Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 329: 329 To the Mother of the Meat

Hearing what this man said, Zhang Xiaoqiang sucked in a breath of cold air. Hearing this man say that this place seems to eat people not individually, but as a general rule. At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang has a crazy idea to find all the survivors on the ground and kill them all.

“You two keep an eye on them here, they don't have to warn you to shoot them directly, you, come with me. ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang ordered the two team members to stay and watch the crippled man and the person lying in bed. He took the remaining one and turned to the kitchen. He wanted to see how sick these people had become.

The houses built under the mountain rock were not well lit. Zhang Xiaoqiang walked over the dark sandwich to look at a room. The setting in these rooms was very rudimentary. Apart from a dark empty coffin parked in one room, several other houses were empty.

There is always more or less bacon on the beams of the house elsewhere in the fire pond house, but there is nothing in the fire pond room of this house except a layer of black gray above the wall against the roof, but hanging over the fire pond a straight-chain hook of iron smoked black by smoke, which is usually a hook used by farmers in the seventies and eighties to burn water, is now basically extinct, I didn't expect to see it again here.

The kitchen is not big, a huge stove with a high waist takes up a third of the kitchen space, and the other third of the yards near the stove fire exit contain some firewood, which, with the exception of a small part of the shrub, are mostly roots of different shapes, and the root dishes have a bit of a root-art taste.

A pebble tank leaned against the kitchen door, two heavy barrels and a flat strap with brown hemp rope leaned against the side of the tank, and on the wall opposite the tank was a wooden cupboard embedded in the dirt wall, which was opened, with nothing inside but a few broken large porcelain dishes and some plates.

From the outside, you can see the thick black smoke rolling towards the sky, but there is no smoke in the house. Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled the huge wooden lid over the large pot on the stage. The large pot is large, but there is very little content in it. There are some white meat tablets at the bottom of the pot and some things that do not know whether they are grass roots or leaves are stewed together. Looking at it is about half a bowl of ingredients.

Seeing Sheet Zhang Xiaoqiang searching for the victim's body in the kitchen, the kitchen was just a little bigger, but I didn't see it at all. Instead, I saw a dirty kitchen knife on the log anvil board on the stove with some dark red blood coming out of the blade on the kitchen knife.

Seeing the blood on the kitchen knife, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked to the floor. If not, there was a set of brown blood stains on the uneven ground, and some sporadic blood stains were scattered in various corners of the kitchen, but it was most scattered by the stove table. Although these stains were a little scattered, Zhang Xiaoqiang found that they were mostly sprinkled on the floor in a uniform linear fashion.

Eventually, a trace of blood spread out the door, and Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly searched along the blood stain on the ground with a flashlight until...

Zhang Xiaoqiang and his team followed the blood trail and returned to the bedroom. The distant blood trail stretched beneath the man. The man continued to kowtow his head and read the same old words in his mouth.

“Get up... get up..."

With Zhang Xiaoqiang's order, the man climbed up from the ground painstakingly and looked at the trembling man standing in front of him. Zhang Xiaoqiang found that he was very young and had not yet fully grown into a man, or a boy. The boy was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and his face was naive and confused.

The clothes on his body were shattered like a fallen flower, and in the holes in his clothes he could see his skinny little plate as a rib. Of course, his cheeks were similarly thin, but he looked like someone else.

One of his thighs kept trembling as he stood. He was wet on black pants in the middle of his thigh and stuck to his thigh. Zhang Xiaoqiang drew a military knife, and the blade of the military knife was cut open on his pants leg.

Blood Lin Lin Lin on his dead yellow thigh, where blood dripped, a ragged rag of colour covered the wound on his leg, looking at the boy's thigh, Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered the pieces of meat constantly cooked in the large pot.

“Have you ever eaten anyone? ”

As Zhang Xiaoqiang asked, the boy shook his head unconsciously.

When he saw the boy shook his head, Zhang Xiaoqiang's mind suddenly relaxed. He admired the boy in front of him very much, not in general. Under the condition of exhausting food, this boy cut off his own meat and boiled it for his sick mother to eat. How much courage and determination was needed. Zhang Xiaoqiang admitted that he could not do it himself.

Not only Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't do it, the vast majority of people in the world couldn't do it, the story of cutting shares into medicine, lying on ice for carp was that in ancient times, modern people touched more things, the ideas were complicated, various kinds of selfish thoughts were filled with this restless society, maybe most people were filial, but really let them cut their meat to hungry mothers, they would definitely shake their heads, they couldn't do it.

The boy in front of him did it, the boy born in the toughest and poorest of environments did it, no... can't call him a boy anymore, he's already a man, he's done something that even a man with steel bones can't necessarily do.

“Have you really never eaten? As long as you tell the truth, I'll treat your mother, I have medicines, all kinds of medicines, I have food, countless foods, your mother won't get hungry any more, as long as you tell the truth... ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang's tone was gentle and slow, like the snake that tempted Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, he constantly tempted the man in front of him to everything wonderful in the future, he would not believe the man's side of the word, the key was that the words he initially begged his mother for forgiveness were too suspicious, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was not sure if he had really eaten, if he did, Zhang Xiaoqiang would kill him, give him a painful way to die, and bring his mother back to the base to raise him well.

“Never eaten, really..."

Brush the floor, Zhang Xiaoqiang pointed a large caliber pistol in his hand at his head door and looked into his eyes and asked:

“Then why did you ask us not to arrest your mother from the beginning, do you know we would eat people? ”

“I thought you were them... they had guns, just like you..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked into this man's frightened eyes and put down the sound of the desert in his hand: “Who are they? How many? You, how do you know them, and how many guns they have..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang ultimately decided to believe him. A man who could kill and eat people would never disguise himself like him. One is that he is not yet a minor. One is that he has not yet had the opportunity to experience complex social experiences outside. In other words, this child has still been a rookie. Even Zhang Xiaoqiang did not admit to eating people because he was frightened. That is, he has not really eaten people.