Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 373: 373 Fishing in troubled waters

A D2 zombie who fell in the distance received a howl from the Z-mortar zombie's instruction and rushed towards D3 as long as the zombie in front of it, whether ordinary or evolutionary, flew out in pieces.

With the ground vibrating, on the road that D2 ran past, a zombie corpse paved into a trail that it had only stepped on into meat sauce, and D3 zombies heard the howl, D2 zombies howling in front of D3 was taken for granted as provocation, just as D2 ran into him, a big claw snapped D2 round his head.

After buttoning the head of D2, the five paw blades tightly closed, the sharp paw blade penetrated the skin that even the ancient sword guard could not pierce, stuck into the gap in the skull of D2, the moment that the paw blade penetrated the skull, this D2 just burst out of breath.

This is not over. D3 snaps the dead D2 with its paws and swings with the undead D2 caught on its right paw. Now, D3's weapon changes from a single whip to a double whip.

The D3 wind danced two D2 high forward, and two D2 with its equal height caused a burst of zombie storm in the corpse sea, such as the mountains and the sea. The powerful and scary tide of the corpse was beaten by this single-knife D3 to the meeting. Although the corpses did not have the morale to say it, they did not know fear, they did not know to escape, but the D3's double is really a desperate thing.

One fanned zombie flew out, the flying zombie had not yet fallen, another fanned zombie flew out, just like one round after another, waves of zombie rainfall spilled all over the place, the D3 zombie had unwittingly burst into the center of the zombie sea.

The Z-shaped zombie hiding in the very centre could not be eaten, although most of its troops were still unused, but the D3 zombie had reached the cordon line at the door of his house. Even the sea shock of zombies ordering him to stand by behind him was impossible at this moment, so he finally sent an elite force made up of evolutionary zombies.

The center point of the Zombie Sea is a few kilometers away. As the Z-shaped zombie strained, the zombie tide spread all over the mountain began to reflux. The D3 rally that was being killed near the center point of the Zombie Sea gave Zhang Xiaoqiang a chance.

Because the teammates were wiped with water that turned into fishy soil, the human smell on them was not very strong. When the tide came back, they wiped the tide of the body more than a dozen meters away from the team down the hill.

Vacant spaces that had been filled with tidal waves were much clearer, and even trenches and pits previously excavated to block D3 were filled with zombies, with the exception of buried zombies and some trapped in complex terrain.

In short, only the filthy corpse of the zombie was displayed in front of the crowd, and there were still some undead zombies in the midst of the body struggling with a twist. Not a small command from Zhang Xiaoqiang, a soldier stabbed · inserted a rifle, and the teammates put a zombie into sleep with a bayonet with a rifle.

The teammates were solving the half-dead corpses, Yang Kel and Yuan Yi. They used cold weapons to solve the corpses that couldn't get themselves out of the dead end. Zhang Xiaoqiang was measuring the roads blocked by various cars...

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang took the teammates in the fire of the zombie room to unwind the road to WH. Hundreds of cars rely on people to pull their shoulders and slowly move away. Zhang Xiaoqiang dared not start the car. Fearing that the motor sound of the car would attract the zombies, without the vehicle towing, Yang Keer became the main force, she also knew that it was a very moment, not to take the opportunity to bargain with Zhang Xiaoqiang, but to play the role of tractor honestly.

Xu Mengzhu, who had previously been frightened to death and was waiting for her eyes to recover, walked carefully on the ground where the bodies were cluttered, trying to catch up with the floating meow. Behind her were the Yellow Springs, Wang Le and Zhang Huai 'an. Among them, Wang Le and Zhang Huai 'an became very normal. Only the youngest or the active officers who graduated from regular military schools, Huang Quan, was somewhat abnormal.

Wang Le and Zhang Huai 'an both went through the battle of tens of thousands of zombie strikes, the thousands of zombie corpses on the ground can only be considered a hairy rain in their eyes, Huang Quan is different. The most zombie corpse he has seen is the one at the tunnel entrance, the zombie in the missile base killed by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and now he sees so many zombie corpses are naturally some unacceptable.

“Ha ha, boy, scared? Look at you like that. It's only a small scene. You'll see it later. ”

Wang Le saw Huangquan's nervousness teasing him, Zhang Huai 'an was laughing.

Yellow Springs didn't want to be taken lightly, pretending to be nothing. “Huh, you didn't know where I was hiding when I was born and died with Brother Cockroach? Am I scared?”

“Don't blow it, you don't know yet, a shot was caught alive, embarrassed to be thrown home, still pretending to be a big tail wolf here. ”

Zhang Huai 'an ridiculed Huang Quan. The events of the hostage crisis made him and the military very wrong, nothing more, just for the sake of the cold blood of the military in order to accomplish their task, which contradicted Zhang Huai 'an's decades-long guidelines. For this reason, he would not give up any chance as long as he could strike the military.

“Who, who says, you can ask Brother Cockroach, see what he will say. ”

Huang Quan was in a hurry and moved Zhang Xiaoqiang out without saying anything. He believed Zhang Xiaoqiang was definitely not a big mouth.

“Humph, with someone else? You can be ashamed of yourself, but all the people who did it doubted the fighting power of the PLA. That's humiliating. ”

Zhang Huai 'an unremarkably linked the conduct of Huang Quan to the army, seemingly saying that Huang Quan represented the army.

“Bullshit, would I be so embarrassed? You make rumors, you... you...”

Huang Quan got angry. He pointed at Zhang Huaian and shivered. His fingers were messy. If he hadn't seen Zhang Huaian's age, he might have added up with his old fist.

“The other day, I went to send equipment to 20 women who were left behind at the missile base, and a little girl pulled my sleeve and asked me if you were impersonating the PLA, and said that the PLA was better than the Red Army, and you said yourself, are you ashamed? ”

The eternal pain in Huang Quan's heart was pulled out by Zhang Huai 'an. When Huang Quan went out of flame, he had no face to get angry again. Huang Quan carefully forgot that he was beheading a corpse in the distance. He bowed to Zhang Huai 'an and begged softly:

“Uncle Zhang, Master Zhang, you are my elder. Look, it's not easy for me to talk to someone, and you can't just watch your nephew play bareback? Don't let Chen Ye know, huh? ”

Zhang Huai 'an was very proud. In his view, this was a comparison between the police and the military. In the end, the police were even more aggressive. He had just asked to assure Huang Quan.

“What are you guys stalling about? Why don't you go help the zombies make soup for you? ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang's roar reached the ears of three people, whether proud Zhang Huai 'an or unexpected Huang Quan, and Wang Le, who was standing by to watch the play, all pulled his head forward to help push the car.