Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 189: 189 New Walls

Zhang Huai 'an was counting the future labor force, Sanzi commanded some people to unload the materials harvested today from the truck, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to look at the busy worksite not far away, with the planning of professionals, Zhang Xiaoqiang's previous plans were all overturned, the new wall stretched the elder section, the previous wall was just going to build a flat wall to seal the valley entrance, The new option would be to build a wall into a large arc that would enclose open space at the mouth of the valley, so that the base would have thousands more square footage, and the wall would not be four meters earlier, but 15 meters, and the machine gun fortress would no longer be built on top of the wall, but a firing port would be built inside the wall to preserve maximum possible combat power, and the entire interior of the wall would be interconnected, with a large cistern for storing fresh water, with fresh water from the pool passing through the water pipe Received in the space of various shooting ports, so that in high intensity battles there is water thirst quenching, a large ammunition depot, on both sides and in the middle. As long as there is battle, soldiers can get ammunition nearby. In addition, there are infirmaries, restaurants, combat rooms, soldiers' dormitories, even entertainment rooms. The buildings are layered, cluttered and cluttered. A wall is a small, fully functional base, and It's the gate, the gate has been made two ways, one is the front door of the protective wall, the thick iron door slowly welded with countless steel plates, it needs electric traction by the generator to open, the door is followed by a 10 meter long channel, the channel is sandwiched by the protective walls on both sides, the exit passage reaches a 100-square open space, the open space is surrounded by the same high wall, like the ancient castle At the end of the open space, there is a bigger iron door that is thicker and heavier than the previous one, and that is the door that really enters the base. This iron door will not normally close unless, in time of war, because the electricity that drives the iron door is too big, and the diesel uses Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart aches.

Towards dusk, building workers wearing green and flower helmets on scaffolding were climbing down, and then all kinds of roaring machines and vehicles were silenced, and people were walking shoulder to shoulder, and people were talking loudly, and people were listening at each other's ends, and the noise of the crowd was filled with the silence caused by the stoppage of construction machinery, and they were happy, and now they were sort of calmed down, there was plenty of food, there was no shortage of drinking water, and even conditions for bathing, and they seemed to return to work on the site before the end of their lives, except without wages, the dishes were not rich before, and the quality of life was a little, nothing else was different.

These people surrendered to follow Zhang Xiaoqiang for less than a week, and in this short time, they went up to their former little boss, down to the women they used to play with, gradually began to integrate into Zhang Xiaoqiang's group, where men don't have to worry about not having food to go outside and kill the zombies, thus grabbing a little spoiled and moldy food, here there are no men and women Man no longer trades his body for food residue falling from a man's teeth, and men's women don't have to worry about whether their man will come back tonight, worried that he will die out there, and that he will meet them with his stinking mouth just like those dead men's women, with their sour, stinking bodies, doing things that a cheap lady wouldn't do, all satisfied, some men who don't want to work hard anymore, they want to live here, those young, or It was brave but envious of those battle team members armed to the teeth, they wanted to join, or to get the rights of women, or to get some loot to make their lives more comfortable, or simply want to kill the zombies, they always had various reasons, whenever Zhang Xiaoqiang appeared, they would sell their body size to make Zhang Xiaoqiang choose himself as a battle team, they didn't know that every time they sold in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't know what they were thinking, saw a group of men with bare arms in front of themselves to inspire muscle, throw glamour, it was really thunderous, so Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't dare to run to the work site, afraid to be targeted by those gays again.

After dinner, Yang Keer returned to the room with her toy baby girl and Yuan Yi. Yuan Yi also became much quieter during the injury care period. She no longer appeared sharp and more warm. Zhang Xiaoqiang's attitude remained unchanged. She was still a big masculinity. Instead, she threw some messy things in front of her every day. This is what Zhang Xiaoqiang heard that women could use. Naturally, the items were honored by the three deputy machine gunmen. Once Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a shaving knife inside, he died wondering what women would do with this thing?

Shangguan Qiaoyun put her Garand rifle quietly behind Zhang Xiaoqiang. She seemed to replace Yuan Yi's position. She stood behind him and stared silently at his back. Zhang Xiaoqiang was also given a headache by Shangguan Qiaoyun's obsession. He thought that his most embarrassing side had been clearly seen by Shangguan Qiaoyun. After that day, he seemed no longer uncomfortable with Officer Qiaoyun. The thing hidden from Shangguan Qiaoyun no longer allowed him to cool his hair. However, he was still accustomed to maintaining a certain distance from Shangguan Qiaoyun.

The mother of the little girl came out of the kitchen to pack the table. She was no longer as dirty as the first time she met him. The whole person was very tidy. The 30-year-old woman was the most mature of her years. She was long and clean. But Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that her heart was not very comfortable. The first image was too bad. Therefore, Zhang Xiaoping did not want to take another look at her. The woman also behaved very carefully in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang. She would clean up Zhang Xiaoqiang's house and not see a bit of dust. She knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang only gave her some special treatment on her daughter's face, so she was more careful.

When a woman appeared, Zhang Xiaoqiang got up and walked outside. As soon as she went out, a small body hit him directly. A small body hit him in the arms. Zhang Xiaoqiang was hit by the force of a middleman in his arms and took a step backwards. After a closer look, she found that it was the child named Xu Mengzhu Woman. The child wore a pair of blue and white sportswear. His hair was just as messy as the first time he saw it, and his body was dirty. His face was covered with dirt stains, and he didn't know that he was rolling in the pocket. It seemed that Zhang Xiaoqiang had never seen him clean.

The little boy glanced at Zhang Xiaoqiang with his big black and white clear eyes, lowered his head from his armpit into the house and went straight to the kitchen. Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head and left him alone. He took Zhang Xiaoqiaoyun with him and walked out. The day Zhang Xiaoqiang saw Zhang Xiaoqiang's famous painting of alcohol, he couldn't help but keep her beside him, but when he brought him to the side, he depressed, didn't know exactly how to arrange her, he remembered Xu Mengzhu once said that she was from the Chinese medicine family, had some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, at least she would identify traditional Chinese medicine, so she threw the messy medicine from the perverted old man and the Bamboo Jane medical book written in Xiaozhu to her, Xu Mengzhu got the medical book and was attracted to her body and mind, she hid in the room every day Studying this Bamboo Jane, even her own child did not have time to manage, the unmanageable little boy broke the line kite floating around the base, making himself like a mud monkey every day, hungry and running back to find something to eat, the little boy Kono like this, Zhang Xiaoqiang is also lazy, in Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes the boy should be like this, it seems that he is about the same age as this little boy.