Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 293: 293 Nightmare of Dreambamboo

Today, a few women around Zhang Xiaoqiang rarely sat down to eat together. Yang Keer sat on his left with the little girl. From time to time, he put chopsticks and green vegetables in the little girl's mouth to feed her. The little girl, like her usual good luck, as long as she had something delivered to her mouth, ate it.

Since Zhang Xiaoqiang last got back four children, he started a base children's school. Later, X-City fleet added more than a dozen children. Unlike other gathering points, Zhang Xiaoqiang was very concerned about the education of these children and personally found several teachers at the base to teach them.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, editor of the course, also personally reviewed, children do not need to learn English painting to play the piano, their first lesson is a zombie tied to the door of the classroom, this zombie tied on the railing of the door and bite them with their pointed teeth open, some children are scared, do not dare to enter the classroom, always do not rush, of course will not go to comfort them, the teacher only did a little, children who did not have the courage to enter the classroom did not eat.

The second lesson for the children is how to prevent the zombies from finding themselves, and the teacher will give them details of the characteristics of the zombies and will make it clear how to escape after encountering them.

Some children are not interested in this, they are now eating the best food, wearing the best clothes, and naturally want to return to their daily activities and play before the end of their lives.

Instead of starving them, the teachers tied a zombie to his waist with an iron chain so that the playful child could spend the night in a house with the zombie.

In addition to learning about zombies, children learn how to get clean water in wild environments, learn how to find foods that will keep people alive, some foods are toxic, but they don't poison people, and in the absence of any food to eat, these children learn how to safely remove toxic things.

There's always only one type of entertainment for kids, exercise and cold weapons practice, and there's only one type of toy for them, a 77-style pistol with no bullets, and a gun is their toy at the base, and they have to learn to take good care of it and make sure it's clean at all times.

Of course, there are still cultural classes, besides mathematics, language and handicraft classes, nothing else, nothing else is needed. Zhang Xiaoqiang has trained them as second-generation combatants. Spartan-style education will be the main way of educating the base in the future.

Some of them will definitely be eliminated. Zhang Xiaoqiang was fine. The eliminated people will learn along with some skilled people so that they can pass these things on to future generations.

Meow, who has been a ghost for a long time, honestly carried a bowl in front of the table without a bite, and the chopsticks in his hand didn't know where to clip. Zhang Xiaoqiang's chopsticks suddenly clamped in the air. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked silently at this dirty little boy in front of him. Since the start of base school, this child has been forcibly sent to school.

Now it's so easy for everyone to have dinner together. This little boy is also an impeccably picked look. Zhang Xiaoqiang took the chopsticks back and glanced at the Bamboo Dream Bamboo sitting next to the little boy. As a result, Zhang Xiaoqiang was even more speechless. The child also knew that the dish was filled with dishes, and the adult picked white rice purely into his mouth.

“Xu Mengzhu..." Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted, unresponsive for half a day, Xu Mengzhu was still picking rice in his mouth.

“Xu Mengzhu..." Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted loudly, "Ah, in..." Xu Mengzhu stood up frightened by Zhang Xiaoqiang's loud drink, the rice bowl in his hand couldn't help but roll onto the table, white flowers rice sprinkled all over the table.

Looking at the lame table in front of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang closed his eyes and calmed himself down. After a long time, he said to Xu Mengzhu: “Sit down..."

Xu Mengzhu now had no heart to eat. She sat on the stool and grabbed the edge of the stool with her right hand. Because she was too hard, her fingertips as white as onions had turned blue. She didn't dare look up at Zhang Xiaoqiang. She just stared at the white porcelain bowl on the table and her body was still slightly trembling.

Any slight movement on Xu Mengzhu's body could not escape Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes. Xu Mengzhu was afraid to leave Zhang Xiaoqiang quite speechless. Zhang Xiaoqiang had never been rude to her for so long. At least Zhang Xiaoqiang could not do the nasty thing of climbing the wall in the middle of the night. Calculate that this woman named Xu Mengzhu and her son are kept by Zhang Xiaoqiang for nothing.

“I'm ready to go to WH, you and your son stay at the base, marry if you see anyone else, and you can stay in this room until you find someone else's man. ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang decided to release Xu Mengzhu. Previously, the urge was just to bring this woman back to hide. Now that she has experienced so many things, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't want to force this woman to stay with her anymore. Zhang Xiaoqiang has decided to go to WH, with such a drag bottle, the profit is greater than the harm.

Originally in Zhang Xiaoqiang's vision, Xu Mengzhu should be very surprised. Since he is so scared around himself, what's wrong with being able to go out and live freely?

Xu Mengzhu's face began to fade in blood. Two tears hung on her miserable white cheek. She looked at Zhang Xiao Qiang and prayed with full eyes. Perhaps because she was too excited, her mouth had trembled and she could not speak.

The little boy sitting next to her was worried when he saw his mother. He glanced at Zhang Xiaoqiang severely and held her in his arms to comfort her.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was confused by her mother and son. She didn't say anything wrong. She chose her future life for herself. What else is there to be dissatisfied with?

Xu Mengzhu wiped off his sleeve through tears on his face and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang and said: "You... you have something to dissatisfy me with. Just say that I will do it, I know I don't have much skill, but I will learn..."

Xu Mengzhu kept praying to Zhang Xiaoqiang, erasing the scene of the end of the world in the narrative flashed in his mind.

Zombies roaming by the iron outside the villa, bloodstained by side-flagged cars, themselves and their children hiding in their bedrooms and watching the zombies eat people out the window.

Fewer and fewer foods woke her every night in horror, and more than once she dreamed that she could not bear to starve and eat her child, a dream that was like a curse hanging in her heart, and that whenever she saw her child's pure eyes, she wanted a siren in pain.

The phone, which would never return a call, was her last hope, but as the phone ran out of power, her heart was in a desperate state, the food was gone, she couldn't help but think of the scene in her sleep and walked into the kitchen to pick up the knife.

The sharp straight cutter pointed at her throat, she was driven mad by the scene in her dream, she had to kill herself first before the scene in her dream really became a reality.

The child rushed in, holding two large white robes in his hand, and he found the cellar in the neighbor's backyard, leaning against the cellar's storage, and they survived the most difficult times and were rescued by workers who came out looking for food.