Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 544 37 Near Guard Prototype 5/5 Gen

Zhang Xiaoqiang constantly complained to Huang Tingwei, Huang Tingwei was an excellent listener, he stood quietly in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, nodded his head in favor from time to time, but his mind was like a high-speed CPU fan, various thoughts went through the flash of the flower, until Zhang Xiaoqiang finally stopped talking, he already had a abdominal case.

“Brother cockroach, we can't save food. This is a small head, the child is growing up, the damage accidentally caused is a lifetime, you can make them hungry, but to keep up with nutrition, we can contact Lakeheart Island first, let them send a variety of vegetables or sweet potato vines, those are high nutritional vegetables, you make the earthworms grow well, the maximum is more than 30 kg..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang is a little impatient. Food is not a top priority. The food in the camp saves some food and can support nearly 10,000 people to consume more than a month. What exactly are the arrangements for the thousands of children to set him on fire is the most important thing at present.

“Don't say it's useless, how to make them eat naturally there's a security platoon, think about how to get them into our system gradually, I want them to be my youth guard...”

Zhang Xiaoqiang interrupted Huang Tingwei's obsession with children's nutrition. For him, the adoption of these children is both a good deed and an investment, because there are endless possibilities for children, Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to turn them into the main force in future battle against zombies.

“I agree with you that they are very plastic, and I think there is only one way to make them your strongest supporters, is to brainwash..."

“Brainwashing?” Zhang Xiaoqiang was somewhat surprised. To be honest, he was very uncomfortable with the word brainwashing and was always reminiscent of marketing and wheel merit.

“Yes, just think of the German SS in World War II, their loyalty to Hit Le, and I think we can just let those kids be loyal to you. ”

After listening to Huang Tingwei say that the SS, Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitated, and he also knew that the SS's performance was either complete victory or total annihilation. Apart from not being afraid of death, there was really nothing to praise.

“Continue...” said Zhang Xiaoqiang with a nod, not afraid to die is better than afraid to die.

“We need to let them know who gave them the food, who saved them from starvation, let them think of you every day, always put the interests of the base first, let them know that they can live better than others only if they stay right behind you..."

Now Zhang Xiaoqiang understands, this is not called brainwashing, this is called XXism.

“Let them rest for a few days, will feed themselves, during which time let the injured Lu team lead them to class, let them know the welfare of our base, focus on how much food we can eat each day, what clothes we can wear, what houses we can live in, then let them struggle, tell them that if they want to eat, get dressed, if they want to live well, they have to work hard..."

Speaking of which, Huang Tingwei hesitated and did not know whether to continue.

“Continue...” Zhang Xiaoqiang was in a fugue and did not observe the hesitation on Huang Tingwei's face.

“We have to set rules, adopt a phase-out system, and the phase-outs will be expelled by us..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head sharply and stared at Huang Tingwei. Huang Tingwei was very uncomfortable staring at him. He dared not put his gaze on Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes and hid from him.

“Continue..." Zhang Xiaoqiang knew why Huang Tingwei was doing this, just like Zhang Huai 'an said, some children will always be smart, they will hang their brains after familiarizing themselves with the environment to play sloppy, if these people are not punished, other children will be allowed to follow, not because a rat shit broke a pot of soup.

“Beyond that, we need to class them, score them by their performance, get the best treatment, face the double test of hunger and elimination when they fail, make them less comfortable, make them nervous at all times, promote themselves anytime, anywhere, and force them into talent. ”

“So how do we get them to do it? You have to come up with a charter.”

Zhang Xiaoqiang already had a wonderful idea that he threw it all at Huang Tingwei after the incident, as if he was very interested in the matter.

“Step by step, first let them identify with us, give them lessons, while learning some basic cultural knowledge, then let them do what they can, let them know how hard it is for them to eat, then perform well, be a team leader to manage other children, build a class among them, wait until our food is generous in the future, may allow them to exercise, in the process, from beginning to end, through loyalty and urgency..."

“Okay... I know. I'll leave this to you. From now on, you'll be responsible for the daily life and learning of those children..."

Reception in the camps has been orderly, however, with only two people coming from the gatherings, underage children and women with young children, and in order to prevent possible disturbances, heavy fire has been swept away from the camp exits to deter the eyes of the various forces probing the brain in the distance.

The gathering place was small, the convoy closed the news of minors like a whirlwind and scratched the entire gathering place. Some people came forward to ask if they could join, and many more chose to watch while they had children, who met the criteria for admission, only that they did not belong to the poor, but to civilians, who meant relief, and who, although equally underfed, could continue to tolerate it.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's initial psychological toll was between 6,000 and 8,000 people, and the young children and their mothers counted as two. When the registered team members outside began to return, the camp accepted a total of 5,000 people, which relieved him and Zhang Huaian, at least the situation was not as bad as expected.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was thinking about how the search team could expand the food supply, and Zhang Huai 'an was calculating how long the camp reserves could support the total population combined.

Ultimately, Zhang Huaian was slightly reassured that, according to the precondition of not giving food, the reserve food in the camp could be supported for at least two months. It would be much easier than less than the month he began to worry about. With two months, the camp could be built. Hundreds of logistical men could equip cold weapons to become militia. As long as they became soldiers, the old team members could turn them into wolves. By then, how much food would they want?

“Meow's not back yet?” Zhang Xiaoqiang stared at Yang Kel, who was standing around doing nothing. Yang Kel nodded impatiently. She was really bored at the moment, although she had entered thousands of children very low. In order to maintain her image, she could only stand by and watch. She could no longer want to grab a cute little girl and knead like at the base.

“Son of a bitch, don't you see what time it is? When he gets back, teach her a lesson. ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang said that meow was a stomach anger and his heart was hesitating. Such an irresponsible child, would it be necessary to hand over his team to him in the future?

“Well, agree, I'm gonna hit her in the ass myself. ”

Yankee's eyes narrowed to the upper string moon, and she had reason to teach Meow the lesson of Zheng Da Ming.