quiet little building, one with a flashlight, one with a silver pistol in his hand, the whole small building was silent, only his footsteps echoed back in this quiet space, coming from afar, and he picked up an echo, and he looked at a messy room, broken glass, turned over to the filing cabinet, scattered medical records, and at this moment he stepped on the white coat under his feet, and he measured it, and he was about to turn around, and as he turned around, a red puppet jumped into his curtain again, the red puppet was thrown around a corner, and it was filled with dust...

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the scene in surprise, his heart had long been here to grind the insane end to iron stone, his former cowardice, cowardice, hesitation, and fear no longer appeared, but the scene in front of him made his heart twitch violently, it was a children's room, a small chair, a small table, a large building block stacked in the corner, a lot of tiny colored flags on the white ceiling, various cartoon stickers on the walls, some glass bottles with several injections of glucose on the iron frame painted red.

He walked into the ward carefully, a messy white bone scattered everywhere, these white bone skeletons were small and thin, unlike adult skeletons, these bones were severely broken, looking at these small skeletons scattered on the ground, Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly sat on the dirty floor, far away were a few small skeletons without a little flesh, above which black holes stared silently at him, the heart that had been depressed since entering the town erupted at this moment.

“Ow ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" his mouth howled like a beast, tears kept pouring out of his eyes to the dusty ground, he was crying, he was tearing his heart apart, looking at these young victims, remembering the town that had just been haunted, and his struggle for his life in the last generation, he emitted the bitterness in his heart with a hoarse voice, He's not Superman, he's not a hero, he's just a humble little man, he's going to hurt, he's going to grieve, he needs someone to comfort him, but he can't, he can't show the weakest side of his heart, the end of life is a bloody world, it won't let you go because of your weakness, it's a lone wolf that swims in the dark, it stares at your neck all the time, just a little bit Vulnerable, it will not hesitate to jump and pierce your throat with its cold fangs.

Its incarnation is everywhere, it's those zombies who wander in the wilderness and the city, it's a mutant animal hidden in the darkness, even it'll be a human being with flesh and blood, Zhang Xiaoqiang has always shown strength and ruthlessness in the mask he used to disguise, his heart hasn't changed, he's still the man who rushed out of the house for a few cabbages, he's surrounded by hundreds of zombies on the high floor The desperate man, his heart was always scared, but he couldn't be scared, he had to think of himself as a strong man, even a pseudo-strong man, he didn't know what was inside the real strong man, he knew he needed to cry, he needed to vent, and when he got out of the clinic, he was still the man who had no fear of D2, the man who could cut off his compatriots' heads with no expression on his face, the man who killed him with a cold face under his hand. Man.

The men rushed into the house with joy, the women packed their bags and picked up small things of interest. Yang Qiaoyun stuck her little girl's head in the snack stack. The superior officer Qiaoyun stared silently at Zhang Xiaoqiang with her M1 Garand rifle, looking at his lonely face. Somehow, her nose was always sour and her eyes became dry. Something called tears echoed in her eyes. She looked at the man who looked at Shawther, hidden pain in her heart.

The man walked forward, she followed him far behind, she followed him very carefully, the man stopped, she also stopped, the man stood in the center of the street, she hid behind the wall, the man was dumb, the man was looking at the mountain, she was looking at the man's back, the man was looking at the viaduct in the distance, she was looking at the man's back, the man was looking up at the low gloomy sky, she was still looking at the man's back, the man was walking forward, she was looking at his back to follow him silently.

She followed the man carefully, watching the man become more and more depressed, suddenly she felt her heart was so close to him, she didn't look at everything the man saw, she just looked at the man, looked at his shoulder that wasn't wide, she understood him, suddenly she understood him so, didn't listen to him whisper, didn't look at his lonely eyes, so she understood, it was strange, She always thought she knew a man well. She had come into contact with all kinds of men. She was polite, arrogant, cold and dangerous, obscene and horny, impatient, steady, handsome, ugly, crazy, timid, and could die for her. But she couldn't see Zhang Xiaoqiang. From Zhang Xiaoqiang, she found out how shallow she understood a man because she had never really Know a man's heart.

But at this moment, she somehow understood, she saw loneliness from his back, saw loneliness, saw the repression hidden in his heart, Zhang Xiaoqiang has always shown strength in front of people, disappeared without a trace on the back of people's loneliness, his back was only his official Qiaoyun stared silently, what attracted men? He slowly climbed up the side platforms along the steps, he looked at the old trees, at the old gates, until he walked in...

The house was dark, some corners were darkened by the light, those dark corners were so dark in this dark space, as if there was a demon lurking inside looking out, the superior officer accidentally cloud walked in this quiet little building, she was not afraid, let alone afraid, she held some shelled walls slowly towards the inside, her feet were very light, she could hardly hear, she didn't want to disturb him because of herself, she kept walking along the wall, a bunch of light light through the air window into the small building, the dark slightly dispersed in the room, she kept walking until she saw the dark red puppet...

She leaned against the door and watched the man on his knees crying, the indifferent man in front of him, the man standing in the shovel, the man hanging on the monster with a gun and shooting, in front of the crowd, he was so tough, cold and cruel, and now this man is crying in this dark and closed space, why is he crying?

The flashlight rolled around the corner of the wall, the orange beam shooting on a white Sen skeleton, looking at the tiny skeletons, and the tears in the eyes of the superior officer, Qiao Yun, slipped down...

She walked into the room in tears, slowly kneeling behind the man, stretching out her delicate arms and squeezing him into her arms...

(Many people say that the end of life is going to have the style of the end, cruelty, cruelty, killing, and dehumanization. To be honest, I really like to read the end of life novel, but I can see so much blood and cruelty and I can't see any human nature. I'm depressed. Is it only with cold eyes that I can look at my fellow countrymen with a big knife to cut off their heads? I don't approve, I'm a dead house, but I can't guarantee that I'll be a bad guy in the end, but I don't want to be killed like an ant by those bad guys, so my writing is human, um... I think I will continue to maintain this style, the protagonist won't be weak because of human nature, he will survive in the crack like a cockroach until, the crack can't hold him.