Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 317: 317 Doubts of Women Officers (IV)

The screen on the console is divided into two pieces, one showing a big blackbird circling the sky and one showing a big bird combing its feathers on the roof of a warehouse.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang's face sink here, the Big Weird bird just stays here, the Big Bird can't leave without Zhang Xiaoqiang, although there is no shortage of food in the base, can't hide here all the time?

“Missile bases can strike at air targets, right?” Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to ask the lieutenant colonel around.

“Yes, we mainly focus on interception. Our base is the last line of defense on the Chengdu side. We will intercept any missile that flies that way, so the base has a majority of ground and air missiles and few land based missiles. ”

“What if you can hit the plane? Like a small drone?” Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the Bird's Heart and said something.

“You can try it. On the defensive line of the base, we have a kind of Red Flare -5C anti-aircraft missile. It has an operational altitude of 50-2500 meters. It can handle any target with a speed of less than 260 meters per second. Do we need to launch it now? ”

In the hilltop of the base, a semi-circular large stone the size of a grinding disc slipped strangely to one side, and a launching rack with four eyes slowly rose, waiting for the launcher to rise vertically to a height of two meters before starting to change direction, eventually aiming at a big strange bird circling in the sky.

A blue smoke flashed, four long shadows rushed towards the big blackbird that was circling in the sky, and the big blackbird saw the missile that was flying towards it, but it didn't understand what it was. The missile flew instantly, and the four long shadows gently wiped the past from the big blackbird to the sky.

Four warheads disappeared at high altitude and the colonel at the side of the console stared: “How is that possible? How is that possible?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not do anything to hope that it could be done. If not, he heard the Colonel's repeated rhetoric. He asked: “How is this possible? ”

“Missiles are infrared guided, without traction, and should not be off target at the same time.” The colonel explained to Zhang Xiaoqiang.

“Nothing's impossible. Have you ever seen a rat that can't even blow up with a 70mm high explosive bomb? Now the best bulls are not humans, not zombies, but wild mutant beasts. ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the visual screen and thought of a way. Third Son walked in and stood behind him and said: “Brother cockroach, the base has been cleared, all the guns have been recycled. What do you think we should do next? ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head and said to the colonel: "Please open all the warehouses. The missile warehouse is not available. You can watch my team move the materials while you do so. ”

Then he said to the Colonel: "Colonel Feng Yong, I welcome you to join the base. You and your men can retain your rank. You will first become the General Staff of Hot Springs Base. You will be directly responsible for the establishment of a separate communications unit for your men. What do you think? ”

Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Xiaoqiang finally admitted himself to the group, put down the big stone that had been in his heart for a long time, not that he had to beg to die and wrap around Zhang Xiaoqiang, but when he thought of a dozen technical officers who knew nothing about the outside world, he accidentally died without a burial place, he had to make this decision, at least with this group of people's lives guaranteed.

“No problem. Rest assured, we will follow your rules. ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang was also somewhat satisfied when he heard the Colonel say that. As long as he followed Zhang Xiaoqiang's rules, what could not really happen to these people?

Sanko went out with more than a dozen officers from the missile base to take stock of the materials. Zhang Xiaoqiang was left in the control room with two female officers operating on the monitor. He did not put his mind on the female officers, but frowned and looked at the changing images on the monitor.

As he looked anxiously at the image on the visual screen, two young women officers were staring at each other, and the last woman officer, with the rank of Ensign, stood up with a mumbling mouth.

“Chief...” the female officer shouted at Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the big blackbird in the picture and frowned.

“Chief...” The female officer's voice amplified, but Zhang Xiaoqiang still ignored her.

“Chief... ah..." the female officer screamed and gently pulled Zhang Xiaoqiang's clothes sleeve.

“Head... head... head what? Me?” Zhang Xiaoqiang was called Ray by a female officer. At first, he thought the female officer shouted at someone else. How could he know that the female officer shouted at himself?

The two women officers looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang and nodded at the same time, "Cough...” Seeing a lieutenant rank, a second lieutenant rank, two women officers looked at themselves, Zhang Xiaoqiang cleared his voice, held up his little breasts and said seriously to the two women officers: "Well, what is it? ”

After speaking, Zhang Xiaoqiang still exclaimed, didn't expect, didn't expect, didn't expect to be a leader one day?

“No... I don't know what the chief will do with us.” The female lieutenant stood up and said, looking at him with pity in his eyes.

“Didn't I tell the Colonel? Your rank remains unchanged. You're under the command of the Colonel. You still work in communications at my place? ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little confused. He did not know whether he had made himself clear or whether the female officers had not heard clearly.

“No, we're not. We were wondering where you arranged it for women, and we were afraid..."

“Rest assured, we have better women than men...” Before finishing, the faces of the two women officers grew white. Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that the two men would be wrong again.

“It's not what you think, I don't have hundreds of women, they all marry men of their own choosing, and there's nothing messy about it. ”

Hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang say this, the faces of the two women officers got better.

“Why do you ask?” Zhang Xiaoqiang was somewhat strange, the two female officers did not seem to have been slightly violated, while Zhang Xiaoqiang also believed that the soldiers were still very disciplined in the army.

The two female officers had some doubts and looked embarrassed to say it. Zhang Xiaoqiang waited while they did not hurry.

“Beyond us, there are signals from other bases, almost every base, some survivors trapped inside the base in some narrow range, okay at first, the base and the base encouraged each other, but after six months of no rescue, it changed, some of the female soldiers we normally talk to disappeared, some men were there to communicate, they liked to talk rough to us, sometimes we could hear women screaming...”

Hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang here also understands that some survivor bases continue to collapse completely and even the army is starting to mess up, which means that the army may not be able to rely on them in the future.

“Rest assured, no one dares to assault you where I am. Besides, you are now part of the battle, and you will be given guns. If anyone wants to force you to do so, you can shoot them first and report them to me. ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang continued to look at the big bird on the screen, regardless of the two female officers cheering for the leap.