Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 739: 232 Reinforcements

This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not have to be as wolfish as he had just been. The footsteps flashed behind the wall, and the three bullets broke through the glass window. During the breakdown of the broken glass, the bullet shot several bullets in the wall opposite Zhang Xiaoqiang.

At this point, a man had just arrived at the office and the bullet had been fired at with his bald head, and the fat man sat on the ground immediately, in a scream of hysteria, the yellow water stain wet his crotch.

Zhang Xiaoqiang bent over to avoid the window, stuck the man's back neck, dragged him to the window and yelled at him:

“What's the way to get them to cease fire... say it... or throw you out..."

The man was scared a little silly, Zhang Xiaoqiang asked, he didn't understand a word, just looked at the wall trembling, obviously had not recovered from the alarm just now, Zhang Xiaoqiang impatiently stood up, throwing the man in his hand out, such a person, one less death.

Just threw the man out, the crushing ratio has not yet fallen, the scream of the man is still howling in the air, Zhang Xiaoqiang crouched down, waiting for the bullet to fly, how do you know that after half a mile there was no bullet to fly over, Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little strange, turning her head and looking at a woman squatting in the corner of the wall asked:

“Who am I throwing out? Looks tall? ”

The woman squatted on the floor, wearing only a three-point pattern, revealing a large area of slightly yellow skin. She trembled with her hands in her chest. She saw Zhang Xiaoqiang ask him a question, afraid Zhang Xiaoqiang would throw her out too, and hastily answered:

“That's a high-ranking bull...”

Zhang Xiaoqiang: "..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang threw the biggest official out of the second floor, the shooter across the street threw a mouse whiskey, Zhang Xiaoqiang was depressed, leaned against the wall slightly on the side of his neck, carefully peered downstairs to the floor, but he saw the cow in shorts remember holding one leg and howling on the ground. Looks like he only hurt one leg, the others are fine.

At this time, there was some embarrassment on both sides. Zhang Xiaoqiang threw out the biggest chips, but it was difficult to leave their highest superiors lying on the ground crying. Neither side knew what to do down there.

The people downstairs gradually went up to the office, Zhang Xiaoqiang found a guy who looked fat and big ears, pulled him to the window and asked him:

“Can you get in touch with their side staff? If you can talk, I'll let you go. You tell them..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang hasn't finished his speech yet. This man pounced on Zhang Xiaoqiang's knees and shouted:

“Sir... don't make fun of me. Counsellor Fang was already killed by you. You asked me to find his soul...”

Zhang Xiaoqiang continued silently... then he grabbed the man's neck and yelled at him: “If you want to die, I will throw you away. If you want to live, go find their commander and tell them that I want to negotiate with them..."

The man in shorts was put on the ground by Zhang Xiaoqiang with rope. He also had no choice. The plan was a plan, but it was always full of variables. He accidentally slaughtered the staff of the fearful party of death and threw away their high-ranking officials. Now he can only use the high-ranking official below as a chip to get the man in contact with those people. Zhang Xiaoqiang had to talk to them properly, send them all back to the gathering place, and give them to Liu Zhenghua Counting.

Watching the man go away, Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart burst with a chirp and asked aloud at the woman he had previously asked:

“Who was that fat guy I put down earlier? ”

“Yes... it's District Governor Wu...”

“Shit...” Zhang Xiaoqiang scolded angrily, this time putting the wrong person, then he ran into the middle of the house, pointing at the remaining three men and asked: “Who are they...”

The woman was just about to answer, the big iron door embedded in the door burst open, in the loud explosion sound, the dust mixed with smoke blew the big iron door out, the floor vibrated, the blown big iron door rubbed Zhang Xiaoqiang's nose against one side, causing a rough scream, the blown big iron door forced Zhang Xiaoqiang into dynamic vision.

Dangerously avoided the iron gate, Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted, rushed into the door of the dense dust, just rushed in, Zhang Xiaoqiang hit a person, the force Zhang Xiaoqiang went out was not affordable, the person groaned and flew out, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not receive any influence, continued to rush forward, while still pulling with his hands, trying to grab something on this unclear sight.

His hand was still heavy, Zhang Xiaoqiang caught a rifle with a bayonet on it, then a person holding on to the rifle was taken to Zhang Xiaoqiang's body, Zhang Xiaoqiang lowered his head and hit the helmet, the voice of the person didn't make a backlash, Zhang Xiaoqiang was like a tank, in the thick smoke, he didn't know how many, smashed a few, until the thick smoke dissipated, Zhang Xiaoqiang no longer saw a guy who could stand up.

Zhang Xiaoqiang then sounded a dense footsteps. Four members rushed out to control the entire corridor. All the guns scattered on the ground were collected. Zhang Xiaoqiang gained thirteen more prisoners.

Seeing the groaning captives in the corridor, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly thought of the cows struggling downstairs. He rushed to the window, but saw two armed policemen with rifles running away.

Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled out his pistol hastily and had not fired yet. He fired one step at the opposite side. Zhang Xiaoqiang drank, reminding the people behind him to move away, but ignored the bullet that flew in. He connected the two guns and struck the legs of the two armed police officers. The three men became rolling gourds on the ground.

The flying bullet hit the window shelf next to Zhang Xiaoqiang continuously. Zhang Xiaoqiang already knew that there was only one person across the street shooting, so he had time to calculate the angle of the flying bullet. At the same time, he was also shaking his body and avoiding all the bullets. Then, Zhang Xiaoqiang crossed over and pointed his pistol at the opposite side. He saw two people looking at each other, and the gun in his hand was pulled at the same time.

The end result was that the rifle in his hand fell from the roof opposite him, Zhang Xiaoqiang's forehead was rubbed out by a bullet, Zhang Xiaoqiang flashed behind the wall, a long breath, just as he looked down again, a pointed circular thing sprayed from the top of his head, then hid behind the wall, only heard an explosion coming from outside, the shock wave shattered all the windows in this room.

In the screams of more than 20 women, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked out and saw four more armed police rushing out to rescue his comrades and cattle. Zhang Xiaoqiang was naturally welcome, and four hostages were added to the ground. Zhang Xiaoqiang was studying on the spot. He used cattle as bait, making the soldiers who rescued him hostage. Zhang Xiaoqiang's hand made the other party throw a mouse whiskey.

Both sides began to remain silent, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not move, but several of his team members occupied all the rooms in the hallway, separated the people in the house, 13 armed police officers, more than 20 women were escorted out, the whole room apart from the wretched glass fragments, cement residue, lifted office seats, and three men killed by iron gates.

There are five corpses in the whole room, all men's, not to say whether they were really grabbed, it seems that Hu Jiajia followed Zhang Xiaoqiang, the men here died one piece, there is some potential for Conan.

In Zhang Xiaoqiang's wild thoughts, the walkie-talkie sent a call from Huang Quan:

“Brother Cockroach... our ship is back... and we have reinforcements..."