Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 282 282 Fire of Purification

Zhang Xiaoqiang paused for a moment and continued: "Aren't there other survivors trying to get into the base? The places they walked through were more humane, they ate and drank laser along the way, and the garbage they lost was humane, which was an obvious sign that the nose of a zombie was more spiritual than the nose of a dog. ”

He Wenbin nodded and secretly recorded Zhang Xiaoqiang's words in his heart. Now the base is preparing a textbook on zombies. As long as this textbook is written, the casualties will definitely drop rapidly when the base is away from work in the future. By then, the human survival environment will definitely be greatly improved.

The huge gossip array is like a sponge slowly sucking in the water formed by the tide of corpses. The team members below can only see some of it implicitly, while Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is upstairs, can see that the sea of zombies is turned unconscious in the gossip array, many of the corpses can not find the direction against the current, the result is to be submerged by the mainstream. In many places, the corpse is stuck in the corner and can't come out, and can only scratch the dirt wall in front of him with two claws.

The corpse sea constantly poured in front, and the corpse sea in the rear continued to follow. Finally, Zhang Xiaoqiang had seen the last edge of the corpse sea. It consisted of 10,000 or so evolutionary corpses, in which a lot of tall D2 was sandwiched. These D2 swung through the dense corpse sea, even Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes could not be found in the acute.

When D2 appeared, Zhang Xiaoqiang's psychology was slightly relaxed. D2 was the Guardian Army of Z-type zombies. As long as D2 could be seen, Z-type zombies would not be too far from D2. In other words, as long as D2 entered the Great Array, Zhang Xiaoqiang could order the nearly 200,000 zombie sea to be cleaned up.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was completely attracted by the evolutionary zombies without taking care of the previously entered sea of zombies. These zombies poured into a huge gossip array with the previous zombies. He saw Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart beat sharply here. His mouth dried and his tongue kept spitting. His hands holding the telescope also trembled slightly.

Zhang Xiaoqiang had no idea that he had now completely lost his temper. All his sight and energy had been put on the evolutionary corpse tide that had poured into the position. Now the evolutionary corpse had just poured in. Zhang Xiaoqiang pressed his excitement. He had to wait for the evolutionary corpse group to reach the middle of the gossip array before ordering the ignition. He watched the evolutionary corpse tide gradually flow into the gossip array, and the corpse tide that followed them behind the temple also poured in.

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know how much the zombie sea had been swallowed up by the Great Battalion, 100,000 or 150,000. He did not know how many more zombies remained behind the Great Battalion, 30,000 or 50,000. His gaze was on those evolutionary zombies who were quick to act physically.

Evolutionary zombies continue to advance toward the interior of the Great Array. Strong, clumsy D-shaped zombies honestly follow the dirt road. Light, agile S-shaped zombies climb the roadside dirt wall, run like countless monkeys on tall and uneven dirt walls, and occasionally a speedy shadow runs past them and climbs up the higher wall ahead.

Zhang Xiaoqiang held the telescope in his hand and raised a small black flag in his hand. He waited, waiting for the evolutionary zombie to reach the middle line, and he would wave the flag in his hand, killing more than 100,000 zombies and palms.

Looking at the evolutionary zombie tide slowly approaching the middle loop line of the gossip array, and Zhang Xiaoqiang found something wrong. The D-type zombies were not shunted like ordinary zombies, but they were gathered together all the time. They proceeded slowly along a dirt road, and the long line went all the way outside the big array. The S-type zombies seemed to climb everywhere, but they were gathered around D-type zombies all the time to form a large circle surrounding D-type zombies.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was more certain that the Z-type zombie was in the center of the evolutionary corpse, and his timid little man would not separate the elite evolutionary zombie in the tide. The strongest zombie was the zombie around him.

Just as this group of elite zombies approached the middle line, the group suddenly became confused. The D-type zombies turned around and walked outside the big battle behind them. The S-type zombies who crawled on the dirt wall were also turning around. Compared to the D-type zombies who walked on the dirt road, the S-type zombies were a mess pot of porridge. A number of S-type zombies rush forward too fast to stop and fall from the wall to the foot of the tide when they collide with the front-running zombies, no less than S2.

“Shit, that thing wants to run?” Zhang Xiaoqiang cursed in his heart and waved the black flag in his hand.

Numerous small fire snakes with thick black smoke rushed out of various places and rushed straight into the gossip array. All the fire heads jumped out. Zhang Xiaoqiang was slightly relieved, and the telescope looked towards the center of the gossip array.

In fact, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew what the problem was. There were pipes made of bamboo barrels everywhere in the gossip array. The gasoline in the bamboo barrel continued to volatilize, and the volatile gasoline smell spread into the air. At the entrance of the gossip array, it was a little better, but the gasoline smell thickened when approaching the center, and the sensitivity of the corpse smell wouldn't be noticed.

Generally speaking, zombies don't smell like gasoline. Thousands of people who were busy in gossip clubs the other day spilled sweat here. Zombies can definitely smell it. They smell like people to guide them. Zombies will definitely be attracted here.

At this moment, the Z-type zombie orders the zombie to turn around can show that it is quite sensitive. If something is wrong, the idea is not to find the problem, but to put himself within the security scope. The Z-type zombie is Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart. How can he tolerate the Z-type zombie to escape?

In all directions of the gossip array, countless fireheads burned, they quickly lit bamboo cylinders filled with gasoline, a line of fire lit under the feet of a corpse tide on the dirt road and spread rapidly, like a three-dimensional animation of a road, countless flames changed from the first dozen to hundreds, and the flames of the bear surrounded the entire gossip array like a mesh.

Millions of corpses are like millions of frightened and wandering flies in flames, but they are too crowded to turn around on that little dirt road, let alone run away from the flames of burning, and countless corpses are squeezed in the middle silently into ashes with their fellow countrymen around them.

Z-type zombies have caused chaos when ordering them to turn around. Now that the fire is raging, the group is even more chaotic. It is quite difficult for zombies in the gossip array to turn out like this. There is not enough room for them to turn around. The zombies have become roasted white potatoes in a large ceramic tank.

Crowded corpses like caviar mourn in the flames, even Z corpses burn under their feet, naturally cowardly Z corpses panic, Z corpses panic caused more chaos, not to mention distant corpses can't control even the corpses around them, S corpses on the periphery of it have started to riot, they run over the dirt wall to find a passage without flames.