Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 315 315 Two Conditions (II)

The colonel did not swallow much saliva. He held his arms and touched the thick fuss on his chin with his right hand. He frowned and watched Zhang Xiaoqiang's team occupy a warehouse door as if walking in the idle courtyard, picking up rifles scattered across the ground. Others had begun to check the room and load themselves with spoils of war.

“Colonel, do you think we're waiting for contact? There's a machine gun outside. They won't be able to get in until we know what's going on. ”

The major on his side was a little nervous. Zhang Xiaoqiang's crew searched and scratched him like bandits. He feared being shot dead by this group of bandit-like guys, indiscriminately.

“No... we just conveyed good will to them. If they turn their faces over with us, it will be unpaid. Lieutenant Hu Jia, prepare yourself. When they clear the corridor, open the electric control door and we will go out together to greet them. ”

A female officer nodded and operated quickly on the keyboard in front of her. When the red light on the big iron door in the monitoring room turned green, everyone else got serious and they knew it was time to decide their fate.

The Colonel tidied up his clothes and was ready to go out, and the lieutenant behind “Comrade Chief” shouted at him.

“Look, how many people do we lock up? Want it?” the lieutenant said while raising his hand to a 92-style.

“Forget it, it's not easy to survive, it's also a battle mate, although our different philosophy doesn't mean we have to kill them clean. ”

With the Colonel's decision, a few faces darkened. Their previous actions were considered a betrayal, and now they have been spared. They do not know whether they will spare themselves in the future.

“However, the previous black pot must be carried, and it is in our sincerity that the few of them should be handed over to their chiefs. ”

As the lieutenant colonel did not slow down to say the words above, several other people began to look cloudy and clear again, which was a good move and two gains.

The colonel and his two followers were tied up by five flowers, and they looked at the officers who were holding them with poisonous eyes, and the colonel kept scolding them in his mouth.

Just as they were leaving, the colonel turned to the second lieutenant behind him and said, "You stay, if we get killed, you start destroying yourself. ”

The lieutenant was standing up to salute the colonel, taking the code with his hands and turning to the console and looking at the monitor, the colonel swept through the messy surveillance room and walked out the door with his men.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stood at the corner of a hall and looked at the automatic machine gun in front of him. There was a mess in the hall. The equipment and seats fell to the ground, and dozens of bodies were bombarded by shells. The disconnected wires and scattered electronic elements were entangled between the dead bodies, while several probes next to the machine gun were constantly patrolling the hall.

He knows he's at the core of the base, but he doesn't dare go up and knock. Who knows if the machine gun will give himself another shot? Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang was depressed, the machine gun dropped its head, just like Zhang Xiaoqiang cut off the power in front of the gate. Just when he couldn't touch his head, the big iron door under the machine gun opened.

More than a dozen men and women walked out the door and tied up three soldiers among them. The three officers continued to curse their companions. A leading Lieutenant Colonel, a generous man, approached Zhang Xiaoqiang in front of him and paid tribute to him.

“I am the supreme commander of this base, what is this chief doing here, knowing that we are part of a special security unit..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang extended his hand and made a pause position. He looked at the colonel and said: “I'll give you two options. First, give us some weapons and supplies. You and your men will stay here. Let's go. Second, you and your men will get as many materials and weapons as you can. As long as you have them, you can get as many as you want. After you take them, you can go to your superiors. ”

After that, Zhang Xiaoqiang waited for the Colonel's decision. The Colonel was frightened by the two conditions of Zhang Xiaoqiang's opening door. It was not bad, but the conditions were too good. They couldn't believe it.

Without knowing Zhang Xiaoqiang's true thoughts, he considered Zhang Xiaoqiang to be a strong man or even a hero. His bottom line was to ensure his personal safety and that at least two female officers following him could not be violated.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is not ready to become a strong person, or he still thinks he is a small figure, even though he is now the leader of more than 2,000 good people, which is because his time in power is too short and his strength is expanding too fast, on the contrary, he has an unreal feeling, in the subconscious he even thinks he is playing a strategic game of farming.

Hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang's two conditions, the rest of the military are delighted. Zhang Xiaoqiang has no reason to lie to them. Now Zhang Xiaoqiang has the initiative in his hands. Zhang Xiaoqiang really wants to kill them and lift their guns. Is that what he is talking to them about? Not at all necessary.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the colonel frowned and thought, waiting for his reply.

Why didn't Zhang Xiaoqiang treat them like this? Give them such a good deal? Is it true, or is Zhang Xiaoqiang's little figure thinking weird? Who is the soldier? The soldiers of the country, behind them is the country, although dead, but Zhang Xiaoqiang did not believe that the government really disappeared completely, so he was very reluctant to oppose the country in his heart.

Not because of anything else, but because of his childhood education. Although he knew something when he grew up, he still left a deep mark in his bones. Now he thinks a little bit, gets what he needs, and then dies old together.

The Colonel bowed his head for a while and looked up at Zhang Xiaoqiang and asked: “What is going on out there? Is the country still there? Are there more people alive? ”

“Outside? Zombies, countless zombies, more than six billion zombies around the world, the country? Never heard of it, at least not in HB province. As for the living? I don't know, there's about 3,000 people around town J, I'm not sure, 2,000 of them are under me..."

As Zhang Xiaoqiang complained that the soldiers had become desperate, even the three officers who had spoken out loudly were ashamed, and the Colonel's face remained unchanged. He had long believed that the regime had collapsed, otherwise this top-secret base country would not ignore it.

“What if I choose neither of the two conditions of the chief?” As soon as the lieutenant colonel spoke, his face changed with emotion. Everyone behind Zhang Xiaoqiang raised a rifle and pointed at the officers, who looked at the colonel with surprise.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's pupils narrowed sharply. He looked at the colonel with his eyes closed and asked: “Don't you know what you think? I'll think about it as long as it makes sense. ”