Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 216: 216 Find Susie (third more)

Zhang Xiaoqiang no longer looked at the human bacon on top. The flashlight beam continued to shine into the darkest depths. Inside it was held by a tripod made of coarse round wood nails.

Case boards, the case boards are made of thick wooden plates stapled together, the original wooden texture on them is covered with dark spotted blood, and you can see one more in the gap of the case boards

Yellow-haired powder, a panel used by farmers as pasta, was previously used to cut the same kind.

The flashlight continues to shine inside along the caseboard, the damp ground is covered with straw, the yellow straw is dyed black, and it smells like shit peeing from it.

Conversely, there is a rural pig feeding stone trough on the side of the grass pile, which is filled with some smelly water, and there is sporadic grain bran, some

Crushed bones, and some moldy grains sank inside. Looking at these things that don't even eat pigs, Zhang Xiaoqiang is a little curious, what is it?

Is this how people keep things?

The beam of the flashlight continues to extend inward, there is a relatively dry spot inside, a pile of dead yellow straw, Zhang Xiaoqiang's hydroelectric shun

Continue the illumination without seeing anything obstructing the eye.

It was very shady here. Zhang Xiaoqiang, dressed in a single coat, felt a little cold. He wanted to turn around and just turned around, Zhang Xiaoqiang heard about Sysso for a while.

The sound came from the grass stack, Zhang Xiaoqiang pointed the flashlight at the grass stack, and his right hand pulled out the pistol to aim.

He slowly stepped forward and carefully stepped on a clean straw that was not contaminated by manure water. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the stubborn dead straw, fiercely

The ground kicked open the grass heap, and the military boots kicked onto an object, a figure rolling out with the messy weeds.

An unarmed woman with all sorts of dirty things all over her naked body, her face stained and black, she was trembling on the ground.

Seven vertical and eight vertical bruising marks can be seen on the body.

One * * * was cut off, a little grass ash was smeared, only one dark dent could be seen, all sorts of burns on both thighs

Marks, two calf bones were broken, the area where the broken was swollen and tall, some of the broken areas had begun to crumble and purulent, the woman dared not raise her head,

Just get down on the ground and shake the ropes.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the woman in front of him. A cold air filled his heart. It was Susie. Susie, who massaged herself on the soles of her feet, the running circle.

Susie, who knocked herself out, with an eighty-one rifle, beat Chen Yi into a honeycomb.

Looking at the woman in front of her, Zhang Xiaoqiang disappeared from all her resentments. The punishment this woman received was unimaginable for Zhang Xiaoqiang

Zhang Xiaoqiang also admired her very much. At this point, she was still able to live stubbornly. In exchange for herself, she had already crashed her head to death.

Susie had been afraid to look up. She didn't know that the person in front of her was Zhang Xiaoqiang. She was already dead. She didn't even know why she was alive. Maybe

She was abused, watching her sister be mutilated into bacon, watching her hang on the beam every day.

Sisters, she's desperate for everything.

Now she's just a walking corpse, she lives silently, waiting to be bored by that perverted Liu, and then he makes bacon, she

Before she was most afraid of being eaten, now she is not afraid, she eats her sister's bones and waits for her life to end.

Big mustache gave the rifle in his hand to the lucky son, looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with grudge, bit his teeth, stamped his foot

She walked up to Susie without recklessness, picked her up covered in shit and walked out the door.

Zhang Xiaoqiang and the three sons of Happy Disaster followed behind a pathetic beard, Zhang Xiaoqiang's history of outsiders to protect his own people, even once

Yourself, Zhang Xiaoqiang still didn't kill Susie, he was going to take her back to the base, then Susie's death or life had nothing to do with him, he had already done

Get to everything you can.

As soon as I left the room, holding Susie's beard, I couldn't help but rush a couple of them outside and throw Susie on the floor and complain.

Run a set of clothes through a house in a roadside box.

Shortly after the sun rose, the morning sun was not as hot as noon. It was tucked into the body and baked warmly. The original chickens recognized by Zhang Xiaoqiang

The woman on the field is washing Susie's body.

Some women washed her tears and wept. Susie looked so miserable that they didn't know that the other sisters who escaped together had changed.

Becoming bacon, Susie began to worry about her future destiny as she looked down on her numb face.

Susie sat on the floor and let a woman clean her wounds and bandage her, perhaps because of the sun's warmth that temporarily drove her out of despair. She looked familiar.

The women used her dull voice to ask: "You???? Are you still alive?”

The other women saw Susie come back and told her about the situation as if she had found the main bone. When Susie knew, it was Zhang Xiaoqiang.

No word has been said since the occupation, even if she is still breathing in the base.

She didn't give her son a note until she died. He gave it to Zhang Xiaoqiang, and it said three words: "I was wrong! ”

The fleet expanded threefold. Zhang Xiaoqiang returned to his Hummer. He drove to sleep in the back.

, although he couldn't sleep long, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help but get up to sleep as soon as he sat in the back. Zhang Xiaoqiaoyun tried to drive the car smoothly.

John sleeps better.

Less than an hour later, the convoy returned to the prison entrance. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not get out. Let Sanzi set the guard position. The others were ready to eat. Continue on their own.

Sleep tight.

When Guan Qiaoyun came to Zhang Xiaoqiang's place for breakfast, Zhang Xiaoqiang had just woken up. He took the lunch box and looked at the watch. It was almost 10: 00.

, while eating breakfast and looking at the distance until the sky dust rose in the distance, a team of captains drove this way.

Yankee flushed down from a bus with a wolf tooth stick. She pulled Zhang Xiaoqiang aside and carefully weighed him before relieving him.

Teeth stick thrown to the ground, hugging Zhang Xiaoqiang and crying, Zhang Xiaoqiang was given dizziness by Yang Xiaoqiang.

He patted Yang Ke 'er's back and turned his head to stare at the honest man and Zhang Huai 'an who came with him. The two were frightened by Zhang Xiaoqiang's fierce eyes.

The honest man talked about Zhang Huaian and pushed him to Zhang Xiaoqiang's front.

Zhang Huai 'an looked back at the honest man, scolded the honest man in his heart, then looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled embarrassingly, his mouth turned

Oil and vinegar said...